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Water Protection NSCI 280 Ecology A.Pritt Audra Williams

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Presentation on theme: "Water Protection NSCI 280 Ecology A.Pritt Audra Williams"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Protection NSCI 280 Ecology A.Pritt Audra Williams Bryant & Stratton 2/17/18

2 How can we better protect our water from companies who want our natural resources?
Main sources of pollutants are power plants which put pollutant's in the air, soil, water and spills on to the land In order to keep these power plant going they are burning coal and the ash from the coal is the main pollutant causing the areas around the plant to be at risk unsafe levels of living conditions. Better protecting our ground water Protecting our beaches.

3 What’s In The Air These pollutants that burn and land in our water, soil and the air we breath in are forms of chronic illnesses to come. These chemicals we take in can cause cancers, reproductive and growth disorders. Along with asthma to all ages Intake of contaminated water

4 What Are We Going To Do About It
In many areas that are affected they are all raising awareness on their own by creating petitions that they will then stand up in federal court to stop these power plants in their area. Walking for the water is raising awareness in both Canada and the U.S.A Reminding people the human race will not survive without water. Catching the public eye is key to raising awareness. We pray for our water, we pray to keep it safe for generations to come.


6 Ways To Protect Our Water
Properly disposing chemicals. Recycling used motor oil at specific centers. Limit the amount of fertilizer. Take short showers. Shut the water off when brushing teeth Try to run full loads of dishes and laundry. Check all leaky faucets. Keep a water storage in your fridge. Learn about water. Self Education is the best way to help all in your household and community.

7 Conserving water

8 Final Words What are we planning for the long term fresh water protection? As we approach a time in our life hear on earth our natural resources are becoming polluted to the point of our self-destruction. Our grandmothers of our tribes ask “what are you going to do about it” well what are we going to do as a country who is expanding to the point not having enough resources to take care of our nation. How can we work together to make these changes last for our future generations.

9 Resources:
victorias-waters/what-you-can-do-to-protect-our-water Climate Change,

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