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Welcome Back! HW: Module 34 & 35 Upcoming: Today 12/19: Forgetting

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! HW: Module 34 & 35 Upcoming: Today 12/19: Forgetting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! HW: Module 34 & 35 Upcoming: Today 12/19: Forgetting
Friday 12/21: Language Monday 01/7: Unit rev & FRQ work Wednesday 01/9: Memory Olympic Fri 01/11: U7 Exam

2 Forgetting Review/Wrap Up Encoding/Retrieval Failure Amnesia
False Memories Eye Witness Testimonies HW Mod 34 & 35 Identify problem- solving strategies as well as factors that influence their effectiveness Describe strategies for memory improvement

3 Strategies for Memory Improvement
Chunking Mnemonics Hierarchies ? Spacing Effect: Spread studying out over shorter burst over longer time rather than cram Testing Effect: Rather than re-reading notes. Quiz self with rev Qs, quizlet, flashcards

4 Spaced Practice (Distributed Practice)
Revisiting a topic several times over the course of several days or weeks will help strengthen recall. Herman Ebbinghaus - researched massed practice (cramming). Quicker acquisition leads to quicker forgetting. Longer and spaced practice leads to higher long term retention. Moral of the story: crammed all your modules in before a unit test? Good luck remembering that in May. Should have listened to me in September. Yep. Sad day.

5 Make Personally Meaningful
Your ability to apply terms and content to your own life attaches this new knowledge with pre existing knowledge or memories - increasing retrieval!

6 Processing Shallow processing - encoding that occurs on a basic level. How to say the word, what the letters are etc. Deep processing - actual semantic encoding. The meaning of the word.


8 Forgetting

9 Memory Failure Using the Model for Working Memory, guess how someone would forget something using the terms: Retrieval failure Encoding failure

10 Encoding Failure Storage Decay - Remembering less of the initial information after encoding.

11 Retrieval Failure Proactive Interference - Old information learned disrupts the learning of new information. Ex: FRQ’s are formatted different in AP Psych than in a previous AP course. Retroactive Interference - New information disrupts the retrieval of old information. Ex: You can’t remember how to do an AP Human Geography FRQ, but you can remember AP Psych.

12 Amnesia Anterograde Amnesia - Cannot form new memories 50 First Dates
Retrograde Amnesia - inability to retrieve one's memories Retrograde Amnesia

13 False Memories Misinformation effect - incorporate misleading information into one’s memory of an event. Source amnesia - thinking that an event we have heard about is something we have experienced. How to Implant a False Memory

14 Video

15 Eye Witness Testimonies
Brain Games - Eye Witness Testiomy How Reliable is Your Memory? - Elizabeth Loftus

16 Eye Witness Testimonies
Is there a case where an eyewitness testimony should count? What would you say to critics?

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