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Understanding the branding process

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1 Understanding the branding process
Chapter 2 Understanding the branding process

2 Objectives Understand the meaning of brands and explain their strategic significance for manufacturers, distributors and consumers Explore the characteristics of brands Discuss the eight ways managers can emphasize aspects of brands Recognize the issues which impede brand potential

3 The Concept of The Brand
Intangible benefit of goodwill Future income streams Process Input (company) Output (end purchaser / user) Co creation of value Definition: A brand is a cluster of functional and emotional values that enables organizations to make a promise about a unique and welcomed experience. de chernatony et al. (2010)

4 The Concept of The Brand
The Commercial value of brand

5 Characteristics of brands
Generic Commodity Meets the buyer’s or user’s basic needs E.g. car satisfying a transportation need. Easy to copy Expected Value engineered to satisfy a specific target’s minimum purchase conditions Augmented Added values satisfying non-functional (e.g. emotional) as well as functional need Potential Develop channel relationships

6 Brands as relationship builders
Focuses more on creating a pool of committed & profitable customers Creating mutually beneficial relationships Go beyond simple transactions Levels of relationships developed through Financial incentives Social/financial bonds Structural bonds

7 Branding as an output process
Branding is not something that is done to consumers Branding not solely an input process Branding is something consumers do things with Crucial to understand the output process Final evaluation of the brand is in the buyer’s or user’s mind Consumers are not just passive recipients of marketing activity Consume marketing activity Twist messages to reinforce prior expectations

8 Brand Typology Brand as a sign of ownership
‘own label’, ‘private label’ Shows who instigated the marketing Rather artificial distinction Brand as a functional device Emphasize a brand’s functional capability

9 Brand Typology Brand as a differentiating device
Differentiating similar offerings Distinctiveness of brand From the brand itself From the minds of those directly involved From the people involved with the brand user

10 Brand Typology Brand as a symbolic device
Enable consumers to communicate something about themselves (e.g. emotion, status, etc.). Help users express something about themselves to their peer groups Users take functional capabilities for granted . Social groups play pivotal role

11 Brand Typology Brand as a risk reducer
Attempt to reduce the risk of a purchase decision Whether the brand will work? Whether they will be wasting money? Whether their peer group will disagree with their choice? Whether they will feel comfortable with the purchase

12 Brand Typology Brand as a shorthand device
Brands used by consumers to recall from memory sufficient brand information to make a decision At the point of purchase consumers recall numerous attributes by interrogating memory

13 Brand Typology Brand as a legal device
Trademark registration as legal protection Consumers can become confused by similar-looking competing brands A 2004 survey found that up to 25 percent of consumers consider own-label products to be the same as branded products One in three grocery shoppers bought the wrong product because of its similar packaging (British Brand Group, 2009)

14 Brand Consumerization spectrum
Unbranded Brand as reference Brand as icon Brand as company Brand as policy Brand as personality Goodyear (1996)

15 The five forces influencing brand potential
Corporation Distributors Brand Macro-environment Competitors Consumers

16 Objectives Understand the meaning of brands and explain their strategic significance for manufacturers, distributors and consumers. Explore the characteristics of brands Discuss the eight ways managers can emphasize aspects of brands Recognize the issues which impede brand potential.

17 Talking Points ‘Branding concerns doing things with the consumer, end user etc., than to the end user.’ Why do you think this is? Why is it important? Apply the model outlining the five forces that influence brand potential to a brand of your choice. Do you think the five forces model that assesses brand performance omits any elements / forces? If so what are they and why should they be included?

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