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Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Health S A Singh

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Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Health S A Singh Cluster: Non-Communicable Diseases Branch: PHC 24 May 2017 Cape Town 1

2 Contents Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in South Africa:
4/6/2019 Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in South Africa: A health and developmental perspective Implementing The Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases 2013 – 2017: a Response to escalating disease Achievements Challenges Considerations post 2017 Opportunities Conclusion : Proposed New Policy Framework 2

3 Deaths by Cause BOD 2012 (MRC)
4/6/2019 3

4 Top 10 leading causes of death
BOD 2012 (MRC) 4/6/2019 Deaths related to NCDs accounted for 24.2% 4

5 Percentage of Deaths by Group Stats SA, 2015

6 Leading groups of Causes of Death – Stats SA, 2015

7 Top 10 Leading Causes of death 2014 vs 2015 (Stats SA, 2015)

8 Top 10 Leading Causes of Death by Sex – Stats SA, 2015

9 Premature mortality attributable to NCD’s in 30-70 year olds

10 Cancer Incidence 2006 vs 2012 Females 10

11 Cancer Incidence 2006 vs 2012 Males 11

12 Most common cancers in Children
Between 800 and 1,000 children are estimated to be diagnosed with cancer annually (SA Children’s Tumour Registry, NCR) Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (25.4% of all cancers) Brain tumours and leukaemia comprise almost half of childhood cancers in developed countries, brain tumours represent only 13.4% of the total cancers diagnosed in children in South Africa. This discrepancy may be explained by failure to consider or make the diagnosis, especially in smaller and rural hospitals. 12

13 Background 4/6/2019 Heading Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

14 NCDs and Key Co-Morbidities
Non-Communicable Diseases HIV/AIDS Cancer Cardiovascular Disease Stroke Sensory Impairment including Ear Conditions, Deafness & Hearing Loss, Blindness TB Diabetes Hearing Loss Respiratory Conditions TB Spine Maternal Health Hypertension Gestational Diabetes Maternal Nutrition FAS Women’s Health Breast & Cervical Cancer Child Health Diabetes TI Cancer CVDs Epilepsy Asthma

15 National Development Plan 2030 recognizes the growing threat of NCDs to Development
“South Africa’s health challenges are more than medical. Behaviour and lifestyle also contribute to ill-health. To become a healthy nation, South Africans need to make informed decisions about what they eat, whether or not they consume alcohol, and their sexual behaviour, among other factors”.


17 National Response based on “Best Buys”
Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases 4/6/2019 A National Response to Global call for Action (UN Political Declaration (2011): Implement Multi-sectoral responses incl private sector and civil society Reduce risk factors create health –promoting environments Strengthen national policies and health systems Increase research and development Strengthen Monitoring and Evaluation 4 Priority NCDs & 4 common Risk Behaviour National Response based on “Best Buys” 17



20 Vision and targets for reducing NCDs in South Africa.
A long and healthy life for all through prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. A comprehensive approach to combating NCDs Sub-strategy 1: Prevent NCDs and promote health and wellness at population, community and individual levels. Sub-strategy 2: Improve control of NCDs through health systems strengthening and reform. Sub-strategy 3: Monitor NCDs and their main risk factors and conduct innovative research.

21 Summit targets Reduce by at least 25% the relative premature mortality (under 60 years of age) from Non-communicable Diseases by 2020; Reduce by 20% tobacco use by 2020; Reduce by 20% the per capita consumption of alcohol by 2020; Reduce mean population intake of salt to <5 grams per day by 2020; Reduce by 10% the percentage of people who are obese and/or overweight by 2020; Increase the prevalence of physical activity (defined as 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, or equivalent) by 10%

22 Summit targets cont 7. Reduce the prevalence of people with raised blood pressure by 20% by 2020 (through lifestyle and medication); 8. Every women with sexually transmitted diseases to be screened for cervical cancer every 5 years, otherwise every women to have 3 screens in a lifetime. 9. Increase the percentage of people controlled for hypertension, diabetes and asthma by 30% by 2020 in sentinel sites; and 10. Increase the number of people screened and treated for mental disorders by 30% by 2030.

23 Key Achievements linked to the Strategy (1)
Policies/ Models of Care: Scale up of the Integrated Clinical Services Management Model through the Ideal Clinic programme Roll out of training – July 2017 NCD strengthening in Primary Care : Adult Development of Health promotion Tool for Primary Care: Adult NCD Integration in Adherence Guideline and Loss to Follow Up Plan Training of PHC nurses on Diabetes Guideline Approved Strategic Framework on Disability and Rehabilitation Approval of National Policy Framework and Strategy on Palliative Care svcb 23

24 Key Achievements linked to the Strategy (2)
Regulation on the Compulsory Registration on Cancer strongly supported updating the National Cancer Register since 1999 Cervical cancer screening coverage is moving toward meeting target: 2016/ and the target is 63 Policies on Breast and Cervical Cancer approved by the NHC 9 Year old girls receiving HPV vaccine to date – approx 1 million, considered best practice globally Regulation on the Reduction of Sodium Content in certain foods Dates on which Sodium reduction becomes effective 2016 and 2019 Engagement on proposed: establishing taxation on SSB Establishment of the National Health Commission 24

25 Key Achievements linked to the Strategy (3)
The Tobacco Products Control Act Currently being amended to align with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHOFCTC) The proposed amendments are completed. The draft Tobacco Bill is to be presented to the National Health Council Technical Committee on 8 Jun,  for onward approval of the NHC and the parliamentary process  will follow. 25

26 Key Achievements linked to the Strategy (4)
Inter government policy on Harmful use of alcohol The lead department regulation of alcohol Department of Trade and Industry. DTI coordinates the inter government policy regarding alcohol production, trade, and use.  In this regard, DTI produced a Liquor policy that was approved by Cabinet. liquor Act being reviewed to implement the policy changes. The DTI is in the process of finalizing the Liquor Amendment Bill. Among other things, the bill deals with reducing access, curbing alcohol advertising and marketing, legal age for purchasing alcohol etc. 26

27 Challenges 4/6/2019 Measurement of achievement was compromised due to lack of initial baselines Limited access to data collection tools, poor quality of data, compromised access to collecting parameters eg “controlled hypertension” Demand for data at all levels varied Poor data resulting in exclusion from key programmes eg CCMDD Extent of priority allocated to implementation varied Reported access to limited resources, stock outs Extent of coordination of Prevention and Control varied Extent of Buy in from relevant stakeholders varied Reported poor “integration “ with Programmes 27

28 Process to develop new strategy commenced: what have we learnt?
Post 4/6/2019 Note achievements of linked policies and strategies Obtain estimates or actual data : new source of data Overcome impact of not having baseline data for effective management Continuum of care, life course integrated approach Focus on Prevention but don’t forget: Adults and Children with diagnosed conditions NB: Consult relevant programmes and stakeholders right from outset of planning in particular civil society, Strive toward ; All of Government; All of Society Commitment Process to develop new strategy commenced: what have we learnt? 28

29 Opportunity: Sustainable Development Goals
3.4 By 2030 reduce by one-third pre-mature mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through prevention and treatment , and promote mental health and well being. Reduce Modifiable RF Health Systems Access: technologies vaccines, medicines Improve Surveillance

30 Conclusion: Proposed New Policy Framework
Overarching Policy Framework on Prevention and Control of NCDs: to be read together with relevant Strategies and Implementation Plans Urgent: Plan on Management and Control of NCDs Proposed approval by March 2018 Planning involve all stakeholders from the outset Person centered; cannot ignore social determinants of health Health system strengthening including NCD Surveillance critical Balance between Prevention and Management and Control Optimise existing opportunities for implementation ;Ideal Clinic. Promote “multi-sectoral” engagement, Common understanding to establish, strengthen and sustain “Multi-Sectoral” policies 30

31 Cluster: Non-Communicable Diseases
Thank you 4/6/2019 Sandhya A Singh Director: Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases, Disability, Geriatrics, Eye Health, Palliative Care Cluster: Non-Communicable Diseases Branch: PHC Tel (w) Cell: 31

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