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The Most Frequently Asked Questions

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1 The Most Frequently Asked Questions
Creating Safe Sanctuaries

2 Whoever welcomes [a] child ... welcomes me.
Matthew 18:5 Children are our present and our future, our hope, our  teachers, our inspiration. They are full participants in the life of the church and in the realm of God. God calls us to make our churches safe places, protecting children and other vulnerable persons from abuse. God calls us to create communities of faith where children and adults grow safe and strong. Safe Sanctuaries is our response to this church wide challenge.  Our Mandate

3 Does my church need to create its own safe sanctuaries policy?
Every congregation in the North Georgia Conference is required to have a policy. The ministry of each of our over 800 churches is unique. One policy does not fit all. See to create your church’s policy. Does my church need to create its own safe sanctuaries policy?

4 What steps should we take to implement a safe sanctuaries policy?
Go to the conference website for resources to get you started. sanctuaries Call the Center for Congregational Excellence ask for Debby Fox Sample policies and resources available on line What steps should we take to implement a safe sanctuaries policy?

5 What if my church doesn’t have any children?
A Safe Sanctuaries policy provides for the protection of children, youth and vulnerable adults. Definitions: Children – Those infant through 5th grade (approx. 11 years old.) Youth – those 6th grade through 12th grade (ages 12 – 18) Vulnerable adults – Those over 18 with a diminished capacity for making reasonable and safe decisions on their own welfare OR those over age 65 with diminished capacity for appropriate self care. Every church has people in our ministries who require our care! This widens the necessity for all congregations to comply. What if my church doesn’t have any children?

6 What is PeopleFActs Powered by Trak – 1?
PeopleFacts Powered by Trak-1 is a national company that provides online training for Safe Sanctuaries and background checks for volunteers.  Local congregations can register with PeopleFacts Powered byTrak-1 (at no cost to the church), receive an ID number, and offer access to the Safe Sanctuaries training to their volunteers. Should a volunteer need a background check, there will be instructions. Once this is successfully completed, the congregation's Safe Sanctuary administrator will receive word. All records will be housed with PeopleFacts Powered byTrak-1 and they will send reminders when re-checks are to be done. The online training available has been created to fill the unique information pertinent to Georgia law and has been provided by Joy Melton, author of all the Safe Sanctuaries resources. More information available at What is PeopleFActs Powered by Trak – 1?

7 How often should volunteers be trained and background checked?
Volunteers and staff should be trained every year on the congregation’s policy. Volunteers should complete training and have a background check before they begin serving in a ministry with children, youth, and /or vulnerable adults. It is recommended that every 2/3 years, all volunteers do the general Safe Sanctuaries training and have their background check redone. PeopleFacts Powered by Trak – 1 can make this easy for you! How often should volunteers be trained and background checked?

8 Do you have suggestions for check-in and check-out procedures?
Procedures for checking children into the nursery, Sunday School, children’s ministry programs and activities, Vacation Bible School, choir and other ministry opportunities help parents feel comfortable. Procedures provide emergency contact information, and help locate parents on our church campuses. Procedures can be simple – a clipboard and sign-in, sign-out sheet. Procedures can be more complex with computer or fingerprint systems. Whatever you choose, be sure to use it every time children are in your care! Do you have suggestions for check-in and check-out procedures?

9 Under the mandatory July, 2016 reporting provisions of GA law(see  volunteers and staff are required to report any information they have regarding suspected child abuse immediately upon receipt of such information.  Such report may be given to the ministry supervisor, who may be a volunteer, staff or clergy.  The ministry supervisor will make the call reporting the suspected abuse to the state authorities. A report is required within twenty-four hours of receipt of the information.  Ministry supervisors themselves are also mandated reporters. A church volunteer/staff person is morally, ethically, and legally required to tell the supervisor immediately, but they may rely upon the ministry supervisor to make the report.  Local church Safe Sanctuaries policies should have clear reporting procedures that conform to state reporting law while protecting the safety of those entrusted to our care, ministering to victim and accused, and speaking to the media. We heard there is a mandatory reporting law for volunteers. Will you explain that?

10 What if a registered sex offender starts to attend our church?
Georgia law registration requirements is dependent on the date of the offense. Read this article. registration-laws Additional requirements for attending a church vary from county to county. KNOW YOUR COUNTY’S REGULATIONS. A “shepherd” who remains with the offender when at the church is most often required as is a written agreement with the offender that he/she will follow the probation requirements and not volunteer in any capacity with children and youth. Find a sample church covenant here. files/safesanctuaries/SafeSanctuaries_SAMPLE_IntegrationOfReg isteredSexOffenders2_0217rev.pdf If an offender refuses to agree to the conditions and he/she is found to be at church then probation/parole can be revoked. If a church knows an offender is attending and is not taking these precautions, the church is open to liability in the event an incident is perpetrated by the offender while at the church. What if a registered sex offender starts to attend our church?

11 How often should we evaluate our Safe Sanctuaries policy?
Your congregation’s Safe Sanctuaries policy should be reviewed and updated EVERY year. When the update is complete, the policy should be submitted to the Church Council for its readoption. All volunteers and staff MUST be trained every year on your church’s policy. Some districts require a current policy be on file in the District Office and a signed form of compliance submitted with annual Charge Conference documents. Call your District Office to see if your policy is current and on file. How often should we evaluate our Safe Sanctuaries policy?

12 Does the conference certify that we are a Safe Sanctuaries church?
The conference does NOT certify churches. Every church is required to have a current policy that complies with the General Conference mandate. Every church is required to follow their policy and train their staff and volunteers to do so. Questions about this? Contact Debby Fox Does the conference certify that we are a Safe Sanctuaries church?

13 Where do we go for more help or information?
The NGUMC website Center for Congregational Excellence See the video for more complete information at Where do we go for more help or information?

14 Thank you for creating safe spaces for children, youth, and vulnerable adults to grow in their faith!

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