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Continental Shelf: the area from the shore line to the continental slope Continental Slope: the area of the ocean floor from the end of the shelf to the.

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Presentation on theme: "Continental Shelf: the area from the shore line to the continental slope Continental Slope: the area of the ocean floor from the end of the shelf to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continental Shelf: the area from the shore line to the continental slope
Continental Slope: the area of the ocean floor from the end of the shelf to the rise Continental rise: the area of the ocean floor where continental crust meets the oceanic crust Abyssal Plain: The flat portion of the ocean floor that extends from the rise to the midocean ridge

2 Mid-ocean ridge: the longest mountain chain in the world where the oceanic crust is moving apart and new crust is being developed

3 Continental Shelf: The light colored area where the water is shallow
Continental Shelf: The light colored area where the water is shallow. It is an extension of the continents. Abyssal Plain: The deep, flat parts of the ocean. The darker blue areas show the extent of the abyssal plain.

4 Mid-Ocean Ridge: The area place in the ocean where the oceanic plates are separating. Ridge Valley: the middle of the ridge where the magma from the earth is coming to the surface and becoming lava. The oceanic plates are rifting apart.

5 Subduction zone: where a denser oceanic plate is subducted below another less dense oceanic plate.
Trench: The exact spot where the oceanic plate is being subducted beneath another plate. Volcanic Islands: Formed from the magma rising due to the sinking plate melting in earth’s interior

6 Volcanic Island: Formed when the oceanic plate moves over a plume of magma. As the plate moves, the volcanic islands form or move too far away to have volcanic activity. Sea mounts: Formed when volcanic islands become inactive and weather and erode so they are below the ocean’s surface.

7 Deep Ocean Trench:

8 Seamount: a volcanic mountain on the ocean floor that does not rise above sea level
Volcanic Island: a volcanic mountain that began from the ocean floor and rises above sea level

9 Seamount: a volcanic mountain on the ocean floor that does not rise above sea level
Volcanic Island: a volcanic mountain that began from the ocean floor and rises above sea level

10 Ocean Trench: form where one oceanic plate is pushed beneath a continental plate or another oceanic plate. Subduction Zone: the place where one more dense tectonic plate moves beneath another less dense tectonic plate

11 Ocean Trench: form where one oceanic plate is pushed beneath a continental plate or another oceanic plate. Subduction Zone: the place where one more dense tectonic plate moves beneath another less dense tectonic plate

12 Rift valley/zone: a long, narrow valley that forms as tectonic plates separate.
Mid ocean ridge: a long under-sea mountain chain that forms along the floor of the major oceans.

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