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Welcome to Year 1 Aspley State School 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 1 Aspley State School 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 1 Aspley State School 2018

2 Mrs Sally Boorer-Williams Mrs Laura Neill Ms Naomi Harvey
Year One Teachers Miss Kate Turner Mrs Sally Boorer-Williams Mrs Laura Neill Ms Naomi Harvey Mrs Kelly McKinnon

3 Approach to learning Year 1 Maths, English, HASS Australian Curriculum Units Specialist subjects (Music, PE, Library, Science) Differentiation – guided reading, ability and mixed ability groupings, extension activities, BOOST program Support for additional learning needs – ARC (Aspley Reading Club), Support-A-Reader, Student Support Services (whole school approach to support students), Reading Rockets (buddy class) Digital learning – Computers, iPads

4 Special Events 2018 TERM 1 Perceptual Motor Program (during HPE time) – HPE Swimming TERM 2 Caboolture Historical Village Excursion - 22nd June - HASS Under 8’s Day - TBC TERM 3 ‘It’s not a load of rubbish’ Incursion – 11th September – HASS/Science TERM 4 Evergreen Children’s Theatre Incursion – 11th October – English/HASS Footsteps

5 Daily Routines EVERY DAY COUNTS!
Children do not enter classroom before 8:30 a.m. All parents and students are to wait by the hall before 8:30am. Please do not enter the classroom if the teacher is not present. Students must be punctual and arrive by the first bell – if they arrive late, they may miss out on important first instructions/teaching EVERY DAY COUNTS! Encourage your child to become independent by: Entering the classroom independently Unpacking bags Putting any homework in appropriate boxes Preparing for the day eg. sitting at desk, pencil sharpened etc. Being self managed until it is time to begin work

6 The Daily Buzz Oral Language Program
Develops speaking and listening skills Please assist your child in ensuring that they are prepared for their task each week Note and roster coming home next week to begin in week 5

7 Homework Homework bags need to come to school every day!
Library bags need to come to school every library day! Homework goes home Monday, back Friday Homework consists of: Home reading each night Weekly spelling and homework sheet Sight words (if applicable) Please remember: home reading

8 Homework cont. Tips: Make homework relaxed and something your child looks forward to. Simple books offer success, confidence and sheer enjoyment. Read a book more than once to improve fluency and understanding Better to do one book properly, developing vocabulary and comprehension than rush through many books - it is not a race. Ask your child questions about word meanings, characters, plot etc. Children need to be able to read and spell high frequency words High frequency/sight words are said by heart – not sounded out. Children need to learn basic number facts by heart – rainbow facts, doubles, basic number facts to 20. Skip counting in 2s, 5s, 10s

9 Sunshine Classics Additional resource for reading (optional)
$10 per year Teacher loads books onto student’s account Levelled readers Students can record reading (microphone)

10 Online Resources Mathletics/Spellodrome (same password) IXL – Maths and Literacy Literacy Planet Sunshine Online used at school or home

11 Break times First break: 10:30 – 11:15am Second break: 1:15 – 2:00pm
Children have 15 minutes to eat in the sail area and 30 minutes of play each break. Some children may move to the shed near the tennis courts to finish eating. We encourage children to eat most of their lunch at first break. Healthy food choices are strongly encouraged. Please be aware that some children in our cohort have severe allergies and we would appreciate consideration of other students’ needs. Please send in food that is in easy packaging, so that your child can open it on their own. Tuckshop orders done online – we discourage Year 1 students bringing money to school

12 Making Contact School phone number - 3863 9111
- addresses can be found on the Aspley State School Website Telephone- It is difficult to take calls during the school day, but we will return calls as soon as possible. Sign in or out - Please take child to office if arriving late or leaving early. Absences - It is a legal requirement that you MUST contact the school for any absences – contact the office

13 Parent Teacher Communication
PLEASE inform the school of any change of information on the school data base e.g change of address or contact numbers. Weekly newsletter School Calendar - website Reports are issued twice a year at the end of each semester. Parent-Teacher meetings will be held end of Term 1 (TBA) and end of Term 3 (TBA). These are booked online. Information about this will be sent home before the booking time begins. Contacting your teacher:- You can make an appointment to see us at a mutually convenient time. The best way to do so is via .

14 Parent involvement We value the teacher/parent relationship. You can be involved in your child’s school life in the following ways: Class helpers - sight words, reading groups Excursion Perceptual Motor Program helpers Classroom assistance advised by teacher Art resources eg. Scrap material, beads, play dough If you would like to assist in year 1 this year, please forward your name with available days/times to the class teacher before you leave tonight! Volunteers needed!

15 We look forward to working with you and your child this year.
Thank You... for taking the time to attend this evening We look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!

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