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Choosing The BEST! Cooper City High School

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Presentation on theme: "Choosing The BEST! Cooper City High School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Choosing The BEST! Cooper City High School
End of the evening: Room 206 Q&A about Course Selection, Graduation Requirements and Course Progression and Overrides and Underrides Home of the Cowboys 1

2 Wendy Doll, Principal Welcome

WHAT IF … I want to go to a 2-year college after high school I want to go to a 4-year college after high school I want to earn scholarship money (Bright Futures) I want to go to the military after high school I want to go to work after high school CHOOSE THE MOST RIGOROUS COURSES TO ENSURE YOUR CHILD’S SUCCESS

4 2023 BEGINS August 2019 English (4) (must pass Florida State Assessment – FSA) Math (4) including Algebra I (must PASS Algebra EOC)and Geometry (Geometry EOC) Social Studies (3) including U.S. History EOC Science (3) including Biology (Biology EOC) and Chemistry or Physics or an equally rigorous course HOPE, 2 consecutive years of ROTC, 2 full seasons of JV or Varsity Sports, Band and ½ credit Personal Fitness (online) Performing Fine Arts - Debate, Art, Music, specified vocational courses or 2 consecutive years of ROTC Electives (8) 2.0 GPA 40 Community Service Hours (after completing 8th grade) Successful completion of an online course Know the graduation requirements and how you’re doing to meet them. There are SOOOO many options. We offer hundreds of courses in academic and elective areas Advanced Placement English, Math, Social Studies, Science, and PE Visual and Performing Arts Drafting and Engineering Technology Business and Finance Debate, Journalism, TV Production and Web and Digital Design NJROTC: Our Newest Addition to the CCHS elective programs Epep – Creating a 4-year plan 4

5 Online Requirement A ½ or 1 credit course must be completed
Example 1: Social Media is a ½ credit course. If the student takes this course, the online requirement is fulfilled. Example 2: HOPE is a 1 credit course. If the student chooses this course, both semesters must be completed for the online requirement to be fulfilled.

6 Options to satisfy HOPE credit
HOPE 1 credit class 2 years of NJROTC 1 credit of Band and ½ credit of Personal Fitness online 2 full seasons of JV or Varsity sports no HOPE credit required for 18 credit diploma

7 Online Course Registration
Go to Select a course: Social Media, Peer Counseling, Parenting Skills, Psychology Choose a date to start Select Broward Virtual as the provider Complete the registration process Be sure to write down your login and password Let Mrs. Chartrand know to approve the course before school ends Complete the course over the summer Change your school after August 1, 2019 to Cooper City HS

8 Community Service Begin when you finish 8th grade
40 hours required for graduation 100 hours for Bright Futures Scholarship 250 hours for the silver cord Forms available at under the Guidance link (Permission and log forms) Hand in before or after school to Mrs. Siwek in Guidance


10 REGISTRATION: THE Critical Step
Choose the right classes and take courses that challenge your abilities. Select elective courses that relate to what you want to do after high school or that you are interested in exploring.. Parents should fill out the course registration with his/her son/daughter and both must sign the form. Return form to your Social Studies teacher by Tuesday, February 5th. Sit with a CCHS counselor to discuss your selections.

11 4 X 4 AB Block 4 classes “A” Day and 4 classes “B” Day
Every class is 90 minutes. 7 minutes between each class period. Lunch is 35 minutes. 7 classes and 1 Personalization class from August – June. Interims are issued at 4 1/2 weeks; final grades at 9 weeks and credits are earned every 18 weeks. GPA calculated in January and June. No matter what the plan …. Create options Make choices YOUR choices Decide NOW that high school is where you begin your future! 11

12 Personalization Students have one personalization class every other day Students should: Get extra help from teachers Be prepared and organized with homework and all materials Check grades and missing assignments Stay on track with all courses Use their time wisely Make up tests Utilize Naviance and Khan Academy

13 Sample Student Schedule

14 Sample Monthly Calendar

15 2023 BEGINS August 2019 Enrollment Criteria: It’s all about skills !
Current Courses Achievement Data (homework completion and grades) Test Data Teacher/Counselor Recommendations Consider choices carefully An average grade in a tougher class … more meaningful sometimes than a higher grade in an easy class. 15

THE COURSE SELECTION SHEET English (Course 1) English I English I for ELL English I Honors AICE General Paper AS (counts as an English credit, 2 quality points) Mathematics (Course 2) Liberal Arts Math (pre-Algebra 1) Algebra I Algebra I Honors Geometry Geometry Honors Algebra II Honors

Science (Course 3) Environmental Science Environmental Science Honors Biology I Honors Biology I Honors (Gifted) Biology II Honors Chemistry Honors (pre-req Alg I Honors, Geometry Honors, Biology I Honors) Social Studies (Course 4) World Geography World Geography Honors AP Human Geography HOPE

Earn Industry Certification when you complete one of our Technical Programs: Business Management and Analysis (DECA) Academy of Fashion Marketing (DECA) Hospitality and Tourism Drafting/Illustrative Design Technology Digital Media-TV Production STEM Computer Science/Robotics/Coding Early Childhood Development Peer Counseling Film Make the best use of your writing skills: Journalism

Build your language skills: French Spanish Become a naval cadet: NJROTC Test your fine arts skills: Debate Band Theater Chorus Art

20 KEEPING OPTIONS OPEN Planning for Rigor: Keep all academic doors open!
Planning for College: Choose, don’t settle! Planning for Your Future: Give high school your BEST to become your BEST

21 From a College Perspective …. What You Do NOW for LATER!
Find a Balance: Get involved in Athletics, Clubs, Community, and Co- Curricular activities Build a Strong Academic Record: Register for the most challenging classes that are consistent with your abilities and your work ethic Let Your Records Speak FOR You: Sometimes your GPA and your test scores are the ONLY information a college admissions officer will consider

22 College & Career 101 Tuesday, February 12 at 6:00PM at Cooper City High School College Fair – 70 colleges, universities and technical schools, career exploration Attend Information Sessions –Dual Enrollment and Early Admission, Testing (PSAT, SAT, & ACT), and more Is this happening?

23 ESE English, Math, SS, Science Language
Meet in the auditorium for general information at 6:15 pm. Please download a QR reader on your phone. Scan the QR codes on this map to watch the elective course videos for important information about each course. Choose 3 electives classrooms to visit following the time schedule below. Session 1 7:05-7:20 pm _____________ Session 2 7:25-7:40 pm _____________ Session 3 7:45-8:00 pm _____________ Debate Digital Media/TV Finance Drafting Fashion ESE Art English, Math, SS, Science Language SVE Acting Robotics Coding/CS NJROTC

24 COOPER CITY HIGH SCHOOL www. browardschools1

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