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Global Search The World Beyond Google

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1 Global Search The World Beyond Google
Aoife McIlraith Director of Global Search Lionbridge, Ireland

2 ‘Search’ SEO Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Organic
SEM Search Engine Marketing Pay Per Click (PPC) Paid Search 1. 2. For this session we will concentrate on SEO – Organic search

3 Search & Content Discoverability
Global search and content discoverability is a critical business function; ensuring that your brand and content can be found online in local markets - goes beyond great localization  Content Discoverability How and where local users find your brand, localized content and on what device type Search behavior and Intent Understanding local user search behaviors and intent and ensuring the correct content is surfaced to that search query Localized keyword research Organic Search & Paid Dominant Local Search Engines Internal Search Curation and optimization of the content on your web site Triggers for reviewing Global Search: primarily organic Entering New Markets Global Brand Consistency Lead Generation Don’t want to pay to find new customer every time Change in Strategy Change in Budget Moving budget from PPC to organic search Global Reach Locally Relevant Content Marketing Barrier to entry: Lack of Subject matter expertise and Resources

4 Global Search Landscape
Russia 1. 2. 3. Europe 1. 2. 3. North America 1. 2. 3. China 1. 2. 3. (Qihoo 360 Japan 1. 2. 3. South Korea 1. 2. 3. South America 1. 2. 3. Africa 1. 2. 3. Oceania 1. 2. 3. Triggers for reviewing Global Search: primarily organic Entering New Markets Global Brand Consistency Lead Generation Don’t want to pay to find new customer every time Change in Strategy Change in Budget Moving budget from PPC to organic search Global Reach Locally Relevant Content Marketing Barrier to entry: Lack of Subject matter expertise and Resources

5 Structure of a SERP Listing Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
Meta ‘Description’ Meta ‘Title’ URL Triggers for reviewing Global Search: primarily organic Entering New Markets Global Brand Consistency Lead Generation Don’t want to pay to find new customer every time Change in Strategy Change in Budget Moving budget from PPC to organic search Global Reach Locally Relevant Content Marketing Barrier to entry: Lack of Subject matter expertise and Resources

6 Global: Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
Organic Ads Triggers for reviewing Global Search: primarily organic Entering New Markets Global Brand Consistency Lead Generation Don’t want to pay to find new customer every time Change in Strategy Change in Budget Moving budget from PPC to organic search Global Reach Locally Relevant Content Marketing Barrier to entry: Lack of Subject matter expertise and Resources

7 Japan: Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
Organic Ads Triggers for reviewing Global Search: primarily organic Entering New Markets Global Brand Consistency Lead Generation Don’t want to pay to find new customer every time Change in Strategy Change in Budget Moving budget from PPC to organic search Global Reach Locally Relevant Content Marketing Barrier to entry: Lack of Subject matter expertise and Resources

8 South Korea: Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
Triggers for reviewing Global Search: primarily organic Entering New Markets Global Brand Consistency Lead Generation Don’t want to pay to find new customer every time Change in Strategy Change in Budget Moving budget from PPC to organic search Global Reach Locally Relevant Content Marketing Barrier to entry: Lack of Subject matter expertise and Resources

9 Russia: Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
Triggers for reviewing Global Search: primarily organic Entering New Markets Global Brand Consistency Lead Generation Don’t want to pay to find new customer every time Change in Strategy Change in Budget Moving budget from PPC to organic search Global Reach Locally Relevant Content Marketing Barrier to entry: Lack of Subject matter expertise and Resources

10 China: Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
Triggers for reviewing Global Search: primarily organic Entering New Markets Global Brand Consistency Lead Generation Don’t want to pay to find new customer every time Change in Strategy Change in Budget Moving budget from PPC to organic search Global Reach Locally Relevant Content Marketing Barrier to entry: Lack of Subject matter expertise and Resources

11 China: Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
‘Home Page Take Over’ Brand Zone campaigns offer complete ownership of Branded terms (trademarked) Stops competitors using and buying your branded keywords Brand Zone can contain multiple marketing and promotional material. Including: Logos Latest News QR codes Product promotions Videos Social media links Downloads and links to apps Triggers for reviewing Global Search: primarily organic Entering New Markets Global Brand Consistency Lead Generation Don’t want to pay to find new customer every time Change in Strategy Change in Budget Moving budget from PPC to organic search Global Reach Locally Relevant Content Marketing Barrier to entry: Lack of Subject matter expertise and Resources

12 Global to Local Search Strategy
Search Methodologies can differ per Search Engine Search ‘Methodologies Define a Strategy by market and by search engine Strategy Search optimization should be prioritized with a defined strategic processes per market and executed as part of SEO localization process Processes Use a Data driven approach to define which pages you want to optimize. Look at data on a per market bases. 80/20 principle Not all Pages are Created Equal Monitor, Measure and Report: Iterate | Monthly / Quarterly Reporting Methodologies: examples meta data character limits and use of Meta Keywords Not all pages are created equal: strategic decisions to meet business goals Search data and trends for customer and user engagement insights, “gap analysis” and competitor activity Content Creation: engagement of users by creating and providing the content that they want Great quality Content Data Sources Web Analytics: Web Master Tools: (Free) Google / Baidu / Yandex Enterprise level tools: Omniture (Paid) Search Monitoring and Reporting: SEO Moz (Free ) BrightEdge (Paid) SearchMetrics Linkdex Social Media Data SM Listening per market Brand : A brand is not what you say it is, it is what you customers say it is’ . What are they saying? Do you know? Do you have great locally relevant content to engage customers?

13 Search is Always Changing : It is never ‘done’
Search Engines are constantly updating their algorithms Google puts out up to 500 updates a year Resulting in the need to have a resources of suppliers that truly understands the market and search engines. They must be able to provide consultancy and ensure that your content is continuously, correctly optimized for that specific search engine

14 Search is Always Changing. It is never ‘done’
What’s next? mobile friendly = available + legible + usable don’t disallow resources make users happy! 21st April = Mobile First Global Roll Out

15 Final Take Away Understand Local Search Engines Do your Research
Understand Local User Search Intent Define a Search Strategy per Market Optimize for Dominant Local Search Engine and relevant Methodologies Monitor, Analysis, Report, Iterate Innovate Leverage all data points available

16 谢谢 Some Reference Sites: SEO Tools: Search Information Sites
SEO Tools: 谢谢


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