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Chapter 13 Minerals Courtesy of Tiffy75 at SlideShare.

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1 Chapter 13 Minerals Courtesy of Tiffy75 at SlideShare

2 What Is A Mineral? A mineral is a naturally formed, inorganic solid with a crystalline structure. Is It A Mineral? It might be, if you can answer yes to the following questions: Is it a solid? Is it formed in nature? Is it nonliving material? Does it have a crystalline structure?

3 Is It A Solid? Minerals can’t be gases or liquids! No Air & No Water

4 Is It Formed In Nature? Crystalline materials made by people aren’t classified as minerals. No Man Made Gemstones & No Tires

5 Is It Nonliving Material?
A mineral is inorganic, meaning it isn’t made of living things. No Teeth & No Bones

6 Does It Have A Crystalline Structure?
Minerals are crystals, which have a repeating inner structure that is often reflected in the shape of the crystal. Minerals generally have the same chemical composition throughout.

7 Does It Have A Crystalline Structure?
Let’s break it down: Minerals are made up of Elements Elements are pure substances that can’t be broken down into simpler substances Atoms are the smallest part of an element Mineral Element Atom

8 Does It Have A Crystalline Structure?
More than one type of atom stuck together is a compound Most minerals are made up of compounds of different atoms Sodium + Chlorine Halite

9 Does It Have A Crystalline Structure?
When atoms are held in a set structure it is called a crystal (or a crystalline structure) 9

10 Two Types of Minerals Minerals that contain Silicon and Oxygen
Silicate NonSilicate Minerals that contain Silicon and Oxygen 90% of Earth’s crust is made up of Silicate Minerals Examples: Feldspar, Biotite Mica & Quartz Minerals that do not contain Silicon & Oxygen Examples: Native copper, Gold, Diamond, Calcite, Fluorite and Galena.

11 Identifying Minerals Now that you know your sample is a mineral… we need to learn how to identify what mineral it is Properties to ID Minerals Color Luster Streak Cleaving & Fracture Hardness Density Special Properties

12 Identifying Minerals: Color
Not a good indicator for ID Example: Pyrite (Fool’s Gold) has a golden color normally – but when exposed to weather for a long time it turns black

13 Identifying Minerals: Luster
Luster is the way a surface reflects light Example: Dull or Shiny Types of Luster: Metallic ( Shines like metal) Submetallic (Metallic but dull) Nonmetallic (glassy, silky, Pearly, earthy, waxy) Add picture from p. 64 13

14 Identifying Minerals: Streak
Streak is the color of a mineral’s powdered form More reliable than Color because weathering doesn’t change the Streak Color

15 Identifying Minerals: Cleaving & Fracture
Minerals break in certain ways depending on how the atoms are arranged Cleaving: When minerals break along flat surfaces Ex. Diamonds and Rubies Fracture: When minerals break unevenly or irregularly Ex. Quartz

16 Identifying Minerals: Hardness
Hardness refers to a mineral’s resistance to being scratched Example: Diamond is the hardest mineral, Talc is the softest mineral. Moh’s Hardness Scale: Scale 1 – 10 (1 softest, 10 hardest)

17 Identifying Minerals: Density
Density is how much matter there is in a given amount of space (Mass/Volume-- unit-grams/cubic centimeter )1mL=1cm3) Density of Water: 1 g/cm3 Specific Gravity =Object’s Density/Density of Water The specific gravity of an unknown mineral can tell you its identity

18 Identifying Minerals: Special Properties
Some minerals have unique properties: Taste (ex. Halite) Fluorescence (ex. Calcite & Fluorite) Chemical Reaction (ex. Calcite) Optical Properties (ex. Calcite) Radioactivity (ex. Radium & Uranium can be detected in a mineral) Magnetism (ex. Magnetite & Pyrrhotite)

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