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Welcome to Sit in Your Child’s Seat Thank you for coming today

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Sit in Your Child’s Seat Thank you for coming today"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Sit in Your Child’s Seat Thank you for coming today
Reception Spring 2019

2 Our day… Starting the morning
Independence Self registration, book bag in their tray, water bottle by the sink, coat on their peg (with spare clothes), choose an activity. Perhaps say goodbye first? (every child is different, do what works best) Parent board by the door – Wow moments, News, Talk to me Register 9am 30 mins - Read, Write, Inc Assembly – collective worship Daily Mile (trainers allowed)

3 Our day… Read, Write, Inc Small group learning, specific for your child’s next steps Single-letter sounds first – see pronunciation sheet and alphabet strip When ready: sounds written as two letters e.g. th in thumb, ay in crayon. Includes reading and writing the sounds – with leader strokes Focus on blending to make a word – see our Fred frog display! Nonsense words e.g. tas – makes them use their phonics When ready, ‘ditty’ books and spellings to practise writing at home please. Otherwise, focus on reading and writing the single letters. Working at greater depth – red words (grotty words / tricky words) that can’t be decoded e.g. she, you

4 Our day… Whole class ‘input’
Different focus each morning / afternoon: English (daily): animal facts, descriptive language, retelling a story, drawing a story map Maths (daily): naming shapes, ordering and counting – noticing patterns, number bonds (links to Maths Club tasks – please keep practising at home). Greater depth challenges - recall facts instantly, count backwards etc. PE – Monday outdoor games, Tuesday yoga and dance. Develop movement and listening skills. Please remember PE kit! PSHE, RE, wider areas e.g. technology, early science, art, music

5 Our day… Make a plan and get busy
Our day… Make a plan and get busy! Continuous Provision (morning and afternoon) “I’m going to build a jet pack in the junk modelling” – creativity, fine motor, problem solving “I’ll dress up as a Princess and sing” – musical expression, imagination, confidence “I want to make baby food” – recipe reading/writing, fine motor play dough, social skills “I’ll help the animals in the Vets” – writing the animal’s name, imaginative play “I’ll play in the snow dough” – fine motor, exploration, sharing “I’m going to choose a colouring sheet” – maths practise, fine motor, independence “I want to dig for treasure” – team work, gross motor, imagination, maps

6 Continuous Provision meets our learning needs
Indoors and out – Wellies, coats Group work (writing, maths, art etc.). Readers – please remember book bags 17 areas of learning - learning journeys. Cover to be at age related expectation or exceeding. Prime areas of learning Personal, Social and Emotional Communication and language Physical Development Specific areas: Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design Characteristics of effective learning - Mr Men and Little Miss charts playing and exploring active learning creating and thinking critically

7 Our day… End of the day Show and tell – currently a set day every week. Please mix it up! Photo, leaf, diary, leaflet Sorry if we run out of time! Term 4 trial: show and tell the day after being star of the day – note home. Story, discuss understanding Slippery steps – I will watch the children from the bend in the steps, then see them all out to you – please bear with me Always happy to talk about any news or questions!

8 Homework RWI spellings when ready - given out on a Friday and tested on the following Friday Reading books will be changed once a week. 2 books – supplement with other reading at home (library, websites). Read at least 3 times a week – makes a huge difference. Maths Club – building number confidence (introduced in preparation for future Year 4 times table test) Optional half term projects Counting, play dough, recipes, shops, down time, explore their interests!

9 Safe use of technology Upcoming events Parents’ Evenings Chicks!
Trip to the Zoo Parent/carer volunteers Lost Property – please check. Names really help! Hand outs- Responsible use agreement – please hand it in to the office Use technology (camera, music player, computer) NSPCC Pants resources online

10 Open Door Policy If you wish to contact me I am always available at the beginning and end of the day in the classroom, and we can arrange a time to sit down if you wish to talk for longer. Available for phone calls before and after the school day, or s via the office. Please keep chatting to us. Thank you for coming!

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