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THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT Matthew 5 – 7 Study VII.

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1 THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT Matthew 5 – 7 Study VII

2 Passive non-retaliation (38-42)
Study VII A Christian’s Righteousness Part IV: non-retaliation and active love (Matthew 5:38-48) Passive non-retaliation (38-42) “You have heard…eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.”

3 Passive non-retaliation (38-42)
Study VII A Christian’s Righteousness Part IV: non-retaliation and active love (Matthew 5:38-48) Passive non-retaliation (38-42) “You have heard…eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.” Exodus 20 contains the individual moral code.

4 Passive non-retaliation (38-42)
Study VII A Christian’s Righteousness Part IV: non-retaliation and active love (Matthew 5:38-48) Passive non-retaliation (38-42) “You have heard…eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.” Exodus 20 contains the individual moral code. Exodus contain ordinances based on the Ten Commandments.

5 Passive non-retaliation (38-42)
Study VII A Christian’s Righteousness Part IV: non-retaliation and active love (Matthew 5:38-48) Passive non-retaliation (38-42) “You have heard…eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.” Exodus 20 contains the individual moral code. Exodus contain ordinances based on the Ten Commandments. Case-laws are given which emphasize damage to person and property.

6 Passive non-retaliation (38-42)
Study VII A Christian’s Righteousness Part IV: non-retaliation and active love (Matthew 5:38-48) Passive non-retaliation (38-42) “You have heard…eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.” Exodus 20 contains the individual moral code. Exodus contain ordinances based on the Ten Commandments. Case-laws are given which emphasize damage to person and property. Lex talionis (the law of retaliation) defined justice and restrained revenge.

7 Passive non-retaliation (38-42)
Study VII A Christian’s Righteousness Part IV: non-retaliation and active love (Matthew 5:38-48) Passive non-retaliation (38-42) “You have heard…eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.” Illustrations of non-retaliation: Turn the other cheek. Give your coat also. Go the second mile. Give (lend) to those who ask.

8 “You have heard…love your neighbor and hate your enemy.”
Study VII A Christian’s Righteousness Part IV: non-retaliation and active love (Matthew 5:38-48) Active love (43-48) “You have heard…love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” What is omitted: “as yourself.” What is added: “Hate your enemies.”

9 “You have heard…love your neighbor and hate your enemy.”
Study VII A Christian’s Righteousness Part IV: non-retaliation and active love (Matthew 5:38-48) Active love (43-48) “You have heard…love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” Question: How do we become the children of God?

10 “You have heard…love your neighbor and hate your enemy.”
Study VII A Christian’s Righteousness Part IV: non-retaliation and active love (Matthew 5:38-48) Active love (43-48) “You have heard…love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” Question: How do we become the children of God? Answer: By loving our enemies and praying for our persecutors.

11 “You have heard…love your neighbor and hate your enemy.”
Study VII A Christian’s Righteousness Part IV: non-retaliation and active love (Matthew 5:38-48) Active love (43-48) “You have heard…love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” Question: How do we become the children of God? Answer: By loving our enemies and praying for our persecutors. Justification for this attitude: God blesses bad people too.

12 Active love (43-48) Study VII
A Christian’s Righteousness Part IV: non-retaliation and active love (Matthew 5:38-48) Active love (43-48) “You have heard…love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” Christ’s instructions here are new: He tells us to be ‘perfect’ (complete) rather than ‘holy’.

13 Active love (43-48) Study VII
A Christian’s Righteousness Part IV: non-retaliation and active love (Matthew 5:38-48) Active love (43-48) “You have heard…love your neighbor and hate your enemy.” Christ’s instructions here are new: He tells us to be ‘perfect’ (complete) rather than ‘holy’. He tells us to be holy for a new reason: In the OT people were told to be holy because of what God had done for them and because God is holy. In the NT people are told to be holy because God is their heavenly Father.

14 End of Study VII

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