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NIH Biosketch & Other Support Training

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1 NIH Biosketch & Other Support Training
Presented by the Health Sciences Research Service Core & the UCSD Library Kim Kruse- Sr. Fund Manager, RSC Jill I. Weller – Training Grant Analyst, RSC Karen Heskett – Librarian, UCSD Library Erika Wilson – Director, HSSPPO & RSC January 16, 2019

2 Presentation Outline Objectives and Background NIH Biosketch
NIH Other Support NIH Data Table 4 (Training Grants) Quiz & Questions

3 Today’s Objectives To promote accuracy and consistency in the grant application process Offer tips and tools Highlight and understand the differences between Research Support and Other Support Answer FAQ’s Need to reword first bullet point

4 Background How much grant funding at UCSD in FY17? $1.16 Billion
2493 Ladder-Rank Professor in FY18 Approximately how many proposals did UCSD submit in FY18? Health Sciences (HSSPPO) OCGA – 1475 SIO - 480 How many faculty participate on training grants at UCSD? 1020

5 Proposal Statistics

6 NIH Biosketch

7 Purpose of Biosketch Enables reviewers to evaluate the highlighted qualifications of the PI and key personnel that will be executing (have a specific role) on the proposed project Think of resume or MINI CV for a job you are applying. r

8 Who must complete a Biosketch?
All key personnel listed on a grant application

9 What do NIH Reviewers look at?
Is the PI qualified to do the job? Does their personal statement reflect they have enough experience to execute the project? Does the PI have peer-reviewed publications relevant to the proposal? Format and layout matter Is the Biosketch consistent with other parts of the application? Importance of the Biosketch should not be underestimated!

10 Biosketch Main Sections
Header - Name, eRA commons, Position, Education & Training Personal Statement Positions and Honors Contributions to Science Research Support and/or Scholastic Performances

11 Biosketch Correct form – 3/31/2020 NIH Header is OK 5 Page limit
Mandatory for Key personnel Optional for project personnel Should match the credential field in R&R application List education oldest to newest

12 Biosketch Should be relevant to each application emphasize role:
Leadership Expertise Mentor experience Customize the personal statement for each grant proposal by mentioning the name of the grant proposal and speak to funding mechanism Up to 4 publications or research products allowed

13 Biosketch List in chronological order, conclude with most current position Be sure to include any foreign affiliation appointments Mention Foreign affiliations

14 Biosketch Historical background
List up to 5 significant contributions: Historical background Central findings Influence of the finding on the progress of science and how it applies Specific role in described work Description of each contribution should be no longer than ½ page, including citations Cite up to 4 publications per each contribution URL link to My Bibliography optional Only .gov links allowed List PMCID

15 Biosketch List ongoing research support first
List Project/Grant Number Do not confuse Research Support with Other Support Other Support information is NOT collected at the time of application submission.

16 Project Number or Application ID
1 R01 CA A1 These slides seem out of order?

17 NIH Handout

18 Biosketch List ongoing research support first
List Project/Grant Number After PI name, put PI in parenthesis Project Dates, not budget dates Project Name/ Title of Grant Major Goal – usually one or two sentences Role Do not include the number of person months or direct costs Do not confuse Research Support with Other Support Other Support information is NOT collected at the time of application submission. Up to 3 years of completed support *Be sure to list any foreign affiliations

19 How do you find Biosketch info?
PI to provide personal statement, main contributions to science, publications, education, positions, etc. Research support FinancialLink OPAFS Award Document Lookup – QueryLink - Electronic Proposal Development (ePD) ERAP Reports on Blink NIH RePORTER Access can be limited

20 NIH RePORTER Parameters PI Name Organization Active Projects (default)

Clean up header


23 Biosketches for Fellowships
Predoc and postdoc fellowship applicants can skip the “Research Support” section and must complete only the “Scholastic Performance” section When these applicants also have Research Support, they may complete both sections List course title with grades

24 SciENcv Karen Heskett

25 SciENcv The Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae
NCBI’s platform for maintaining a CV and automatically generating a Biosketch required for federal (NIH, NSF, DOD, DOE, EPA) grant applications

26 Biosketch – SciENcv ? Didn’t you just tell me how to create a Biosketch? Why do I want to bother with it?

27 What SciENcv Offers Leverage systems you already use to auto-populate information via connections to: eRA Commons My Bibliography ORCID All auto-populated content is editable Alerts you to 5 page limit Convenient place to house information that is reusable – save multiple CVs for different projects Prints Biosketches appropriate for NIH, NIH Fellowship, or NSF Always prints the up-to-date and correct Biosketch form Karen’s section Eliminates the need to repeatedly enter biosketch information • Reduces the administrative burden associated with federal grant submission and reporting requirements • Provides access to a researcher-claimed data repository with information on expertise, employment, education, and professional accomplishments • Allows researchers to describe their scientific contributions in their own language

28 When Should I Connect to eRACommons?
To auto fill profile details: Name Education Select research support from the eRAcommons list of grants

29 Why Should I Connect to ? Name Education
Fill in the personal statement List of publications outside of PubMed Funding outside of eRAcommons?

30 Connecting to … Available automatically in …
Section A: Personal statement Section C: Contribution to Science

31 ScienCV Demo

32 # 1 # 2 What to look for when reviewing a Biosketch
Don’t just copy and paste the new header

33 What to look for when reviewing a Biosketch
# 3

34 FAQ’s Q. Can the same citation be referenced multiple times in a NIH Biosketch? A. Yes Q. Do you have to include the My Bibliography (.gov) URL link? A. No, it’s optional (but recommended) Q. Do Biosketches undergo validations in ASSIST? A. Yes, checked for page limits, PDF format and attached for every key person Q. How do I search for an eRA Commons user name? A. See next slide

35 Anyone who has eRA Commons role of AO or SO can verify user ID’s in Commons – can search within or outside our organization

36 eRA Commons

37 eRA Commons

38 eRA Commons Anyone who has eRA Commons role of ASST – only within our organization

39 eRA Commons

40 eRA Commons

41 eRA Commons Registration ID
Health Sciences: Nicole Foshey at General Information needed: Name Choose a username Role

42 Biosketch Quiz

43 Find the 2 errors - Biosketch
Check form, should be 03/31/2020 Missing eRA Commons Username

44 Find the 3 errors - Biosketch
Not in chronological order Incorrect formatting Arial Narrow is not an approved font

45 Find the 2 errors - Biosketch
4 Publications only Not a .gov URL

46 Find the 3 errors - Biosketch
NO effort amounts should be listed Pending Support is not included on a Biosketch Older than 3 years

47 Key Points to Remember on Biosketches
Format does matter Top things to look for: Check your header and form version Check amount of publications Expired research support dates Refer to your checklist and guide for refreshers Or are we removing this? This is A DUPLICATE

48 Other Support Kim Kruse

49 What is Other Support? Information on other active & pending support
Often referred to “current and pending support” NIH wants to ensure there is NO: Overlap of scientific goals Overlap of financial support Over-commitment of effort/person months for key personnel Foreign affiliations

50 Purpose of Other Support
Research funding either active or pending review or award on which key person shows effort, including: All financial resources whether Federal, Non-Federal, Commercial or Institutional available in direct support of an individuals’ research endeavors, including but not limited to: Research grants & contracts Cooperative agreements Institutional awards Training awards, prizes, gifts, LSA’s are NOT included

51 When do I submit other support?
NIH Other Support can be requested: Just in time – JIT Standard notice if impact score is 30 or less regardless if it will get funded or not Competing application RPPR – Progress Report Changes in active other support occurs during progress report period Non - competing

52 NIH forms JIT RPPR

53 Let’s go through each one separately…

54 Just-in-Time (JIT) Other Support

55 Other Support Sections
Active: Research project awarded and not expired Pending: Research project submitted but not awarded or rejected Overlap: Scientific goals, financial support and/or effort commitment that would duplicate proposal under review. Explanation is required.

56 Other Support - JIT List ACTIVE first
Full Grant Number with current year Current project period, not budget year Person Months for current year Source of Support Title of Project/Grant Current Annual Direct Costs Major Goals SPLIT between 3 slides? List PENDING Note applicable OVERLAP: Scientific, Budget, Effort If none, so state

57 3 Types Overlap Scientific:
Substantially the same research is proposed in more than one application or is submitted to two or more different funding sources for review and funding consideration A specific research objective and the research design for accomplishing that objective are the same or closely related in two or more applications or awards, regardless of the funding source

58 3 Types Overlap (cont.) Budgetary:
Duplicate or equivalent budgetary items (e.g., equipment, salary) are requested in an application but are already provided for by another source Commitment: Key or senior personnel time commitment exceeds 100 percent (i.e., 12 person months), whether or not salary support is requested in the application

59 3 Types Overlap (cont.) Addressing foreign affiliations – Erika Wilson – HSSPPO Director Verbal – no policy

60 How to Address Overlap Explain:
Potential scientific, budgetary and/or commitment overlap when submitting other support Resolution of Overlap: Address at the time of award in conjunction with applicant institution officials, the PD/PI, and awarding agency staff

61 How to Address Overlap (cont.)
The PI should always address any scientific overlap “Potential commitment overlap for Dr. ________ between (insert grant #) and the application under consideration. If the application under consideration is funded with Dr. ________ committed at (insert calendar months), Dr. _________ will ….. (ex. request approval to reduce months, reduce effort accordingly, etc.)” Some NIH agencies are becoming more strict about Overlap Require overlap statement if effort for both active and pending combined exceeds 12 months. Best to err on the side of caution and always include overlap when this is the case Want details of which projects will be relinquished or reduced, and by how much in the overlap statement.

62 Notes on Other Support Generally you do not include the JIT grant to be listed in the Pending section, however some GMS now request it For individuals with no active or pending support, indicate “None.” Incorporate in notes up

63 RPPR Other Support

64 Differences between RPPR and JIT Other Support
No PENDING INACTIVE is listed List the award you are working on FINISH This slide

65 RPPR (Progress Report) –note the differences
List ACTIVE first Format same as JIT, with these added annotations: (THIS AWARD) (NEW) – Since last RPPR was submitted INACTIVE– Since last RPPR was submitted Update the screenshot here OVERLAP NO PENDING NO PENDING

66 FAQ’s for Other Support
Q. Do I have to submit Other Support for all key personnel on an RPPR? A. Only if there is a change in active support and indicate the change Q. Is Other Support submitted at the time of a competing application? A. Only if the RFA specifically calls for it, otherwise NO for an NIH application Q. What is the maximum effort allowed on grants at UCSD? A. 97% or calendar months

67 FAQ’s Q. What should be listed for direct cost during a NCE; the last year’s direct cost, or what is remaining? A. The direct costs from the last year What should I do if NCE is pending? A. Keep it listed in the Active section. Put the proposed new dates in parenthesis next to the previous dates, note that NCE pending Q. How do I convert percentage of effort into person months? A. See next slide

68 Converting % Effort to Person Months
Multiply the percentage effort associated with the project by the number of months of investigator’s appointment For example: 25% of a 9 month academic year appointment = academic months (9 x 0.25 = 2.25) 10% of a 12 month calendar appointment = 1.2 calendar months (12 x 0.10 = 1.2) Tip: Track PI’s effort on monthly financial report to ensure less than 25% variance in proposed vs. actual effort

69 FAQ’s Q. Should VA activity be included on Other Support?
A. Yes, sponsors are expecting a disclosure of each investigator’s total research activity to ensure no scientific or budgetary overlap. It should be clearly noted for both institutions so that separate appointments can be considered independently when determining overlap What should be noted for person months on RPPR? A. Anticipated person months in the next budget period

70 FAQ’s Q. What should be noted for direct cost on a multi-project award? A. The current annual direct cost of the core or project on which investigator participates as key personnel When UCSD is a subaward, what amount do I list for direct costs? A. List the amount of direct costs awarded to UCSD

71 Other Support Quiz

72 Find the 4 errors - Other Support
No effort months listed Grant is not active Should be PENDING not recently completed research Missing OVERLAP

73 Training Grants Data Table 4 Jill Weller

74 Training Grant – Data Table 4
1. Participating Faculty 3. Full Grant Number 5. Full Grant Title 2. Agency/Fund Source: NIH, AHRQ, NSF, Other Fed, Univ, Fdn, or Other 6. MM/YYYY format 4. Role – PI or Project PI only (NO Co-I unless a multi PI Project) 7. Current Year direct costs only

75 FAQ’s Q. If you are in a no-cost extension year, do you list zero or do you list the amount of funds carried forward? A. List the amount of direct cost funds that are remaining in the grant award Q. Is Table 4 the same as Other support? A. No. Effort, pending, completed are not included

76 Final Points to Remember for Table 4
Differences from other support and research support No effort amounts No pending No Co-I’s, unless a program project Requested if your faculty member is participating on a NIH training grant

77 Table 4 Quiz

78 Find the 3 errors - Data Table 4
No Co-I is to be listed on an R01 Grants ended Verify dollar amounts for the project

79 Summary

80 Key Points to Remember on Biosketches
Format does matter Top things to look for: Check your header and form version Check amount of publications Expired research support dates Refer to your checklist and guide for refreshers

81 Key Points VS Research Support Other Support
Also referred to as Current & Pending support Requested at Just in Time (JIT) or Progress Report (RPPR) stage NIH is looking for overlap. Either scientific, budgetary or effort commitment It highlights the PI accomplishments or other Key Personnel Part of the Biosketch Data Table 4 (Training Grants) Should this be towards the beginning???


83 Biosketch Resources

84 Other Support Resources

85 Table 4 Resources Use your Active Directory (AD) to log in

86 Biosketch Resources on Blink
Update this slide with current info

87 Questions? Thank you for attending today.
Please look for the class evaluation in your inbox! Kim Kruse- Sr. Fund Manager Jill I. Weller – Training Grant Analyst Karen Heskett – Librarian Erika Wilson - Director

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