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Review and Test it!.

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Presentation on theme: "Review and Test it!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review and Test it!

2 What is your biggest FEAR about being ‘tested’?

3 How do we know if we ‘know it’ if we don’t ‘test it’? ANSWER – WE DON’T

4 Students forget 90% of what they learn in class within 30 days.

5 Loci / The Journey Method
How to remember, with a view to testing? Loci / The Journey Method We best remember familiar places such as the inside of our homes, and Loci works by associating something unfamiliar (such as revision notes) with something familiar (a room in your house) so that room (or object) serves as a cue to help you remember certain things. Essentially, this helps you boost your ability to organise, store and recall information. E.g. minute-exam-tips-bizarre-revision-method-to-boost- memory/


7 Making an effective flashcard
“Chunk” the learning down Each flashcard should be on one key idea or concept The key information only should be summarised on one side Use diagrams, bullet points etc On the back, put key words and possible exam questions on this concept

8 From design… testing;
Colour code them to classify by topic or exam section Write key questions on one side of the card Write the answers on the other Keep testing yourself! Add a tick each time you get it right, and a cross each time you have to turn over to check Aim to get ten ticks next to each question Also works with post-its!

9 Quizlet Learn, Model, Review - by test, - multiple choice,
- flashcard, - spelling Quizlet Learn – mobile app

10 4 Teach me...

11 How does taking a test affect subsequent studying?
Students whose study strategies emphasize re-reading but not self- testing show over-confidence in mastery. Students who have been quizzed have a double advantage over those who have not: a more accurate sense of what they know and don’t know, and the strengthening of learning that accrues from retrieval practice. (Brown, Roediger, McDaniel)

12 How do we know if we ‘know it’ if we don’t ‘test it’? ANSWER – WE DON’T

13 Self-testing: Use study questions at the end of chapters in text books
Do it regularly – daily, weekly? Identify errors and learn from them Flashcards Past papers – use your teacher!

14 Self-testing and diagnosis of errors
Understanding of the subject Exam technique Did you get it wrong because you didn’t know that part of the subject? Solution: focused revision Did you get it wrong because you didn’t read the question properly? Or because you didn’t do exactly what the mark scheme wanted? Solution: repeated deliberate practice

15 When/How often to test? Repetition is key

16 History Interleaving Revision - Y11 2018 - Phase 2
Date/Session Revision Outcome Mon 23rd April p3 People’s Health (Medieval and Early Modern) Review - Test it – flashcards 15 mins Thurs 26th April p4 Normans (Topics 1+2) Transform – Mindmap or equivalent 45 mins Review on Thursday at home/quick factual test Mon p2 Thurs 26th April p5 People’s Health (Industrial and Modern) Review - Test-it – Practice Paper Q2,4,6 30 mins Followed by self-assessment using markscheme (15 mins) Comparison with Mock Paper on these 3 question-types Mon 30th April p2 Normans (Topics 1+2) Making of America (Expansion West) Review (Normans (1+2) Test it – Fact Nuggets (10 mins) Transform (America) Mnemonics/literacy equivalent 45 mins Review on Thursday at home >Practice Exam Q6 and weakest question from Mock Exam, next Mon Thurs 3rd May p1 Normans (Topics 3+4) Making of America (Civil War) Transform – Quizlets – design online mindmap 20 mins Transform – Optional method 30 mins

17 What is your biggest FEAR about THE EXAM PAPER…….?

18 Getting going … turning the page … the first question Time Management Stronger/weaker question types Doing back-to-back questions What my friends next to me are thinking/doing…….

19 Knowing your stronger/weaker question types and confronting it by practising Doing back-to-back questions, different combinations Working out the timing for each section/question and practising TO THAT TIME

20 Using and KNOWING the markscheme

21 Wanting Model Answers to help you
Question 6a In Interpretation A the historian Robert Bartlett argues that the ‘Harrying of the North’ had a powerful impact on northern England. Identify and explain one way in which he does this. [3] In 1069, William marched on York and crushed the rebellion. The Normans devastated the North of England. They sacked every village and farmstead as they went. Then William divided his troops into smaller bands who destroyed any crops and livestock they could find ... A huge area across northern and central England was laid waste by this ‘scorched earth’ on the northern rebels. Plotting the settlements destroyed by the Normans shows the scar that was carved across the country by William’s army. Sixteen years later, these areas were still desolate wasteland. Interpretation A – An extract from the script of The Normans, a BBC television series, 2010. Let’s look at an example. Remember: You will be awarded 1 mark for the identification of a relevant and appropriate way in which the historian argues that the ‘Harrying of the North’ had a powerful impact, 1 mark for a basic explanation of this and 1 mark for developing your explanation. Before you click on the example answer, have a go at answering the question yourself. Example answer The historian argues that the Norman conquest had a powerful impact because it had a long term effect; the impact was felt for a long time. [1] This is shown by the description of the areas 16 years later which are described as still a ‘desolate wasteland’. [1] This image is supported by the use of the word ‘scar’ which suggests that the impact is long lasting and can still be seen. [1] Click here for an example of Question 6a EXAMPLE ANSWER CLOSE


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