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Report to General Assembly 14 December 2017

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1 Report to General Assembly 14 December 2017

2 Network Operation and Management
Network Support Delivering on Content Support to OD and Legal Team Investing significantly in demand clarification before finalising the learning offers Support to the Operational Committee Ensuring methodological and content consistency with participants’ needs Reframing the Results Framework Facilitation and post-event assessment Assistance to Thematic Learning Communities Capitalising on members’ experiences Formalising Membership Registration Tracking follow up Systematising country context analysis Preparing literature surveys/bibliographies Coordination across membership Making available technical assistance when requested by member institutions from the government

3 Network Operation and Management
Technical support provided in 2017: Team of local experts providing backstopping support to the Secretariat OD Team comprising Mr. François Binder and Mr. Jagdeep Chhokar KPMG India Beverly and Etienne Wenger-Trayner, who supported the launch of the Thematic Learning Communities and the reframing of the Results Framework 4/6/2019

4 Markers of 2017 Systematisation and formalisation of the member entry process First step taken in undertaking systematic Country Context Analysis through a standardised template Reframing of Results Framework OD and Legal Study successfully completed Two learning offers made by member institutions Continued positive feedback on knowledge resource repository Systemic support to strategic departments in Royal Government of Bhutan on mainstreaming accountability Estimated valuation of members’ contribution in 2017: US$75,

5 STATUS 2017 Network Membership

6 2017 Learning Engagements Learning Agenda and Action Plan for 2017 developed at 4th General Assembly in December 2016 5 Learning Offers 2 Study Visits on Functional Assignment and on Democratic Decentralisation 2 E-Course on Fiscal Decentralisation and Functional Assignment 1 Experience Sharing Workshop on Social Accountability (with NAoG) 3 Peer Learning Engagements THP-BNEW Year 3 Cambodia-Bangladesh on Disability Inclusion Ongoing Support to Bhutan on Social Accountability Issues 2 Technical Assistance Engagements With Government of Mongolia and RIM Bhutan 120 knowledge articles shared by Secretariat and 20 knowledge articles shared by Members

7 STATUS 2017 Learning Outreach
Learning Offer Outreach Study Visit on Functional Assignment to Indonesia 4-11 June 2017 16 participants (M 13, F 3) from 4 countries E-Course on Basic Concepts of Fiscal Decentralisation 3-31 July 2017 55 participants (M 45, F 10) from 16 countries Experience Sharing Workshop on Social Accountability with Mongolian Stakeholders 19-20 September 2017 7 LOGIN presenters at member event from 5 countries and 73 invitees Study Visit on the Decentralisation Process in Kerala, India 25-30 September 2017 28 participants (M 15, F 13) from 8 countries E-Course Functional Assignment 30 October-15 December 2017 (ongoing) 29 registered participants (M 19, F 10) from 9 countries Peer Learning Outreach India-Bhutan PL on Capacity Building of EWRs – Year 3 218 (F) EWRs from Bhutan Cambodia-Bangladesh PL on Disability Inclusion 10 (M 10) Govt. representatives from Cambodia India-Bhutan PL on Social Accountability (now ongoing engagement on Vitalising LG Act for Active Citizen Engagement) 65 (M 48, F 17) Govt. and other stakeholders from Bhutan Technical Assistance Outreach Orientation Workshop on Functional Assignment with Mongolian Cabinet Secretariat and Other Stakeholders 1-7 July 2017 92 participants (Cabinet, Sector Ministries, LGs, Academia, CSOs) Workshop Facilitation-Capacity Building of SDC Mongolia Partner Institutions 22-23 September 2017 23 participants (SDC and SDC grantees) Organisational Development Workshop with Royal Institute of Management, Bhutan 13-17 November 2017 10 participants (DG, Faculty and Administrative Staff) 4/6/2019

8 STATUS 2017 Participation by Stakeholder Groups

9 STATUS 2017 Knowledge Curation
Articles shared on LOGIN website till November 2017 Sl No. Theme By LOGIN Secretariat By LOGIN Members 1. Capacity Building of Local Governments 13 4 2. Fiscal Decentralisation 10 3 3. Civic Engagement and Accountability 34 5 4. Gender and Social Inclusion 14 1 5. Public Service Delivery 7 6. Other themes related to Decentralisation and Local Governance 42 6 Total 120 20 4/6/2019

10 STATUS 2017 Initiating Thematic Learning Communities
Milestone Participation Outcomes 4th General Assembly Colombo, December 2016 78 representatives from 14 countries of South and East Asia, including CFs and in-country SDC officers (Secretariat, Advisors/ Consultants/ Resource Persons/ Facilitators and HQ team not included in this number) Members of 4 thematic groups endorsed launching of Thematic Learning Communities (TLCs) in the domains of Capacity Building of Local Governments; Women’s Empowerment; Social Accountability; Transparency/ RTI Planning Meeting Bangkok, 2-3 March 2017 17 participants (M 12, F 5) from 11 countries including Indonesia Deliberations on TLC process and thematic content to plan for TLC launch TLC Launch Meetings Colombo, 21-23, May 2017 51 participants (M 32, F 19) from 12 countries including Indonesia and Maldives Launch of 3 Thematic Learning Communities on Social Accountability and Transparency; Women’s Political Empowerment; and Capacity Building of Local Governments; with the articulation of specific learning interests by emerging practice groups under each TLC Face-to-Face Meetings of select Practice Groups from 2 TLCs Bangkok, 24-26, October 2017 19 participants across 2 TLC practice groups (M 9, F 10) representing 15 institutions from 9 countries Refining of work plans on the sub themes ‘Active Citizenship’ under the TLC on Social Accountability and Transparency; ‘Enabling Women for Public Office’ under TLC on Women’s Political Empowerment

11 Note on New Results Framework
Revisiting of the log frame to identify stages of value addition it the learning network with the how, with whom, how much, etc. Identifying the appropriate agency for change (i.e. locating the activity with the relevant constituent of the Network) Process has also included developing of a technology backed visualisation of Results Significant contribution of the reworked framework is an enhanced ability to capture and report relevance and outcomes of: Learning activities over time (demonstrated by application over a range of time) Improved connectedness across network members

12 Network Transition and Governance
The OD Team has shared observations and recommendations for discussion and decisions to be taken in the EGA The Legal Study has consultatively emerged with a recommendation on where LOGIN can be registered and as which type of institution SDC has communicated its position with regards to continuing its support to LOGIN The Network will continue to need technical support during its transition 4/6/2019

13 Challenges Membership expansion in Philippines and Sri Lanka is yet to take off Slow and stuttered start to Thematic Learning Communities (TLCs) 4 out of 9 practice groups of 3 TLCs have made progress with member support to each other Technical assistance drawn upon for planning the TLCs was reconsidered Engagement on theme of local governments and conflict prevention and peace building yet to happen The Open Data and Transparency Workshop included in the Annual Plan at the request of Cambodian members could not be planned 4/6/2019

14 Challenges The plans to harvest value creation stories were overambitious Standardisation of the context analysis template has ensured uniformity in application and reporting, however, there are significant compromises in nuancing and rigour in analysis Delay in schedule of OD and Legal Study affected scheduling of EGA 4/6/2019

15 Expense Statement (Jan-Nov 2017)
Total Expenses CHF 1,077, as on 30th November, 2017 Sl. No. Major Component Actual Exp. as on (CHF) 1 Learning Activities 599,311 2 Network Management & Communication 49,525 3 Network Governance 115,282 4 Country Platform Cost 130,606 5 Secretariat Costs 182,702 Grand Total 1,077,425

16 Expense Statement (Jan-Nov 2017)

17 Thank You 4/6/2019

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