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Medical surveillance of hairdressers

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1 Medical surveillance of hairdressers
The approach and experience in Belgium dr. Mathieu Verbrugghe

2 50,000+ 102 520,000 146 prevention advisors 597employees 289
Mensura in numbers 102 centres across Belgium 520,000 medical exams each year 50,000+ customers 597employees 146 prevention advisors physicians and paramedics 289

3 Content Legislation Medical surveillance Figures Conclusions

4 Legislation Law on Well-being at Work (4 August 1996)
One codex including: Dynamic Risk Management Biological Agents Chemical Agents Occupational Health Surveillance Federal Agency for Occupational Risks codes: 1.202: Skin disorders in the work environment caused by substances not included in other items : Asthma as a result of specific hypersensitivity caused by substances not included in other headings : Conditions affecting the tendons, the tendinous sheaths and the muscular and tendinous insertions of the upper limbs due to excessive strain of these structures by movements of a repetitive nature requiring strength, or by unfavourable positions

5 Medical surveillance – in function of risk analysis
Hairdresser Risk code Description Medical Exam Ergonomic strain Questionnaire locomotor complaints Static load Repetitive movements Chemical agents In function of the product Soaps – detergents – surfactants: anionic, cationic and nonionic Examination of the skin Hair and hair fragments Lung function test Noise Audiometry

6 Figures: General 3029 hairdressers affiliated with Mensura (2756 employers) Number of periodic medical examinations

7 Figures: Locomotor complaints 2010-2016
Shoulder 14,11% Neck 15,72% Upper back 5,92% Elbow 1,44% Lower back 16,08% Hip/thigh 1,61% Wrist/hand 7,07% Knee 3,04% Ankle/foot 2,99%

8 Figures: Locomotor complaints 2010-2015
Exclusie 2016 wegens lage aantallen => vertekening cijfers

9 Figures: Conclusions medical examinations
Periodic medical examinations : declared fit - 22 declared unfit: 19 temporary and 3 permanent Medical examinations at work resume (n=28): - 16 declared fit - 9 declared unfit: 8 temporary and 1 permanent - 3 missing values

10 Figures: Occupational diseases Belgium
Fund for Occupational Diseases 2016: 1.202: Skin disorders in the work environment caused by substances not included in other items n=289 : Asthma as a result of specific hypersensitivity caused by substances not included in other headings n=8 : Conditions affecting the tendons, the tendinous sheaths and the muscular and tendinous insertions of the upper limbs due to excessive strain of these structures by movements of a repetitive nature requiring strength, or by unfavourable positions n=1.043 FBZ: niet uitsluitend kappers! Het gaat in totaal om 114 nieuwe gevallen. Dit zijn hoofdzakelijk werkgerelateerde huidziekten (bijna 80%) (zie tabel 2).

11 Figures: Declarations occupational diseases
Mensura declarations of occupational diseases of hairdressers to the Fund for Occupational Diseases ( ): (tendons): 1 1.701 (latex allergy): 1 (asthma): 4 1.202 (skin disorders): 12 Mensure aangiften FBZ: specifiek voor kappers, ander beeld dan vorige: meer huidaandoeningen

12 Conclusions Lower back pain, shoulder and neck pain, and wrist/hand pain are frequently reported among hairdressers Decrease in lower and upper back complaints – increase in shoulder complaints Small number of medical examinations at work resume (≥ 1 month on sick leave) High recovery rate

13 Thank you for your attention!

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