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Engaging in Work Together: Child TA, Systems TA, Information, and National Initiatives December 5, 2018 NCDB Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging in Work Together: Child TA, Systems TA, Information, and National Initiatives December 5, 2018 NCDB Staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging in Work Together: Child TA, Systems TA, Information, and National Initiatives
December 5, 2018 NCDB Staff

2 Purpose of This Webinar
Learn how NCDB can support your project's activities Current and planned NCDB services and products Opportunities for state projects to work together

3 What We Will Cover TA delivery Information and product development
State needs assessment, including the Child Count Details about work in the 5 national initiative areas — Family Engagement; Early Identification and Intervention; Interveners and Qualified Personnel; Transition; and Assessment, Planning, and Instruction Activities/products for child-specific TA Activities/products for state systems TA National activities

4 NCDB Goals CORE GOALS Provide TA on child-specific and systems TA
Promote use of high-quality practices and information Conduct state-by-state needs assessment NATIONAL INITIATIVE GOALS Improve and increase opportunities for family engagement Improve identification and EI services Improve quality of personnel Improve transition systems and services Expand knowledge of assessment, planning, and instruction practices

5 Goal 1: Technical Assistance Structure
Tiered TA (universal, targeted, intensive) Commonality across initiatives Child-specific TA State project development Child specific/team consultation Systems TA - focused on national initiative areas Low-incidence infrastructure - participation and/or development Support for project management and new project staff

6 Goal 1: TA Activities Universal Independent use of products
One time consultation Targeted Time-limited consultation Peer learning communities

7 Goal 1: TA Activities (cont.)
Intensive Ongoing consultation (e.g., planning, problem-solving, document review) Facilitation - distance and onsite Support for development and use of partnerships (national and state) Multi-state planning - challenges, solutions, agenda setting

8 Goal 1: TA Processes and Documents
Universal Child Specific - Implementing Evidence-Based Practices for Children Who Are Deaf-Blind: A TA Reference Guide Systems - Changing Systems: Moving Beyond Child Specific TA Targeted Child Specific and Systems TA Acknowledgement based on readiness factors (supportive not evaluative)

9 Goal 1: TA Processes and Documents (cont.)
Intensive Child Specific TA agreement based on readiness factors Child specific TA Plan (Self Assessment Documents for Intensive TA) Systems TA Agreement based on readiness factors Systems TA Plan Systems TA documents per initiative aligned with the Changing Systems guide

10 Goal 2: Information Services
Partnership with Perkins to: Respond to reference questions Collect up-to-date information about deaf-blindness Merge our catalogs Perkins Hayes Research Library

11 Goal 2: Website Redesign
New look Improved navigation and search features Content areas: TA, the initiative areas, and the work of NCDB and the state projects Resources on deaf-blindness - increased level of curation Information for families Will still have a private portal for state deaf-blind projects and private groups

12 Goal 2: Products Continue to support all current products
Develop new products using existing product development process: Needs analysis Partner and stakeholder involvement Content development Design and accessibility Evaluation Dissemination

13 Goal 2: Products - Accessibility Toolkit

14 Goal 2: Products - Monthly Updates

15 Goal 2: Information Consortium
Purpose: Improve coordination of information on deaf-blindness for families and service providers throughout the U.S. Members: NCDB HKNC Perkins TSBVI NFADB CHARGE Syndrome Foundation Described and Captioned Media Program APH

16 Goal 3: Needs Assessment
NEW - Annual Child Count Reporting Resources All the resources you need to conduct the child count in one spot: Instructions, codes and resources Includes: Updated letter from OSEP (by PO) DBCC Change Log Example eligibility forms Forum - Parental Consent New Submission Process - No longer via

17 Goal 3: Tools for Analyzing Child Count Data
Annual Online Report - New Feature Available Quick look at your state data Download and generate reports Interactive Online Maps Graphics for reports/presentations Percentage tables Longitudinal Data File - Updates Coming! Broken down by category Generate trend reports, charts, and graphs

18 Goal 3: Tools for Analyzing Child Count Data (cont.)
EI & R Self-Assessment Guide (SAG) - pre-populated data tables Compare your state's DB child count to Part C counts (Table 1) Compare your state to national DB count (Table 2) Compare your state to national DB age distribution (Table 3) Compare percent change between ages against national count (Table 4)

19 Goal 3: Planned Resources
Current Special Reports: Newly Identified, Primary Etiology Additional Reports Charts and Graphs Additional Resources Shared by Projects Exploring potential relationships with national partners for identification across all ages with agencies--CDC, medical community, NASDSE, ECTA, IDC DBCC Key Resources Bookmarks ( Contact Robbin Bull for assistance,

20 Goal 4: Family Engagement - Child/Family TA
FEC MasterMind Group Creation of a well-defined TA process for families Creation of an action-planning form Process for serving families from culturally and linguistically diverse groups Training on family support in 2 critical areas

21 Goal 4: Family Engagement - Systems TA
Develop systems-change guidance specific for family services Targeted and intensive TA to assist SDBPs in building the capacity of PTIs and other relevant state family organizations/agencies Targeted TA on participating in Charting the Life Course National Community of Practice

22 Goal 4: Family Engagement - National Activities
Regional PTIs NFADB CHARGE Syndrome Foundation University of Missouri-Kansas City Charting the Life Course National CoP

23 Goal 5: Early Identification & Intervention
Overall EI Outcomes are to impact: Identification and referral Personnel development systems Three products with supplemental activities support the initiative: Self-Assessment Guide EI & R Toolbox The Sooner the Better Framework

24 Goal 5: Early Identification & Referral Self-Assessment Guide
Increase Identification Peer-to-peer learning community Consultation/support

25 Goal 5: Early Identification & Referral Toolbox
In the process of being reworked Will still focus on the four systems Will be formatted like a guide to walk you through the steps Accompanied by customizable resources Keep an eye out for requests (and/or let me know if interested) to provide input/feedback

26 Goal 5: The Sooner the Better
The Sooner the Better: A Framework for Training Early Intervention Practitioners on Deaf-Blindness includes: Content for trainings based on EBPs aligned with DEC standards PPTs and videos to support statewide and child/family specific trainings.

27 Goal 6: Interveners & Qualified Personnel - Child/Family TA
OHOA Modules – expanding use for intervener training, TA, and PD Targeted TA on coaching strategies

28 Goal 6: Interveners & Qualified Personnel - Systems TA
TA for Intervener and TDB role adoption: Support for systems change to promote the definition of the roles of TDBs and interveners in local, state, and national policies and practices Use of NICE to increase adoption of intervener role Developing or improving state-specific intervener services Collaborative relationships related to intervener services (e.g., SDBPs and family orgs)

29 Goal 6: Interveners & Qualified Personnel - Systems TA (cont.)
TA related to personnel development: Establishment of sustainable personnel development programs Incorporating deaf-blind content into state professional development systems Use of OHOA Modules to build state intervener training programs Partnering with a state’s low-incidence services to provide personnel training

30 Goal 6: Interveners & Qualified Personnel - National Activities
National community of practice for interveners Personnel development opportunities for teachers and interveners Identifying and establishing relationships with national partners University credit-based PD for early intervention providers, teachers, interveners, and other related service providers (SDSU) Resources & training information about adult learning strategies

31 Goal 7: Transition - Child/Family TA
Transition Institutes Southeast Region – Host state is NC (11 projects participating) Midwest Region – Host state is MN ( 9 projects participating) Northeast Region – Exploration phase Proposed Products Develop Peer to Peer Mentoring Guide Pre & Post Institute Action Planning Guide

32 Goal 7: Transition - Child/Family TA (cont.)
Transition Institute Partnerships Helen Keller National Center DeafBlind Citizens in Action State Deaf-Blind Projects

33 Goal 7: Transition - Systems TA
Recommendations to Improve Transition Outcomes for Students with Deaf-Blindness and Additional Disabilities Disseminate information about access and use Series of drop in calls (December – February)

34 Goal 7: Transition - Systems TA (cont.)
Recommendations Partnerships Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC) National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) Helen Keller National Center

35 Goal 7: Transition - National Activities
Meet with partners to solicit feedback on how they can assist in collaborating with state systems WINTAC - Technical Assistance on implementing WIOA Negotiations with national partners to provide training to the DB network

36 Goal 8: API - Child/Family TA
Information resources on assessment, planning, and instruction (API) on NCDB website Practice profiles that define/describe key elements of API Literacy Module

37 Goal 8: API - Systems TA & National Activities
Assistance for systems TA will begin after the practice profiles have been created They will be promoted for use in personnel development National Provide opportunities for discussion and collaborative decision-making regarding research on assessment, planning, and instruction among university faculty and state projects

38 Announcements Project Evaluation Update
NCDB is working with the Center to Improve Program and Project Performance (CIPP) CIPP Performance measures webinar - View the recording and access the materials State Project Plans for Initiative Work Survey DB Summit 2019 Reminders (Linda)

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