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Presentation on theme: "HEALTH AND WELLNESS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Defining Health & Wellness
Well-being – a state of health and wellness in which one feels safe, fulfilled, productive, and looks forward to living a long life. People in a state of well-being: Feel good about their present condition Are productive at school, work, and home Do not have mental and physical illnesses Wellness is a balance of dimensions Wellness – a healthy balance of physical, emotional/mental, intellectual, and social health These dimensions interact with and affect each other

3 Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
Your Health Triangle - aspect of health that deals with being active, having enough energy for everyday tasks, and getting enough sleep aspect of health that deals with your ability to process information and manage stress aspect of health that deals with relationships and how well you communicate

4 Physical Health Physical Health – a dimension of health that involves your body, including physical fitness and the ability to cope with every day physical tasks Refers to how well your body functions Qualities of a healthy body: Not slowed by disease Able to take part in activities of daily life Able to cope with stress, injury, and aging

5 Emotional/Mental Health
Emotional Health – a dimension of health that involves your emotions, mood, outlook on life, and beliefs about yourself Good emotional health means: You are not affected by mental illness You can express thoughts and feelings clearly You can cope well with stress Many teens experience problems with emotional health but may not realize it

6 Intellectual and Social Health
Intellectual Health – a dimension of health that involves your ability to think clearly and critically, learn, and solve problems People who are intellectually healthy are able to adapt, learn, and grow Social Health – a dimension of health that involves your communication skills, relationships, and ability to interact with others Social skills and healthy relationships help people enjoy life and meet challenges

7 Health Continuum The range of a person’s health status can be described as a continuum Ideally, health status should be near optimal health Optimal Health – a state of excellent health and wellness in all areas of your life Diseases and disorders can affect the mind and body, preventing optimal health

8 The Importance of Good Health
The Health Continuum – a complete spectrum of health, ranging from premature death to high-level optimum health. The Health Continuum Scale: Pre-mature Death Loss of Health Improved Health High level of health ← l → Chronic Disorders Lack of energy, Free from aches, Optimal energy inattention, aches and pains; moderate and pain level of energy - People on the left side of the continuum usually do not take responsibility for maintaining their own health People on the right side of the continuum usually exhibit a high degree of responsibility, discipline, and positive direction in life. They accept responsibility for maintaining their own health.

9 Health and Wellness Factors
What are some examples of factors that increase health and wellness? Avoid smoking, drinking, and drugs Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly What are some examples of factors that reduce health and wellness? Not getting enough sleep Inability to manage stress

10 Examples of Factors That Increase Health and Wellness:
Quitting smoking, drinking, or abusing drugs Eating more fruits and vegetables Starting an exercise program Getting regular physical examinations Getting a flu shot each year Factors That Reduce Health and Wellness: Having an illness or injury Getting inadequate sleep Texting while driving Lack of healthy relationships Inability to manage stress

11 Varying Sleep Needs The amount of sleep that people need varies at different ages Infants and children need considerably more sleep than adults Teens also require more sleep than adults Teenagers need about 9 hours of sleep per night Sleep Deficit – a shortage of sleep that leads to tiredness and other health problems Some people are known as short sleepers – people who can function well on less sleep than others

12 Hours of Sleep Required by Age
Recommended hours of sleep Birth – 2 months 12 – 18 2 – 11 months 14 – 15 1 – 3 years 12 – 15 3 – 5 years 11 – 13 5 – 12 years 9 – 11 12 – 18 years 8.5 – 9.5 18 years or older 7 – 9 hours How many hours per night do you sleep on average? Do you think you get enough sleep? How do you the think the amount of sleep you get affects your health?

13 Impact of Insufficient Sleep
Lack of sleep is related to various health problems Diabetes Cardiovascular Disease Hypertension Stroke Coronary Heart Disease Irregular Heart Beats Obesity

14 The Science Behind Sleeping
Regular changes occur in your body on a daily basis Ex: body temperature, blood pressure, levels of hormones rise and fall regularly Circadian Rhythms – physical, behavioral, and mental changes in the body that occur naturally and typically follow the 24-hour cycle of the sun Ex: body temperature drops during the night and rises during the day Most circadian rhythms are controlled by the body’s master biological “clock,” the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) – a cluster of nerve cells in the hypothalamus that controls many physiological responses in the body The SCN controls: The sleep-wake cycle Body temperature Hormone levels Brain activity

15 Sleep and Circadian Rhythm
Your body’s biological clock determines when you feel tired and when you feel awake

16 The SCN The SCN works in two ways to regulate sleep:
It monitors the amount of light in the environment Leads the body to be more active when there is more light and less active when there is less light It causes the pineal gland to release the hormone melatonin during the late evening to signal that it is time to go to sleep Melatonin – a hormone released by the pineal gland that increases feelings of relaxation and tiredness

17 Stages of Sleep Each night you usually pass through 5 distinct stages of sleep Stage 1: Stage of light sleep You may experience: Vivid sensations Hallucinations Sensation of falling Jolt your body awake During this stage, you drift in and out of sleep, and can be awakened easily Stage 2: Body temperature starts to drop Heart rate slows down

18 Stages of Sleep Continued…
Transitional stage between light sleep and deep sleep Brain waves become slower Stage 4: Stage of deep sleep during which you are difficult to awaken Movement of your eyes and your muscle activity stop completely Stage 5: REM sleep Active stage of sleeping Breathing changes, becoming irregular, shallow, and more rapid Heart rate increases Blood pressure increases Eyes dart about rapidly under your eyelids Muscles are temporarily paralyzed

19 Impact of Sleep Most nights you spend more than 2 hours dreaming
Most dreams last between 5 – 20 minutes Dreams that occur during REM sleep are remarkable vivid Researchers believe that sleep benefits the nervous system, immune, and endocrine systems Learn and remember new information Fight infections Regulate hormones Repair damaged cells

20 Common Sleeping Problems
Insomnia – a condition in which the body is unable to fall asleep or stay asleep Can be caused by many different factors including: Stress Jet lag Diet Health conditions Ex: cancer, cardiovascular disease, and lung disease Acute (short-term) Insomnia: Common condition Caused by daily stressors Chronic (long-term) Insomnia: Lasts a month or longer May be related to another health problem Ex: medical condition, substance abuse, or a sleep disorder

21 Sleeping Problems Continued…
Parasomnia – a class of sleep disorders in which a person is partially, but not completely awaken from sleep Can occur when people are: First falling asleep Between sleep stages Most common types include: Nightmares Sleepwalking Restless legs syndrome – a disorder in which people experience prickling, tingling, or other irresistible urges to move their legs Teeth grinding

22 Sleeping Problems Continued…
Sleep Apnea – a serious disorder in which a person stops breathing during sleep Two Types: Obstructive Caused in part by a fat buildup, or loss of muscle tone, that occurs with aging These physical changes cause the windpipe to collapse when the muscles relax during sleep Central Occurs when the brain fails to send the right signals to the muscles that control breathing Caused by medical conditions such as heart failure and stroke Symptoms of sleep apnea include: Excessive daytime sleepiness Irritability Depression Morning headaches Decline in mental functioning Cardiovascular problems Ex: high blood pressure, irregular heart beats, and increased risk of heart attacks and stroke

23 Sleeping Problems Continued…
Narcolepsy – a disorder characterized by “sleep attacks” in which a person suddenly falls asleep at various times during the day Causes people to have difficulty regulating their sleep During the attack, some people fall asleep suddenly for a period lasting several seconds or even more than 30 minutes May occur when people are: Walking Driving Performing other forms of physical activity Can be triggered by strong emotions or surprise, but causes are still unclear Can be treated with drugs, such as stimulants or antidepressants that help control the symptoms

24 Strategies for Getting Sleep
Set (and follow) a schedule Use a sleep-wake cycle that is sync with your body’s natural circadian cycle The same schedule throughout the week, even on weekends Nap strategically Set an alarm so you don’t sleep too much Nap in the early afternoon Do not nap after dinner Exercise regularly 20-30 minutes a day can help you sleep better At least 5-6 hours before you plan to go to sleep Avoid substances that interfere with sleep Taking stimulants makes it more difficult to sleep Ex: Caffeine (soda), nicotine (cigarettes) Relax before bedtime A peaceful bedtime routine sends a signal to your brain that it’s time to relax and sleep

25 Diseases & Disorders Disease is an impairment of the normal function of the body or one of the parts Disease – a poor state of health and wellness in various areas of your life Some diseases happen quickly and go away in a short time, others last many years Acute Diseases – diseases that occur and resolve quickly Common acute diseases include: The flu Chicken Pox Chronic Diseases – diseases that occur for many years, even for a lifetime Common chronic diseases include: Diabetes Cancer Heart Disease

26 Diseases & Disorders Continued…
A disease can be recognized by a set of specific signs and symptoms Signs are outward indicators of disease that can be detected and measured by others Examples of some signs include: Rash Fever Uncoordinated Movement Unconsciousness

27 Diseases & Disorders Continued…
A symptoms is a disease indicator that is sensed by the sick person Examples of symptoms include: Pain Confusion Depressed Mood Nausea Like a disease, a disorder is an abnormal physical or mental condition with no single, identifiable cause For that reason, mental illnesses such as anxiety or depression are often called mental disorders


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