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What Is Stress?

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1 What Is Stress?

2 Carla woke up this morning with a vague sense of dread
Carla woke up this morning with a vague sense of dread. Now, sitting at her desk at school, she has butterflies in her stomach and her palms are sweaty. Today is oral report day and Carla is next. She is nervous about speaking in front of her classmates Why do you think Carla is experiencing these symptoms? How might she try to calm herself for the presentation?

3 What Is Stress? Feeling stress is a _______ part of life. Stress is the ________ of the ____ and _____ to everyday ____________ and __________. It might appear ______ or _____ build for days. How much the stress of an event affects you, however, depends in part on your __________ of it. _________ is the act of becoming _____through the _________.

4 __________ to Stress Some people believe that stress is always unhealthy. Stress can have both ________ and _________ effects. Positive stress (___________)- can _________ you or _______ you to work harder if you have a deadline approaching. Negative effect (__________)- when it ________ with your ability to _________. It might make you feel _________, ___________, __________, or even _______.

5 _______ of Stress A ________ is _________ that causes stress. They can be real or imagined, anticipated or unexpected. _____, objects, _____, events, and _________ are all _______ stressors. Certain stressors, like sirens, affect most people the same way- causing heightened alertness. Question: how do you deal with the stresses of a regular school day?

6 Your Body’s Response to Stressors (___) _______ ___________ __________
Both your _______ system and __________ system are active during your body’s response to stress. This physical response is largely ___________, or __________. _________ stages: _________- your mind and body go on high _____. This is referred as the “_____-or -_______” response. ___________- if exposure to a stressor continues, your body ______ and ______ to the stressor. You may perform at a ______ level and with more __________ for a _______ period. _________/___________- if exposure to stress is ___________, your body ________ its ability to adapt. You begin to ____ and ____ the ability to manage other stressors effectively.

7 Stress And Your Health __________ stress can lead to _____________ response, a _________ reaction that results from _______ rather than from an injury or illness. Some of the physical effects of stress include: ________, a weakened ______ system, high blood ________, __________ disorders, and grinding jaw and teeth. Using _________ or _______ to relieve stress may create ____ problems, if the person begins __________ these substances.

8 Questions Identify one way that stress has had a positive effect on your performance? Explain how a person in an extremely high-stress situation is able to accomplish an incredible feat of strength, such as lifting a car to free a person trapped underneath it?

9 _________ stress The effects of stress are _________, meaning they ______ up over time. Unless you find ways of managing stress, it will take a ________ and ______ toll on you. _________ stress- stress associated with ____-term problems that are beyond a person’s control.

10 Managing Stress You cannot _________ all stress from your life, but you can ________ it. Use _________ skills- determine whether you have ____ for a new activity before agreeing to take it on. ____ ahead- manage your time wisely by ___________ ahead Think __________- we can’t ________ everything in our lives, but we can control how we _______ to events. Look at a job interview as a learning _________ instead of a _______.

11 Handling Stress and __________ Its Effects
Practice ___________techniques- deep ________, thinking ____________thoughts, ___________, taking a bath. __________ your _________- when intense energy builds up from stress, the best thing to do is use that energy in a ______________ way.

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