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The Manuscripts and Texts of the King James Bible

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1 The Manuscripts and Texts of the King James Bible
How God Gave Us His Word

2 Good Texts and Corrupted Texts
God has promised to preserve His words – Psalm 12:6-7 AND There are MANY who would corrupt the word of God – 2 Corinthians 2:17 Dishonest men who handle the word of God deceitfully – 2 Corinthians 4:1-2

3 Places the Manuscripts Come From A Tale of Four Cities
Antioch for the NT Rome Antioch and Jerusalem give us the Good text ANTIOCH Alexandria and Rome give us Corrupt text Jerusalem Jerusalem for the OT Masoretic text ALEXANDRIA

4 Manuscripts – any writing done by hand or manually scripted
Old Testament Masoretic Text – Hebrew Septuagint – A Greek supposed translation of the Hebrew Old Testament that included the Apocrypha. New Testament Greek Texts Received Text and the Critical Text

5 Septuagint – an Alexandrian fairy tale
Supposedly translated in Alexandria by 72 Jewish scholars in 72 days at the request of Ptolemy around 250 BC. Based on a letter The Letter of Aristeas by a professed high official in the court of Ptolemy – Philadelphus ( BC) 2 of the men died so it is called the LXX Contains 13 books of the Apocrypha but God did not authorize any inspired writings during the silent years.

6 Septuagint – an Alexandrian fairy tale
It makes no sense that an Orthodox Jew would desire to change his Hebrew Bible into Greek. The Jews were very prejudice against Gentiles. Alexandrian hero–Origenes Adamatius ( AD) Hexapla – a book of 6 versions of the OT Hebrew Greek Transliteration Aquilla Greek Translation Symmanchus Origen Theodotian Greek Translation Septuagint

7 Septuagint – an Alexandrian fairy tale
The Septuagint is also believed to be what was found in the Vatican Library in 1481 and is called the Codex Vaticanus or manuscript B. Hebrew Greek Transliteration Aquilla Greek Translation Symmanchus Origen Theodotian Greek Translation Septuagint

8 Septuagint – an Alexandrian fairy tale
Alexandrian minds believe the Bible is not perfect and can be improved by their great scholarship. This is terrible spiritual illness called AIDS. Alexandrian Idiots Degrading Scripture Hebrew Greek Transliteration Aquilla Greek Translation Symmanchus Origen Theodotian Greek Translation Septuagint Vaticanus

9 Manuscripts – any writing done by hand or manually scripted
Old Testament Masoretic Text – Hebrew Septuagint Dead Sea Scrolls New Testament Greek Texts Received Text and the Critical Text

10 Manuscript terminology
There are no extant (existing) manuscripts that contain the Bible as whole – it was on scrolls There are over 5,400 extant manuscripts that contain parts of God’s word. Vellum – calf and goat skins Parchment – calf, goat, or sheep skins prepared for writing Papyrus – made from reeds or plants Papyrus fragments

11 Manuscript terminology
5,400 extant manuscripts Minuscules – text rendered in lower case Written on papyrus Paper was very expensive

12 Manuscript terminology
5,400 extant manuscripts Minuscules – lower case Majuscules or Uncials – all UPPER CASE letters Majuscules – letters written with straight lines Uncials – letters with curves

13 Manuscript terminology
5,400 extant manuscripts Minuscules – lower case Majuscules or Uncials – all UPPER CASE letters Cursives – script text instead of printed Lexionaries – partial texts found in song books Versions – early translations of the Scriptures Syrian Peshito (150 AD) Latin Italia Biblia (157 AD) Writings and Sermons from Church Fathers

14 Greek NT Manuscripts Divided into 2 catagories
Received or Majority Text Critical Text

15 1st Category of Manuscripts
RECEIVED TEXT or MAJORITY TEXT 5,400 extant manuscripts 5 Received Texts Erasmus – 1522 Colinaeus – 1534 Stephanis – 1546 Beza Elzevir

16 2nd Category of Manuscripts
CRITICAL TEXT or CORRUPT TEXT 45 extant manuscripts Jerome’s Latin Vulgate

17 Jerome ( AD) Jerome translated the Bible from Hebrew and Greek into Latin, and his Bible, the Vulgate, became the corrupt Latin Bible in Europe for over 1000 years Under Eusebius, made 50 bibles for Constantine He argued the Bible should be understood allegorically rather than literally A supporter of monasticism Jerome

18 2nd Category of Manuscripts
CRITICAL TEXT or CORRUPT TEXT 45 extant manuscripts Jerome’s Latin Vulgate Westcott and Hort Text 1881 Vaticanus – 350 AD Codex B Found in 1481 in the Vatican Library Siniaticus – 325 AD Codex Aleph Found in a trash can in St. Catherine’s Monastery at the base of Mt. Sinai in 1844 by Friedrich Constantin Tischendorf

19 Greek NT Manuscripts Divided into 2 catagories
ANTIOCH ALEXANDRIA Received or Majority Text 5,400 Manuscripts Critical Text 45 Manuscripts


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