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Introduction to Verilog sonoma

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1 Introduction to Verilog http://web. sonoma
Department of Engineering Science ES210L Digital Circuit & Logic Design Lab References "Digital Design,” Morris Mano and Michael Ciletti, 5th ed, Pearson, 2012. MobaXterm

2 HDL = Hardware Description Language
Topics Covered What is Verilog Verilog HDL Syntax and Semantics Environment Verilog Design File Examples Verilog Test Bench File Examples Verilog Installation and Installing MobaXterm Running Verilog Simulation HDL = Hardware Description Language

3 What is Verilog Verilog (IEEE 1364) is a Hardware Description Language (HDL) HDL is a programming language that uses codes to describe & model digital circuits VHDL (IEEE 1076) is another example of HDL Verilog allows to simulate digital circuits and displays the output vs input waveforms and propagation time before building them Digital circuits can be complex when making ICs Verilog HDL was designed by Phil Moorby, who later became the Chief Designer for Verilog-XL and the first Corporate Fellow at Cadence Design Systems. VHDL = Very High Level Hardware Design Language, Virtual Hardware Design Language Verilog is good at hardware modeling but lacks higher level (programming) constructs. VHDL is popular with (European) FPGA designers because low-level modeling is not required in an FPGA flow. Cadence makes system design & verification & custom IC tools for electronic hardware. Verilog HDL originated at Gateway Design Automation company in 1985. The company was held by Dr. Prabhu Goel, inventor of a test generation algorithm. Gateway Design Automation grew rapidly with the success of Verilog-XL and was finally acquired by Cadence Design Systems, San Jose, CA in 1989. IC=integrated circuits

4 Example of a Circuit and Verilog Output View
Verilog Design program Describes the logic circuit Test bench program specifies instances of the inputs

5 Two Verilog Programs Needed
//fig3p37_tb.v (Test bench program) // Specifies instances of inputs `timescale 1 ms / 1 us `include "fig3p37.v" module fig3p37_tb; wire D,E; reg A,B,C; fig3p37 M1(A,B,C,D,E); //Instance name initial begin A =1'b0; B =1'b0; C =1'b0; #100 A =1'b1; B =1'b1; C =1'b1; end initial #200 $finish; endmodule //fig3p37.v (Verilog Design Prog) // Defines the digital circuit module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); output D,E; input A,B,C; wire w1; and G1(w1,A,B); not G2(E,C); or G3(D,w1,E); endmodule

6 Verilog HDL Syntax and Semantics
White spaces are ignored - characters that contain white space: blanks, tabs, newlines, and form feeds Case sensitive: Lower case letters are unique from upper case letters All Verilog keywords are lower case Identifiers are names used to identify an object e.g., a register, a function, or a module A name so that it can be referenced from other places in a description. Identifiers may contain alphabetic characters, numeric characters, the underscore, and the dollar sign (a−z, A−Z, 0−9, $, or _ ) But must begin with an alphabetic character or the underscore character (a−z, A−Z, or _ ) Can be up to 1024 characters long. Examples of legal identifiers data_input mu clk_input my$clk i386 A System tasks are available to handle simple I/O and various design measurement functions during simulation. All system tasks are prefixed with $ to distinguish them from user tasks and functions.

7 Example of Bad and Good Codes
Bad Code (although correct): module addbit(a,b,ci,sum,co); input a,b,ci;output sum co; wire a,b,ci,sum,co;endmodule Good Code module addbit ( a, b, ci, // Carry In sum, co; // Carry Out ); input a; input b; input ci; output sum; output co; wire a; wire b; wire ci; wire sum; wire co;- endmodule

8 Sample Program 1 “hello_world”
//−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−− // This is my first Verilog Program // Design Name: hello_world // File Name: hello_world.v // Function: This program prints 'hello world’ // Coder: Deepak module hello_world ; // initial begin $display ( "Hello World by Deepak" ); #10 $finish; end endmodule // End of Module hello_world Green words represent comments “//” starts a comment line Blue words represent reserved keywords Lines 8 & 14 start & end a module Lines 10 to 13 contains initial block that begin & end the block. The module gets executed at time=0 (0 ms) Output of the program is: Hello World by Deepak

9 Examples of Comments Single line comments begin with token // and end with a carriage return Multi Line comments begin with the token /* and end with the token */ Number spec notation: <size in bits>’ <base> <number value>, e.g., 4’b1010 is a 4-bit binary value 1010 16’h6cda is a 16 bit hex number with value 6cda 8’d40 decimal value 40 /* This is a Multi line comment example */ module addbit ( a, b, ci, sum, co); a=4’b1010 Start with /* End with */ Concatenate signals using the { } operator Assign {b[b7:0] ,b[15:8]} = {a[15:8] ,a[7:0]}; effects a byte swap

10 Examples of Comments // Input Ports, Single line comment
module example; input a; input b; input ci; // Output ports output sum; output co; // Data Types wire a; wire b; wire ci; wire sum; wire co; endmodule

11 $ character is a prompt in Verilog
Set Up the Environment Assuming that you want to have a library folder for es210 for your Verilog files and simulation files on the Cadence server that you have an account. Open a terminal. ~]$ mkdir es210 ~]$ cd es210 We can make a Verilog file fig3p37.v in the es210 folder in cadence server ~]$ es210/fig3p37.v Cadence Design Systems is an American Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software and engineering services company that produces software and hardware for designing integrated circuits, systems on chips (SoCs) & printed circuit boards. circuit simulation, is an EDA product for and FPGA designs. $ character is a prompt in Verilog

12 Your First Verilog Program
A Verilog program describes the digital circuit. module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); output D,E; input A,B,C; wire w1; and G1(w1,A,B); not G2(E,C); or G3(D,w1,E); endmodule fig3p37 is the name of the module Words in blue are keywords Declare fig3p37 or Figure 3.37 in Mano ed 6

13 module....endmodule An example of a Verilog Design program
fig3p37 is the name of the module Always start the Verilog program with the keyword pair module…endmodule The keyword module must always be terminated by the keyword endmodule. Each line here is a statement. module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); output D,E; input A,B,C; wire w1; and G1(w1,A,B); not G2(E,C); or G3(D,w1,E); endmodule

14 Keywords Each statement ends with a semicolon
module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); output D,E; input A,B,C; wire w1; and G1(w1,A,B); not G2(E,C); or G3(D,w1,E); endmodule Each statement ends with a semicolon

15 Primitive Gates and, not, or are primitive gates
The output is listed first The inputs and outpts can be listed in any order G1 is an instance of the and gate module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); output D,E; input A,B,C; wire w1; and G1(w1,A,B); not G2(E,C); or G3(D,w1,E); endmodule Primitive = basic

16 “assign” keyword “assign” keyword can also be used to assign a value to the output It is followed by a Boolean expression To distinguish arithmetic operators from logical operators, Verilog uses symbols “&”, “|”, and “~” for AND, OR, and NOT, respectively, e.g., Verilog Logical statement Equivalent statement with “assign” not (Y, X); assign Y = ~X and (C, A, B); assign C = A & B; or (F, D, E); assign F = D | E and (F, A, B); or (D, F, C’); assign D = (A & B)|~C; assign b[0] = a[0], // an array b[1] = a[1], b[2] = a[2], b[3] = a[3]; Ampersand & Tilde ~ Vertical bar | See Examples 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 in textbook by Mano

17 Your First Verilog Program
Without assign With assign module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); output D,E; input A,B,C; wire w1; and G1(w1,A,B); not G2(E,C); or G3(D,w1,E); endmodule assign w1 = A & B; //cannot name the gate assign E = ~C; assign D = w1 | E; Declare

18 Table 4.10 Some Verilog HDL Operators
= for logical assign Equal by value, e.g., 111=111 Logical state of a variable can be true=“1” or false =“0“ Two variable that are represented by binary numbers can be compared or operated upon bitwise. Complete list in Table 8.1 &

19 Set Up the Testbench In addition to Verilog design program, we need a test bench program to define the instances (in time) of inputs that we apply to the circuit to get the outputs

20 Test Bench Module //fig3p37_tb.v is test bench program file `timescale 1 ms / 1 us `include "fig3p37.v" module fig3p37_tb; wire D,E; reg A,B,C; fig3p37 M1(A,B,C,D,E); //Instance name initial begin A =1'b0; B =1'b0; C =1'b0; #100 A =1'b1; B =1'b1; C =1'b1; end initial #200 $finish; endmodule fig3p37_tb is the module name for the test bench program “tb” indicates test bench “fig3p37.v” identifies design program with file type “v” below M1 is the instance of the module, required. Fig3p37 is the main or associated module name (below) //fig3p37.v is Verilog Design file module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); output D,E; input A,B,C; wire w1; and G1(w1,A,B); not G2(E,C); or G3(D,w1,E); endmodule

21 Test Bench Module //fig3p37_tb.v (test bench) file `timescale 1 ms / 1 us `include "fig3p37.v" module fig3p37_tb; wire D,E; reg A,B,C; fig3p37 M1(A,B,C,D,E); //Instance name initial begin A =1'b0; B =1'b0; C =1'b0; #100 A =1'b1; B =1'b1; C =1'b1; end initial #200 $finish; endmodule (`) is a back apostrophe before timescale and include “1 ms” specifies the unit of measurement for delays “1 us” specifies the precision for which delays are rounded off In Test Bench program the circuit outputs are declared with keyword wire and inputs with keyword reg The initial keyword is used with a set of statements that begin executing when the simulation is initialized begin….end The statements are executed in sequence from top to bottom reg = register

22 Test Bench Module //fig3p37_tb.v (test bench) file
`timescale 1 ms / 1 us `include "fig3p37.v" module fig3p37_tb; wire D,E; reg A,B,C; fig3p37 M1(A,B,C,D,E); //Instance name initial begin A =1'b0; B =1'b0; C =1'b0; #100 A =1'b1; B =1'b1; C =1'b1; end initial #200 $finish; endmodule # specifies the delay in the number of time units Format for variable: size/’/base/value e.g., A is one binary bit with a value of 1 # 200 specifies the duration for the display

23 MobaXterm Installation
You should have an account on Cadence/Verilog server by ing Mr. Shahram Marivani Insert your flash memory into the Lab PC or your laptop Go to and click on Resources Click on Remote Server Access Follow the instruction of MobaXterm for Windows or MAC computer MobaXterm opens a Terminal page for Windows7 as in Linux For Windows, click on MobaXterm You want to install this application on a flash memory so that you can use it in the lab or any computer including your laptop MobaXterm initiates a secure shell (ssh) session to communicate with the server On “Home Edition” page click on “Download now” Click “Mobaterm Home Edition” and “Download Now” Select “MobaXterm Home Edition v11.0 (Portable edition)” and download zip file on the flash memory Double click on the file, select MobaXterm_Personal_v11.0.exe and RUN it alikujoory$ ssh -Y

24 MobaXterm for Windows As the MobaXterm window opens, you should see a display as shown Click Session at left top corner Select SSH at left top corner In Remote host, type the IP address in the box Alis-MacBook-Pro:~ alikujoory$ ssh -Y A Terminal (Linux) window opens Login using your Seawolf UserName and Password At this time you can access/build your Verilog directory & programs E.g. es210/fig3p37.v To run enter verilog +gui fig3p37.v

25 XQuartz and Xterm for MacBook
You need to download “XQuartz for MAC” A Terminal (Linux) page opens At the promp, type ssh -Y Enter your Seawolf password At this time you can access/build your Verilog folders and programs E.g. es210/fig3p37.v

26 Terminal Display – Example 1
Make a folder for es210 on the Terminal page Use a Linux editor such as vi to make a verilog design file, e.g., fig3p37.v that describes the desired digital circuit Then, for fig3p37 circuit shown, the location of the Verilog design file is es210/fig3p37.v (The verilogsandbox folder in terminal display is removed for simplification) We need also to make a test bench file that defines the desired instances of inputs to apply to the circuit as es210/fig3p37_tb.v The figure below shows a typical Terminal display. Next slide shows the Verilog files

27 Verilog Files for – Example 1 on fig3p37
//fig3p37.v is the design file module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); output D,E; input A,B,C; wire w1; and G1(w1,A,B); not G2(E,C); or G3(D,w1,E); endmodule //fig3p37_tb.v is the test bench file `timescale 1 ms / 1 us `include "fig3p37.v" module fig3p37_tb; wire D,E; reg A,B,C; fig3p37 M1(A,B,C,D,E); //Instance name initial begin A =1'b0; B =1'b0; C =1'b0; #100 A =1'b1; B =1'b1; C =1'b1; end initial #200 $finish; endmodule Signals that are driven from within a process (an initial or always block) must be of type reg. Signals that are driven from outside a process must be of type wire. The keyword reg does not necessarily imply a hardware register.

28 Verilog for Simulation – Example 1
Compiling and running the Verilog file can simulate the circuit and display the input and output waveforms related to test bench data in fig3p37_tb.v To compile the file, TYPE verilog fig3p37_tb.v and ENTER fig3p37.v and fig3p37_tb.v files will be first checked for syntax errors, and fig3p37.v is processed before the digital waveforms are displayed The file compilation is complete when there are no errors To run the program, at the prompt, TYPE verilog +gui fig3p37_tb.v and hit ENTER Note: There are two ways to compile the files: Make two separate files (preferred): fig3p37.v and one that starts with command `include fig3p37.v followed by the fig3p37_tb.v module, in which case you need to run the fig3p37_tb.v file (see next slide), or Make one composite file that includes fig3p37_tb.v module followed by the fig3p37.v module (next slide, can skip)

29 Verilog Modules – Example 1
For a composite file, all “//” characters must to be removed.

30 The Screen after Compiling fig3p37_tb.v

31 Windows After Running fig3p37_tb.v File – Example 1
1. Go to “Simulation”. Select & click on “Reinvoke Simulator”. 3. Click on “+” sign to expand the subfolders & click on the “+” sign of MI to expand. You will see all the input/output entries in the right window. Select all these entries. 4. Go to this icon to “Send selected objects to the waveform”. The place- holder of the waveforms for all variables are displayed in a new screen on right. 5. Change time in “Time A” to 100 ms. Note that you need to change ussec scale to msec scale. 2. Click “Yes” on the resulting Reinvoke tab & go to the lower screen. 6. Go to “Simulation”. Select & click “Run”.

32 Windows After Running fig3p37_tb.v File – Example 1
The waveforms of the input signals and the resulting outputs will be displayed in a window for a range. To view the waveforms in the desired range, 0-200ms in this example, do the following. 7. Go to “Times” and enter the range to ms for the waveforms & hit see all waveforms as shown 8. You can move the vertical line indicator on the waveforms to left & right by clicking on these arrows A = B = C = 0 or 1 1 D E w1

33 Example 2: Simulate the Same Circuit with Different Inputs
// Testbench fig3p37 with different inputs `timescale 1 ms / 1 us `include "fig3p37.v" module fig3p37_tb; wire D,E; reg A,B,C; fig3p37 M1(A,B,C,D,E); //Instance name initial begin A =1'b0; B =1'b0; C =1'b0; #100 A =1'b1; B =1'b1; C =1'b1; #50 end initial #400 $finish; endmodule // commented module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); // output D,E; // input A,B,C; // wire w1; // and G1(w1,A,B); // not G2(E,C); // or G3(D,w1,E); // endmodule

34 Verilog Modules - Example 2

35 Input and Output Waveforms for Example 2

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