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Time to revise?.

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Presentation on theme: "Time to revise?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time to revise?

2 =Plenty!! The remainder of Year 11 From January 14th
17 weeks till exams 2856 hours =Plenty!!

3 The Challenge ahead… 17 weeks to prepare for the ‘big event’
17 weeks to get into best brain health 17 weeks to maximise learning/revision in every lesson

4 The Ideal You have A revision schedule A list of topics to revise
All resources required for each subject Materials to use for revision

5 The ideal student Boosters- Has 8+ hours of sleep per night
Drinks at least 8 glasses of water per day Has exercise daily Eats brain boosting foods during the school day Avoids brain draining foods Drainers-

6 Have endless capacity. Our amazing brains
Contain 50 billion brain cells. Have 15 X more cells than there are people on the planet. Have as many connections as there have been seconds, since dinosaurs walked on earth. Can grow ,000 branches in every cell. Potential is limitless- we are thought to use less than 10% in our lifetime Have endless capacity.

7 Preparation? Getting started….
Gather all resources - set texts/revision guides/materials/web sites Have topic lists for each subject Use your exam dates to create a long term schedule – divide them into weeks and plan to be ready for each week.

8 Not in school Week one May 13 th CIDA unit 1 Btech Music unit 1
Cambridge Nat Sports Studies RS 1 French Listening + Reading Biology 1 H/F Chemistry 1 H/F English Literature 1 French writing Week three 27th May Not in school Week two May 20th English Lit 2 Geography 1 D + T Physics 1 H/F Maths 1 H/F RS 2 + 3 Week four th 3rd June History 1+ 2 English Language 1 + 2 Geography 2 Maths 2 H/F Biology 2 Cambridge National Creative iMedia

9 Freedom!!! Week five June 10 th Geography 3 Maths 3 H/F
Chemistry 2 H/F Food prep and Nutrition Physics 2 H/F Citizenship 1 Week six June 17th Citizenship 2 Citizenship 3 Freedom!!!

10 Next steps… You need a short term plan i.e. week by week
Plan around commitments in and out of school Prioritise subjects e.g. ICT does not have the same amount of content to cover as History or English Literature so you will need fewer slots of ICT and more of History or EL Try to revise subjects on the day you have them in lessons to keep the loop of learning as strong as possible

11 Assembly English – R + J Study room - Geog case Studies
Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday registration Assembly English – R + J  English R+ J Lunch time/day ICT Study room - Geog case Studies After school library -Biology library - Chemistry English RS Science Geography Maths IT Geog Mocks

12 Revise in a brain friendly way
Keep hydrated Feed your brain – not junk Revise in a cool, bright space Ban ‘distractions’ e.g. music, phone, tv Sit at a desk for best quality revision Short sharp sessions Using colour, pattern, shapes, pictures The more senses you use the better

13 4 Steps to Revision Success
1. Understand 2. Process 3. Create 4. Revise

14 4 steps to revision success
Understand – Process - For each topic make sure you ‘get it’ Fill any gaps Ask questions Plan to revise what you need to know, not what you already know you have to put it into your own words as a way of ensuring that you know it well enough to re- use it. You have to ‘do something’ with it Use your own techniques to process the information – e.g. chunking, bulleted lists, Mind Maps Reduce everything down each time

15 4 steps to revision success
Create - Practise - Find as many ways as possible to apply and ‘re-use’ the information. The more senses you involve the stronger your recall will be. Copying the information out is not an ‘active’ way of re-using it – it is a waste of energy. Try – creating your own quizzes, games, posters, interviews, revision cards, teaching cards etc Revision (memorisation)takes place through the thinking processes that occur whilst you are creating the quiz etc. To keep info in your long term memory so you can recall it for exams, you need to find ways of re- visiting the information and repeating what you know. For example – doing sections of past papers more than once, doing revision quizzes (on-line ones, the teacher’s, your own, your friends’ etc)

16 Golden rules Use same coloured paper/Post Its
Write in coloured pens – thicker the better. Supersize your revision! Use wallpaper and leave it up. Copy egs/qus from text books Make instructions- write down the steps you need to take to answer a qu – teach someone else Make revision cards – qu on one side, answer on the other Listen to Mozart in background Work in short bursts, frequently.

17 Exam success or failure?
Examiners were asked to identify the most likely cause of students failing an exam. Which of the following was their top answer? a) nerves b) lack of preparation c) not reading instructions carefully

18 Fail to prepare – prepare to fail!
Answer? a) nerves b) lack of preparation c) not reading instructions carefully Your performance in exams will be as good as your preparation beforehand.

19 Final message The great dividing line between success and failure can be expressed in five words: “I did not have time.” Franklin Field

20 Be one of those that can boast: ‘I made the time!!!’

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