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Grab binder and warm-up

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Presentation on theme: "Grab binder and warm-up"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grab binder and warm-up
Grab binder and warm-up. Sit quietly in your seat and work on the warm-up. You need to analyze the McD’s advertisement and then answer the questions that follow with complete sentences. *PT is now homework. It is due next Wednesday. It is a very important writing grade and will be part of THIS marking period. MP ends next Thursday! *No, I will not be at Saturday School. Those who are going to attend should have seen me already for work.

2 UD Survey –Or- PT. RED ZONE.

3 LEQ 2: How and when is it effective to employ emotional appeals?

4 Content Vocab: *Analyzing Persuasive Techniques in Advertising – Place in notes. Review the notes with your elbow partner and discusses examples of these techniques that you’ve seen in advertising. *Backside: Follow along with the ppt and add to your notes, making sure to write the definition as well as an example for each technique.

5 Background Info: Topics: Michael J. Fox and Parkinson’s Disease
MJF: Ellen Show:

6 During Reading: *Read “Testimony Before the Senate,” pg. 612-616.
*While reading, fill out the graphic organizer. You are finding examples of ethos and pathos. Need to lift from the text and then explain the effect of each emotional appeal example.

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