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Child and Youth Protection Requirements

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1 Child and Youth Protection Requirements
Good Shepherd Church State College, PA July 25-26, 2015

2 Good Shepherd Parish is dedicated to creating and maintaining an environment that is welcoming and safe for everyone, especially our children and youth. We are committed to ensuring that all volunteers are in full and complete compliance with the requirements from Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown (Catholic Church) The State of Pennsylvania

3 From the bottom of our hearts,
We know this is complicated and lot to keep track of. The laws seem to be evolving as more organizations try to make sense of these regulations, but for now, we are required to meet these expectations set out by the state. The Diocesan requirements, for now, at least, overlap and repeat some of the state requirements. We know that people are looking at revising Diocesan requirements in light of the State Requirements. But now.. We have to follow both, as is, in order to ensure the safety of our youth. In addition, not as important, but also important – by not following these statues, we put the parish in a position that is very vulnerable to liability as well as criminal responsibility.

4 Diocesan Requirements
Online Training – (about 1 hour) Forms Employee Volunteer Application Form ​Code of Conduct Form Ministry reference form ​Federal or National Background Check* If PA resident for MORE THAN 10 years Background Check Authorization (CBC Clearance Authorization)​

5 The way a volunteer can fulfill the requirement for the Federal Background clearance is conditional on how long a volunteer or employee has lived in the state of Pennsylvania The diocese requires a Federal/National Clearance of everyone but… The State requires the FBI version of the Fed/Nat Clearance for people who have lived in the state for Less than 10 years.

6 Federal or National Background Check
If you already have a National Background Clearance (<3 yrs old) because of another position, a copy of that certificate will suffice. Long Time PA (>10 yrs) residents should get CBC Federal/National Background clearance from Diocese A-J if they don’t already have one. (Cost: $7.50) A Nat’l Clearance (FBI) is required by the State of PA for those who have not lived in the State of PA for 10 year minimum [solid]. (FBI clearance cost: $25.75) ALL clearances must be updated every 3 years.

7 State of Pennsylvania Requirements
NOTE: If you have applied for and received these because of your employment or another volunteer organization – You do not need to repeat the procedure but be sure to give GS copies of your clearance certificates State of Pennsylvania Requirements Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance You will need to list your SSN#, addresses since 1975 and full names and ages of everyone you have lived with in that time. Normally takes a “few” days-2 weeks to receive clearance Pennsylvania State Criminal Background Clearance You will need your SSN#, name and address Immediate response with a certificate. Be ready to SAVE (pdf) and/or PRINT. (You can’t get back to it)

8 FBI Clearance You will need your SSN#, name and address and Credit Card ($25.75) REGISTER ONLINE (next slide) Immediately a volunteer will be issued an “Applicant Registration” that you will print up for a fingerprinting site. Three Fingerprinting sites in State College: UPS STORE – Hamilton Ave UPS STORE – Colonnade Way PENN STATE – University Police – Eisenhower Deck


10 If a volunteer does not have reliable access to Internet or Printing:
Parish Laptops will be set up linked to printer on the 2nd Floor of the Bender education center. Appointment should be made through the Parish Office or the Director of Faith Formation.

11 If clearance application presents a financial hardship:
Good Shepherd will assist with payment or cover all necessary costs for those in need. If you can make application with your own credit card, submit record of application or receipt to the Parish Office for reimbursement. If a volunteer does not have a debit or credit card, contact the parish office to make arrangements and Good Shepherd will cover costs.

12 What if…. It is possible that some volunteers will choose not to complete the required clearances and paperwork from either the State or the Diocese. If that happens, a volunteer must tell us that is their choice and remove themselves from ministry with children and youth. Those who do not complete the clearances (etc.) are welcome to worship and celebrate with us. They are also welcome to serve, but must choose ministries where regular, direct contact with children and youth is NOT required. We hope this doesn’t happen, but we must face that it is possible because, especially at first, these requirements seem repetitive and complicated, at best. But the bottom line is we are ethically and legally responsible for making sure that we have done everything we can to ensure the safety of our young people.

13 Mandatory Reporters of suspected child abuse – as of July 1, 2015
Employees AND VOLUNTEERS with routine interaction with children including but not limited to: Clergy, Religious, Parish Office Staff Music Director & Assistants Catechists Youth Ministers Maintenance Staff Confirmation Facilitators

14 Here at Good Shepherd, if someone suspects a child is a victim of child abuse…
That person must be the one to report the abuse, and the staff of Good Shepherd will do everything possible to support you in your role as mandated reporter. Notify the Pastor or the Director of Faith Formation if you suspect that a child/youth could be a victim of abuse.

15 What is mandated reporting procedure?
A Mandated Reporter shall immediately make an oral report of suspected child abuse to the Department of Human Services via the Statewide toll-free number, Childline: (800) M.R. shall also submit a written report. For more on mandated reporting see:

16 How do we recognize abuse in children or young people? ONLINE TRAINING
IF……… How do we recognize abuse in children or young people? ONLINE TRAINING   3 hr online training. Does NOT have to be done in one sitting. Certificate of completion should be on file at Good Shepherd.

17 DEADLINES New volunteers
MUST have all required state clearances on file BEFORE they begin ministry (with direct contact of children and/or youth) Diocesan clearances must be in process and online training completed by the beginning of ministry with children and youth. Faith Formation official start for Elem is September Current volunteers in Good Standing with Diocesan Clearances Must have all state clearances on file by Dec. 31, 2015. Diocesan clearances and required forms must be on file and current by Dec. 31


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