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Elements in miniscule amounts

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1 Elements in miniscule amounts
“The Trace Minerals” Elements in miniscule amounts

2 Itty bitty little amounts…
Because they are in such tiny amounts, only nine have been studied enough for intake requirements. We will only look at a few of these.


4 “Iodine” “Only tiny amount, but indispensable.”
Once absorbed, the iodine becomes an ion, iodide. It is really this iodide that is needed for body functions.

5 What does it do? “Iodide is a part of thyroxine, hormone made by thyroid gland.” “Regulates metabolic rate, temp, reproduction, growth…”

6 Where can we get it? “Ocean is main source: seafood, water, kelp, and even mist” So where would we see deficiencies? Inland.

7 Deficiencies “Iodine deficiency:” cells of thyroid swell to trap as much as they can: “goiter in neck” Also sluggishness, weight gain

8 Other deficiencies “During pregnancy: fetal death, cretinism (mental or physical retardation).” One of the most common and preventable sources of retardation IQ can be as low as 20! (Average is 100, retardation is 70)

9 “Food Sources” “Varies with amount in soil” Why?
Amount plant takes in, or animal grazes “Use of iodized salt has helped” Can exceed limit just by eating two slices of store-bought bread!

10 “Iron” Where do we find it in the body?
“Most iron is part of two proteins:” “Hemoglobin in red blood cells” “Myoglobin in muscle cells”

11 Recycling Iron “As cells use up oxygen, iron shuttles fresh oxygen into tissues from lungs” This is why iron content is so vital. Liver packs iron into new blood cells. When cells die (3-4 months), spleen and liver recycle iron for use again.

12 How could we run low, then?
We lose tiny amounts in nail and hair trimmings, skin cells, and digestive tract We lose more through bleeding. “Iron can be dangerous in certain parts of the body; we keep it contained.”

13 “Deficiency” “Severe deficiency = anemia”
“limits cells’ oxygen; fatigue, apathy, coldness result” The blood looks lighter in color; tongue and eye linings can be checked for pinkness

14 Mental Symptoms pica = craving of ice, chalk, clay, and soil

15 Why deficiency? Inadequate intake Blood loss
Digestive tract problems that cause blood loss Why do women need 2x iron?

16 Too much iron? You bet. “Iron overload: most common in Caucasian men”
Fatigue, mental depression, abdominal pain Eventually, liver failure, diabetes, heart failure “Children who o.d. on iron supplements”

17 “Fluoride” “not essential to life”
“inhibits development of dental caries” (cavities, decay) Promotes remineralization of hydroxyapatite in teeth before cavities get large Also suppresses bacteria

18 Too much fluoride? “Too much in water can cause fluorosis in children.” Only happens when teeth are forming, irreversible Children should only use pea-sized amount of paste and not swallow it!


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