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Lesson 1- Choosing to be Alcohol-free

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1 Lesson 1- Choosing to be Alcohol-free
Chapter 22- Alcohol Lesson 1- Choosing to be Alcohol-free

2 You’ll Learn to Identify factors that influence decisions about alcohol use & your health Analyze the physical, mental, social, and legal consequences of alcohol use Explain the relationship between alcohol use by adolescents & the role alcohol plays in unsafe situations Develop strategies for preventing the use of alcohol Demonstrate refusal strategies regarding alcohol use & the benefits of choosing to be alcohol free Vocabulary: ethanol, fermentation, depressant, intoxication, alcohol abuse

3 Do you know which is a myth & which is a fact about alcohol?
Read each statement below and respond by writing Myth or Fact for each. Alcohol has the same chemical & physical effects on everyone who drinks. Someone who doesn’t act drunk isn’t drunk. When a person is intoxicated, coffee, a cold shower, or fresh air will sober him or her up. Alcohol impairs judgment and social behaviors. Drinking alcohol on weekends or once in a while is not harmful. No amount of alcohol is safe for pregnant women to drink. Binge drinking has no long-term effects.

4 The facts about alcohol
Ethanol- the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages- is a powerful & addictive drug. Fermentation- chemical action of yeast on sugars. Let’s see how it works!

5 Immediate effects of alcohol consumption
At first drinking alcohol may provide a kind of “energy rush” This initial reaction masks alcohol’s true effect as a depressant. Depressant- a drug that slows the central nervous system. Alcohol quickly affects a person’s motor skills by slowing reaction time & impairing vision. Intoxication- is the state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance and the person’s physical & mental control is significantly reduced. Let’s take a look! disclaimer- there is really nothing funny about these people, they obviously have issues! BUT the video shows how a person’s motor skills are effected by alcohol!

6 Factors that influence alcohol use
Did you know? Despite the many problems associated with alcohol use, many teenagers still choose to drink. Why? peer pressure- to fit in and be accepted Family- parents who discourage and avoid the use of alcohol are more likely to have teens who do the same Media messages- target teen audience By the time teens reach 9th grade, most will have seen more ads for beer or wine than for any other product A recent study found that 93% of the 200 most popular movie rental depicted alcohol use A review of top-selling rap recordings found alcohol mentioned 47% of the songs Let’s take a look!

7 Avoid alcohol: avoid unsafe behaviors
Did you know? Alcohol is a serious matter. It is the key factor in 33% of suicides 50% of homicides 62% of assaults 68% of manslaughter cases 50% of head injuries 41% of traffic fatalities Alcohol also plays a major role in domestic abuse and injury, child abuse and neglect, and workplace injuries. More than half of all people who drown have consumed alcohol before entering the water. Alcohol-related traffic collisions are the #1 cause of death & disability among teens. Alcohol use is linked with deaths by drowning, fire, suicide & homicide

8 Lesson 2 harmful effects of alcohol use
Chapter 22 Alcohol Lesson 2 harmful effects of alcohol use

9 You’ll learn to Examine the short-term effects of alcohol use.
Apply responsible decision making by associating the risks & consequences of drinking and driving. Recognizes the dangers of alcohol-drug interactions. Demonstrates refusal strategies concerning alcohol use. Vocabulary: metabolism, blood alcohol concentration, binge drinking, alcohol poisoning

10 Short-term effects of drinking
The short-term effects of alcohol are different for each individual. Some factors that influences the onset of these effects include: Body size & gender Food Amount & rate of intake Physical & mental impairment begin with the first drink of alcohol and increases as more alcohol is consumed


12 Alcohol & drug interaction
Alcohol & drugs don’t mix…why? Alcohol combined with another drug can result in a multiplier affect. Typical alcohol-drug interactions: Alcohol may slow down a drugs absorption, increasing the length of time its in the body Increase in number of metabolizing enzymes causing meds to be broken down faster, decreasing their effectiveness Metabolizing enzymes can change some meds into chemicals that can damage the liver and other organs Alcohol can increase the effects of some drugs. Metabolism is the process by which the body breaks down substances

13 Driving under the influence
Drinking alcohol impairs vision, reaction time, and coordination. Driving while intoxicated (DWI), also known as driving under the influence (dui), is the leading cause of death among teens. A person is intoxicated when their blood alcohol concentration (bac) exceeds the state’s legal limit. BAC- is the amount of alcohol in a person’s blood, expressed as a percentage. (.08% in nj) Let’s take a look!

14 Binge drinking & alcohol poisoning
Binge drinking is drinking 5 or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting. Binge drinking can lead to alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning is a severe a potentially fatal physical reaction to an alcohol overdose. Alcohol acts as a depressant & shuts down involuntary action (breathing, gag reflex). A person can choke & be asphyxiated by his or her own vomit.

15 Effects of alcohol poisoning
Passing out is a common effect of drinking too much. Alcohol doesn’t stop entering the bloodstream after passing out . Symptoms that indicate alcohol poisoning: Mental confusion, stupor, coma, vomiting and seizures Slow respiration (10 seconds between breaths or fewer than 8 breaths per minute) Irregular heartbeat Hypothermia or low body temp Severe dehydration from vomiting A person who exhibits any of these signs or has passed out may die if left untreated. Call immediately if you suspect someone with alcohol poisoning.

16 Lesson 3 Alcohol, the individual, & society
Chapter 22 Lesson 3 Alcohol, the individual, & society

17 You’ll learn to Examine the effects of alcohol use on the body systems & the risk of disease caused by alcohol use. Analyze the harmful effects of alcohol on a fetus. Identify & assess community health services for the prevention and treatment of alcoholism & alcohol use Vocabulary- fetal alcohol syndrome (fas), alcoholism, alcoholic, recovery, detoxification, sobriety

18 Quick start Fold a sheet of paper into 3 sections. Label the sections “physical,” “mental/emotional,” and “social.” then list the ways that alcohol use affects each part of the health triangle.

19 Long-term effects of alcohol on the body
In teens alcohol use can interfere with growth & development. Excessive use over a prolonged period of time can damage most body systems. Let’s take a look!

20 Alcohol during pregnancy
When a pregnant female drinks so does her fetus Fetal alcohol syndrome (fas), a group of alcohol-related birth defects that include physical and mental problems Effects of fas: Small head and deformities of the face, hands or feet. Heart, liver, and kidney defects. Vision and hearing impairments. learning disabilities (attention, memory & problem solving) Leading cause of mental retardation in the US

21 alcoholism Alcoholism is a disease in which a person has a physical or psychological dependence on drinks that contain alcohol. Impaired ability to study, work, or socialize normally. Alcoholic is an addict who is dependent on alcohol.

22 alcoholic May display harmful behaviors such as drunk driving, violent or aggressive behavior. Might display these symptoms: Craving- strong need to drink Loss of control- cannot limit drinking, preoccupied with alcohol Physical dependence- withdrawal symptoms (nausea, sweats, shaky, anxiety) Tolerance- drink greater amounts to feel its effects Health, family, & legal problems

23 Stages of alcoholism Stage 1 abuse- begins with social to relax, over time dependence on alcohol to manage stress. Becomes intoxicated regularly & builds a tolerance Stage 2 dependence- cannot stop drinking & is physical and psychological dependent on the drug. Stage 3 addiction- drinking is the most important thing in a person’s life. Life is out of control but may not realize or acknowledge it. If the alcoholic stopped drinking, he or she would experience withdrawal symptoms.

24 Effects on family & society
14 million alcoholics in us Alcohol use is a major factor in the four leading causes of accidental death (car accident, falls, drownings, house fires) Plays a major role in violent crime (homicide, forcible rape, robbery). 40% of violent crimes are alcohol related 2/3 of victims of domestic violence Nearly half of all homicide victims had alcohol in their blood stream

25 Treatment for alcohol abuse
Cannot be cured only treated. The process of learning to live an alcohol-free life is called recovery. The goal of treatment programs is to stop or control the intake of alcohol. Sobriety, living without alcohol, is a lifelong commitment. Steps to recovery: Admission Detoxification- a process in which the body adjusts to functioning without alcohol. Counseling recovery

26 Where to get help Al-anon/alateen Alcoholics anonymous
National association for children of alcoholics National clearinghouse for alcohol & drug information National drug & treatment referral routing service

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