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Big Data and IoT FTG-07.

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1 Big Data and IoT FTG-07

2 IoT The growing popularity of internet of things (IoT) enabled devices and smartphones, and the recent increase in the penetration of the internet across the globe has redefined connectivity. Individuals are always connected to the internet from their mobile phones, smartphones, and laptops even while commuting. There were some dead spots and lapses in network coverage on the public transportation system such as buses and trains. But today, IoT is set to transform the public transportation system by driving efficiency and increasing connectivity. IoT is the key to improve the transportation industry, which will, in turn, help in redesigning the public transport system.

3 IoT and Public Transporation
Connected vehicles or connected transportation simply means vehicles that have Wi-Fi or other sensors that facilitate internet connectivity while traveling. By leveraging IoT enabled devices and networks in the public transportation system, authorities can optimize the routes, lower infrastructural costs, reduce traffic network congestion, and enhance road safety. The public transport system embedded with IoT sensors can be used to track the vehicle through GPS, monitor the vehicle behavior, schedule maintenance activities, and assist the driver in reserving public parking spots for convenience. The data gathered through IoT-enabled devices can be analyzed with the help of various business intelligence solutions and gain actionable insights that can be used to make strategic decisions, assess driver behavior, impart training in required areas, and plan and develop smart cities.

4 Revamping the Public Transport System – How?
There are millions of people that avail the public transport services and commute daily on buses and trains each day across the globe. This mass network of public transport system generates large amounts of data on a daily basis. How exactly IoT can revamp the entire public transportation system, you ask? Here’s how. The public transport vehicles, if embedded with sensors, can alert the maintenance and service teams to schedule maintenance activities, and ensure that the vehicle complies with the regulatory standards and frameworks Through IoT enabled devices, public transport vehicles can offer internet connectivity either through embedding in-built chipset or tethering the vehicle with hardware to offer Wi-Fi connectivity to enhance customer experience and improve consumer journey The entire transport industry generates large amounts of data through various sources like ticketing counters, vehicle sensors, traffic signals, social media, and personal feedbacks that can be analyzed with the help of business intelligence and customer intelligence solutions to plan services and offer information to their customers The organizations can track the vehicle movement, trace the location, monitor the activities, and develop measure to ensure safety

5 Transport System Communication Architecture
Control/Communication Layer Stations & Platforms Control Center Train to Wayside Wayside/Trackside Onboard Digital Signage Security Ticketing Central Hub Surveillance Train Controls Infotainment Camera IP Phone I/O Signal Ultrasonic Sensing Cabinet Wayside Control Base Station Operation Center Public Internet Communications Network Security Layer End-of-Train Devices Control Center and Backup CC Line Controller Workstations Training Center Test Track Maintenance Center Depot Interlocking Station Trackside Gateways Security & Surveillance External Devices Ticketing & Fare Collection Network Security & Status Monitoring Backbone Communications Schedule Display Workstation ATS Workstations Network Monitoring Terminal Servers Routers (Firewalls) Timetable Compiler Data Recorder Certification Authority Environment Detection Zone Controller Relay Racks Maintenance Workstations Fault Report Workstations IPS Servers Interlocking Equipment Signals Crew Protection Switches Security Gateways Cameras Control Platforms Trans- ponders Network Architecture

6 Fusion of Multiple Data
Consumer Usage Data Equipment Usage Data Real-Time Integration of Data Weather Economic 3rd Party Applications Ops/Maintenance Mgmt Control Center Security Control Centers Stations & Platforms Onboard Communications and Signaling Ticketing & Fares Digital Signage Surveillance Infotainment Diagnostics & Control Train to Wayside Transmission Fleet / Route Mgmt Train to Wayside (Ground) SIGNIFICANT POTENTIAL FOR INTEGRATION AND INFORMATION SHARING ACROSS APPLICATIONS

7 Benefits of IoT Real-time equipment tracking: Cloud-based central control systems will enable operators to pinpoint any piece of equipment. Inter-equipment communication: Much as PTC helps bus operators can report traffic to other drivers, alerting them to take appropriate precautions; urban mass transit vehicles can report traffic delays or accidents. Predictive maintenance: Rather than simply alerting drivers, vehicles will transmit defect data directly to engineers. Predictive maintenance will identify components in need of repair, eliminating the need to take equipment out of service for routine inspections and preventive maintenance. Remote upgrades: Operators can upgrade software over the air in hundreds of connected devices spread across hundreds of vehicles simultaneously. Fuel management: System operators will have better visibility into fuel consumption and efficiency, potentially saving millions in fuel costs. Improved passenger comfort and convenience: Carriers can offer more onboard amenities. Transit riders can know how soon the next bus is coming.


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