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Build your Character Bishop Justus Time + Effort = Success

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Presentation on theme: "Build your Character Bishop Justus Time + Effort = Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Build your Character Habits @ Bishop Justus Time + Effort = Success
Christian Love Build your Character Habits @ Bishop Justus Embracing Challenge Forward Planning Ready & Respectful Evaluating & Reviewing Time + Effort = Success Presentation, Innovation & Creating Teamwork Resilience Effective Effort Coherent Communication

2 Wily Word of the Week Synonyms: Sly, cunning W/b: 18th June 2018
Adjective Skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully. Synonyms: Sly, cunning Examples: The animal was wily as it trapped and caught its prey. The wily robber was always trying to find ways to get in undetected.

3 Bishop Justus Church of England School
Morning Worship Parable: Talents 21st June 2018 Bishop Justus Church of England School

4 Let the light of Christ shine in our lives
Gather The Lord be with you And also with you Let the light of Christ shine in our lives

5 Receive “At that time the Kingdom of heaven will be like this. Once there was a man who was about to leave home on a trip; he called his servants and put them in charge of his property. He gave to each one according to his ability: to one he gave five thousand gold coins, to another he gave two thousand, and to another he gave one thousand. Then he left on his trip… Continues on next slide.

6 Receive …The servant who had received five thousand coins went at once and invested his money and earned another five thousand. In the same way the servant who had received two thousand coins earned another two thousand. But the servant who had received one thousand coins went off, dug a hole in the ground, and hid his master's money.” From the Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 25, verses 14 to 19.

7 Engage Today in worship we read the Parable of the Talents. Our worship focus is on the importance of hard work and effort to make talents develop and grow. Just for information … a ‘talent’ was the largest unit of weight (1 talent = 3,000 shekels), so even 1,000 talents was a huge amount (Jesus often used exaggeration to drive a message home).

8 Engage Some discussion ideas …
In the parable - how are the talents used? How could this parable relate to us? Activity suggestions … Share with the person next to you something you are talented at… Play a game of charades or Pictionary to find out what each others’ talents are. Tell a partner what you think each other’s talents are. Our class has got talent… Have an impromptu Our Class has got Talent Session Invite all sorts of talents to perform—from the beautiful to the weird and wonderful...

9 Respond Heavenly Father, thank you for your gifts to us
thank you for the talents within us. Help us both to enjoy our gifts and to work at them, so that they will grow and make your world a better place. Amen

10 Go out into the world with the light of Christ
Let us bless the Lord Thanks be to God Go out into the world with the light of Christ

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