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JSOCC Advanced Course January 2014

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1 JSOCC Advanced Course January 2014
Best Practices The Only Limit is Your Imagination!

2 AGENDA Recruiting Formal Events (Dining In/Out & Military Balls) Fundraising Service Learning Projects Miscellaneous

3 Recruiting Week long camp for incoming 9th graders hosted by school, JROTC runs 2 days of the camp, rock climbing, etc. Host a school Career Day and invite Middle School. Visit middle school with counselors and help with H.S. registrations. Hold an assembly at the middle school and show off JROTC teams and cadets. Some cadets should dress in class A’s but some should be in sports team jersey’s, cheerleading uniforms, etc. Display diversity of Bn. Offer “Breakfast w/ the Commander” frequently in the a.m. before school starts. JROTC purchases breakfast items and advertises to the school to come and join the Cdr for breakfast.

4 Formal Events Include a “missing man” table honoring the fallen from each service. Include JROTC Essay question in your midterm exam and then submit best essay to Bde for external competition. Give prizes to best essay from each LET level. Conduct a real Military Ball w/ guest speakers and all the protocol. Call local Sorority’s and Fraternity’s for Military Ball support, i.e. used formal gowns. Invite local Veteran’s to your Dining Out.

5 Fundraising .5 mile and 5K fun run. Invite Elementary & Middle School students and parents. Coordinate w/ PE Teachers at each school. Issue a challenge/invitation to local Wal-Mart Store managers! In Clinton, SC the Wal-Mart managers also make a donation to the cause. Entry fee, $10. Host a fish fry and invite the community. 1 unit provides a Color Guard for NBA games and asked for donation after showing committed support. (Led to more donations from other teams) Go visit your local school board and ask for support. 1 unit takes cadets out to US Open/Southern Pines Golf Tournament for Ball Spotting Work concession stands at Raceways Solicit Support from Athletic Dir and Booster club at your school.

6 Fundraising Continued
McDonalds/ Pizza Hut Night. Partner with various organizations, tell them about your program (and send letters): MOWW, Toast Masters, Funeral Homes, Churches, Construction Co’s, etc Form a JROTC Booster Club and let parents do the fundraising (Stay involved) Gift wrap at a local book store during holiday time. Visit local Wal-Mart Manager and solicit donations. Send letters out to Alumni and solicit donations for specific events. Talk to the Athletic Director and Booster Club at your school Submit grants!

7 Fundraising Continued
One unit is paid by school to assist w/ security at Football games and perform clean-up of stadium. Sponsor Cell Phone-a-thon, Purchase Dog Tags ( and sell to cadets and/or other students in school. Dog Tag can commemorate special events or just display school spirit.

8 Service Learning Flags for Vets, get donations for the flags and then cadets place them in the Veteran’s Cemetery's. Sponsor families at holiday time and get donations from Wal-Mart Host a 911 Remembrance Parade and sponsor a drill meet at the conclusion of the parade. Work phone bank on TV for local telethon, make sure unit makes a donation Take cadets and history students to local battlefield tour/staff ride. American Red Cross sponsors holiday mail for heroes. You prepare letters and Red Cross sends them to the troops. Recognition of Veteran’s/Teachers in the school. The week of Veteran’s Day send them Thank you notes and gift bags and place banners around the school.

9 Service Learning Continued
Cadets visit deploying/returning soldiers and thank them with cards, balloons, banners, etc. Make a trip to green ramp to actually see units deploying and returning. Toys for Tots – create a drop off point on the side of the road, post signs and collect donations and toys. Veteran’s History Project – Contact VFW/Am Legion and get names of local Vet’s. Conduct a video interview with the vets and submit footage to the Smithsonian Institute or Library of Congress Blue Star Mother’s organization (Mothers of deployed soldiers) Hang flag blue star flag in class and adopt a deployed platoon. Make a banner for the unit and get them to send you a picture of unit with banner in the background. Host “We the People” competition with History Classes/Department. Sponsor Leadership Class for the Athletic Dir and train athletes who aspire to be Team Captains (Football, Basketball, etc.) Cadets can get family members who are Army Veteran’s to register w/ the Army Historical Foundation, and preserve the history and heritage of soldiers in their families.

10 Service Learning Continued
Support Honor Flights for Veterans Encourage cadets to research their family roots and turn into a cultural project. Host annual flag retirement ceremony for the community. Partner with grocery store to receive donations from purchases of your supporters. Harris Teeter gives great profits back to unit. Sign up with store and solicit support from community in front of grocery store. Solicit support from school community. Host a Leadership Symposium for local JROTC Units feeder Middle Schools and hold at local museum or other Military related venue. Close out the day w/ Academic Competition. Host Senior Citizen’s Sock-Hop at a local VA Hosp, Assisted Living, Nursing Home. Best during week of Valentines Day. Cadets can deliver ice cream or candy to residents who could not come to party. Adopt a cemetery.

11 Service Learning Continued
Provide support to Applebee’s and other restaurants that provide free meals to Veteran’s on Veteran’s Day. Assist w/ line control and parking lot assistance

12 Miscellaneous Tap into 555th for cadet scholarships
Visit congregations that your cadets attend a few times a year. Ask Active Army Recruiters to support Drill Competitions, they may pay for trophies if you ask in advance.

13 Great Ideas! Thanks to everyone for their assistance in building this valuable document!

14 Best Practices presented by
GOOD LUCK!! Best Practices presented by JSOCC Class 302-14

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