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Mrs. Tyson Third grade Curriculum Night Mrs. Tyson Third grade

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1 Mrs. Tyson Third grade
Curriculum Night Mrs. Tyson Third grade

2 Curriculum Math and Language Arts are based on Georgia Standards of Excellence and delivered in a clear and consistent manner that fits individual needs. REAL time (daily)- a time on each grade level for reading enrichment and extra support. Science topics will include GA Habitats, Rocks and Minerals, Fossils, and Thermal Energy/Heat. UNIT FOLDERS(save at home) Social Studies topics will include Early American Indian Cultures, European Exploration in North America, Colonial America, Roots of our Democracy, Economics, and map skills, UNIT FOLDERS (save at home) Science and SS will be integrated throughout our ELA and Reading block.


4 Tools to Achieve Learning
Anchor Texts (text complexity, modeled discussions, and skills) Good Habits, Great Readers (leveled readers) Writers’ Workshop Interactive notebooks used as resources for learning Integrated Curriculum with Social Studies, ELA, Math, and Science STEAM activities (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math) Online Resources- logins will be recorded on one paper that is kept in their binder!

5 How do we monitor learning and progress
How do we monitor learning and progress? We are continuously assessing students through: Quizzes, Tickets out the Door, quick checks Unit Tests- announced one week prior Observations Writing Samples Discussions Individual and Small Group Work One-on-one Instruction and teacher conference Project Based Learning Tasks and Activities Reading and Math benchmark assessments

6 My Homework Policy Homework is given Monday-Thursday or on an as needed basis. It will vary from teacher to teacher and student to student. When homework is assigned, the purpose is to practice/maintain skills. Students are responsible for writing all homework down in their agenda each Monday and it will also be posted on my website every Friday. Should be kept in their binder. About 30 minutes Monday-Thursday Expected to turn in completed assignments the following day (unless otherwise stated).Textbooks, workbooks, or notebooks should always come back the next day.

7 Typing at home with Type to Learn program is highly encouraged.
Testing ITBS: Oct. 22, 2018-Nov. 2, 2018 There is no preparation for this test other than a great night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast each day. (Used to compare 3rd graders to other 3rd graders) Georgia Milestones Window: April 11-25, 2019 3rd grade will take ELA, Reading, and Math online. For more information, visit Write Scores: independent formal writing sample Given in the fall and spring Typing at home with Type to Learn program is highly encouraged.

8 Report Cards and grading scale
Grade recording is done electronically. You can always access your child’s grades via Home Access Center using your child’s specific login information provided. SAVE THIS INFORMATION! Graded papers will come home about every two weeks in Graded Paper Folders. Please review, sign and send in papers the following day. Report cards will come once a quarter. Grading Scale: Weights: A 90 and Above Classwork: 25% B Tests 40% C Quizzes: 35% F 69 and Below

9 Behavior Bobcat Expectations: Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Ready to Learn We use Class Dojo in our classroom to track behavior in our classroom. Student’s points are used for small rewards. Our school focuses on using P.B.I.S. (positive behavior intervention and support) strategies to encourage and recognize positive behavior. Students earn PURRR tickets to reward positive behavior and these tickets can cashed in for rewards and privileges.

10 BYOT Goal of BYOT is to have students creating products in a variety of ways that they could not do with traditional paper and pencil. Additionally, it allows more children access to online content in a more efficient manner. completely voluntary MUST connect to filtered wifi network at SBCE. Data/cell plans should be disabled. The device must be in the off position while not in use. Devices cannot be accessed at lunch, recess, during any after school program, including Prime Time, or the bus no communication via or texting Your child must have the SBCE BYOT agreement signed and returned prior to bringing in his/her device. You are encouraged to review the contract with your child prior to sending it in.

11 How can You stay connected?
Volunteer to help with class parties (2) Look for opportunities in the weekly Bobcat Tales! If you volunteer with students at SBCE you must do mandatory volunteer training online. This must be completed 48 hours prior to you volunteering with children. This includes field trip chaperones. Digitally via class website, teacher s, HAC, and Bobcat Tales website: *I will be sending weekly communication every Friday to remind you to view updates on my site *Please allow 24 hours for a response during the work week.

12 Questions and conferences
Please write down any questions pertaining to the whole class on a post it note and leave it at your child’s seat on the way out. I will answer questions in a timely fashion via . Questions pertaining to your individual child can be addressed via or during conferences. Please sign up via Sign-up Genius. I will send out a link shortly with the dates and times via .

13 Class dismissed! Please head to your child’s MATH teacher for the remainder of the evening.

14 Math Curriculum Units of Study 3rd Grade: Unit 1: Number and Operations in Base Ten Unit 2: Relationship Between Multiplication and Division Unit 3: Patterns in Multiplication and Division Unit 4: Geometry Unit 5: Representing and Comparing Fractions Unit 6: Time and Measurement Units of Study 4th Grade: Unit 1: Whole Numbers, Place Value Rounding in Computation Unit 2: Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers Unit 3: Fraction Equivalents *All units have some component of graphing and data integrated

15 Testing -Tests are given at the end of each unit. Notification will come home a week before the test is given. -There are not study guides for tests. -Interactive Notebooks: contains big ideas for each unit and resources for reviewing and studying concepts -Needs to go home and come back! -Has notes and modeled examples for students to use as a resource for a study tool -Students can also use (login should be in their agenda)

16 Math Class
Homework: given on an as needed basis based on the skills we are working on -Virtual, McGraw Hill workbook, or handouts, Multiplication facts weekly Tests will be announced one week in advance. Students will use their interactive notebook, homework, and workbook as study tools for tests. Updates and information regarding math class will be ed to parents Online Resources:, iMath, McGraw Hill Online Workbook

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