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HEE Foundation Programme Review

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1 HEE Foundation Programme Review
Joint Foundation Faculty Sharing Best Practice Event - 8th March 2019

2 Medical Education Reform
Enhancing Supervision Locally Employed Doctors: SAS/Trust Grade ACP/ Multi-professional Team Working ARCP Review Implementation Individualised Training Pathways Enhancing Junior Doctors’ Working Lives Training Structure and Delivery Undergraduate Medical E&T: School Expansion & Quality Foundation Programme Review Geographic distribution TOPOL, Technology & Innovation Population Health Management Fellowships

3 Facing the Facts, Shaping the Future;
‘The NHS Foundation Programme is a world-leading medical education offer that supports newly-qualified doctors, developing generalist clinical skills and informing their future career choices. HEE has worked with UK partners to develop the programme since 2013, supporting service need by increasing the number of doctors completing a GP, Community or Psychiatry post… ‘HEE with partners, will review the Foundation Programme in England during 2018 to assess how it can best support the development of the doctors of tomorrow.’ Facing the Facts, Shaping the Future; A draft health and care workforce strategy for England to 2027

4 Why now? Current issues 1500 additional medical school places
Facing the Facts, Shaping the Future – NHS workforce strategy and the NHS long-term plan 8 years on from Collins Review (evaluation of Foundation Programme, 2010) Trainee morale – flexibility, supervision, need for better transition to postgraduate Improving care for patients - geographic and specialty issues Moving healthcare to prevention, population health and community based care Maintaining standard regardless of point of full registration @NHS_HealthEdEng

Foundation Programme Review WORKFORCE ISSUES TIME TO CHOOSE Learner and Trainer Engagement Policy and Four Nation Alignment

6 Progress to Date Five working groups created into themes to deliver the Review’s aims – chaired by PGDs/FSDs with wide cross-system stakeholder membership Established key ‘problems’ we were trying to solve Developing options for potential solutions (some tested in Oct) Some ideas for potential pilots emerging Policy and Four Nation Alignment working group exploring how the recommendations emerging from the groups work across all nations Overarching literature review, research and data to inform the review Identifying best practise examples – but more welcomed! Stakeholder events held in March shaped the aims and objectives of the Review and in November reviewed early thinking. A third event was also held in January where we tested our early recommendations Engagement events held doctors in training and educators in October and January Testing/refining recommendations with working groups, prior to publication of report – assumed April but alignment to LTP Workforce plan is crucial

7 What we have heard from trainees…
There should be more acceptance of taking time out and allowing flexibility Foundation Trainees should be able to access their ES much more frequently, value supervision from registrars, MDT and named senior workplace supervisor are crucial Technology could be used more effectively e.g. e-portfolio and supervision Many consultants provide unofficial support to trainees and are interested in the trainees some with proactive contact Short placements that are difficult can put someone off choosing a speciality 4 month rotations were generally favoured over 6 month rotations but this differed between FY1 and FY2 years First rotations in the community (GP/psychiatry) can be isolating from peers, and therefore transition to a hospital rotation can be particularly difficult Hybrid posts idea welcomed – QI/Digital/Chief Foundation Doctor Concerns re burden of assessment and guidance on competencies Widespread support for more flexibility in deciding and changing specialty without detriment Widespread support for development of step out-step in and other flexible options Not enough career advice, similar to medical schools, HEE and local deaneries could organise career fayres

8 Emerging Themes Pluripotency essential
FDs are important for service delivery but that the 'service' they provide needs to fit with their skills/training Differentiation between purpose of F1 and F2 Increasing flexibility and autonomy for trainees - we need to be flexible, especially in F2, in what the trainee does in their working day just as we might be with other employees especially if it is part of their training Increased flexibility in delivery of Foundation Linking of hard to recruit to geographies with increased medical school intake Range of options to support difficult to recruit specialties

9 Emerging Themes Raising awareness of special circumstances to support and value trainees Enhance career support offered at medical school and to Foundation trainees Specialty recruitment may be too early for many trainees Taster sessions are valuable, but availability and structure requires further consideration Enhance Education, Clinical and Workplace supervision Consistent quality of supervision for F1 & F2 Widening the pool of those able to provide supervision

10 Early Recommendations

11 Distribution of posts, recruitment and selection
Equitable distribution of posts to supports population health needs Review special circumstances Smaller units of application Priority Programmes Geographic preferencing Review academic FP Monitor E&D data

12 Purpose and Structure Generic (Pleuripotency)
FY1 – transition to workforce F2 – development of independence/decision-making skills Time for self development (‘CPD’) 1 hour/week for FY1 (or 4 hours/month) 3 hours/week for FY2 Pilot innovative FY2 programmes More flexible training (e.g. LIFT) Community posts should be in FY2 Support measures in Trusts (recognise inexperience)

13 Supervision NACT JDs for ES/CS
Dedicated Foundation ES who understand the ‘breadth of medicine’ Trainers should be held to account Recruit ES from a range of (medical) backgrounds Senior trainees in mentorship roles Time in job plans – ES 10 meetings/year ePortfolio to support the ‘purpose and structure of the FP’

14 Supervision (2) Workplace supervision at all times
OOH handover, supervision, fair division of labour CS to have time on job plan PSG compulsory

15 Teaching and Careers Support
Annual review of programmes Simulation x 3 /year Study leave to achieve FP curriculum requirements Careers: Centralised basic resource Local coordinator/champion Access to eportfolio/alumnus programme for those taking time out after FY2

16 College of Foundation

17 Next Steps… Develop possible pilots to test proposals depending on the outcomes of the review Last round of working groups end of March Final Foundation Assurance Board in April Publication of a report along with findings and recommendations for all 4 nations, collectively and individually. An implementation plan for England


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