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Gpsc Resource team modalities

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1 Gpsc Resource team modalities
Thank you very much for providing the opportunity to present the resource team. We are happy to be part of this project that intends to have a very innovative and holistic approach to working with cities. This presentation is based on the work plan that the Resource Team has developed in the last few months. Given the delays in the start of the grant implementation, some of the details of the work plan might change, but the broad work areas will remain the same. GPSC Third Working Group Meeting – May, 2017, World Bank

2 The resource team in the gpsc platform
SC-IAP Cities National Governments The GEF’s Integrated Approach Pilot for Cities has two legs: the child projects and the global platform or GPSC. The Resource Team’s role for the project is to provide technical support to the GPSC platform. The funding for the RT comes from GEF, and our Implementing Agency is the World Bank. We work in coordination with the World Bank to provide support to the platform, but our model or work also intends to work directly with the GPSC cities to provide technical support to the various child projects. In order to work with the cities, we also need to work closely and coordinate with implementing agencies. Implementing Agencies

3 Meet the resource team consortium
WRI aims to ensure that cities drive economic opportunity while sustaining natural resources and improving quality of life. Through our WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, we use technical expertise, cutting-edge research, and on-the-ground partnerships to design solutions that enable sustainable city growth. C40 is a network of the world’s megacities committed to addressing climate change. C40 supports cities to collaborate effectively, share knowledge and drive meaningful, measurable and sustainable action on climate change. The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, now in its 11th year, connects more than 90 cities, representing over 600 million people and one quarter of the global economy. ICLEI is the leading global network of more than 1,500 cities, towns and regions in 108 countries committed to building a sustainable future. By helping the ICLEI Network to become sustainable, low-carbon, ecomobile, resilient, biodiverse, resource-efficient, healthy and happy, with a green economy and smart infrastructure, we impact over 25% of the global urban population. The Resource Team is a consortium of three organizations, ICLEI, WRI and C40, that are lead thinkers in the area of urban sustainability and climate change. We bring to the GPSC a deep knowledge of sustainable solutions for cities, and access to a broad network of cities, which can connect GPSC cities to a larger pool of experiences in other cities around the world.

4 resource team scope of work
The RT will provide high-level technical assistance to GPSC cities in their efforts to undertake: strategic approach to sustainability, integrated planning and local climate action, and/or specific sectoral technical issues related to child project implementation. Support in the implementation of the GPSC platform

5 Resource team thematic areas
Thematic Area One: Local Climate Action How to compile a GHG inventory How to develop a Climate Action Plan How to craft a low carbon development strategy How to report on emissions How to assess resilience at the community level Thematic Area Two: Sustainable Development Urban planning / land use [integrated planning] Sustainable mobility planning Sustainable energy planning (incl. energy access and security) Green buildings Water management (incl. sanitation) Food Waste Finance The three organizations that form the RT consortium cover a wide variety of topics. To make our work clearer and to communicate to the cities and implementing agencies what we are bringing to the project, we have organized our work under two big thematic areas. The RT will approach all project activities and components following a unified thematic approach. We will go the cities and explain to them what our offer of technical support is, and based on our conversation with them, we will identify the local needs to shape our capacity building activities. Thematic area one, local climate action, will provide approaches to climate action planning and resilience planning, that will be applicable and relevant to all GPSC child projects. The second thematic area, Sustainable Development, will take a more sectorial approach, in which each of the topics will apply selectively to specific child projects.

6 Resource team work components
Project Components Project Activities/lines of work 1. Light touch technical assistance City Help desk [Strategic Assistance Access Point]: Response to specific requests for particular pieces of technical knowledge and provide guidance through existing technical resources. 2. Learning and capacity building Explore cities’ sustainability capacity development needs Capacity Development Plan: summary of cities’ needs, selecting from RT thematic areas, guide to events Global events Regional events Webinars Peer exchange and learning 3. Library of knowledge Technical library: curation of existing knowledge/solutions for cities Documentation of GPSC activities Some selected new knowledge products Component 1 is the general interface between the RT and the cities to access guidance on local climate and the sustainability agenda provided by the RT. It is the entry point for the RT to understand the cities’ needs. This component will also help to ensure that both staff within GPSC cities and the Implementing Agencies are aware of the RT’s approach and the technical solutions that are part of the RT’s offer. We will start our work with a desk review: look at Rapid Assessments and Stocktaking Assessments Then, we will have a direct conversation with Cities about projects, present to them our thematic areas, so that we can understand where the technical demands are. This is the base of our work for the second component. Component 1 also includes a help desk or strategic assistance access point, where we get direct technical questions from the cities. We answer these questions by utilizing our various technical expertise, and tapping into existing frameworks, tools and experiences to respond to the questions. This information will also then part of library of technical solutions in GPSC’s web platform. Our second modality in capacity building through different kinds or learning events, such as global, regional events, webinars, and peer learning. The capacity building offer will be based in the interviews and demands from cities, and captured in the capacity development plan. The idea is to identify and cluster needs and be able to provide training in various forms and topics based on those needs. Some examples of global training might include: training workshops in the GPSC global events, or at the World Urban Forum, to name a few. Finaly, our third work modality

7 WRI: Mariana Orloff ICLEI: Tori Okner C40: Andrea Fernandez
Contact information WRI: Mariana Orloff Urban Development Associate and RT Project Manager – ICLEI: Tori Okner Senior Officer, Global Capacity Center C40: Andrea Fernandez Director of Governance and Global Partnerships

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