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第 四 章 VQ 加速運算與編碼表壓縮 4-.

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Presentation on theme: "第 四 章 VQ 加速運算與編碼表壓縮 4-."— Presentation transcript:

1 第 四 章 VQ 加速運算與編碼表壓縮 4-

2 4.1 VQ Codeword Search 4-

3 Vector Quantization (VQ)

4 Euclidean Distance The dimensionality of vector = k (= w*h)
An input vector x = (x1, x2, …, xk) A codeword yi = (yi1, yi2, …, yik) The Euclidean distance between x and yi 4-

5 4.2 PCA 4-

6 Principal component analysis (PCA)
Given a set of points Y1, Y2, …, and YM where every Yi is characterized by a set of variables X1, X2, …, and XN. We want to find a direction D = (d1, d2, …, dN), where such that the variance of points projected onto D is maximized. 4-

7 Principal component analysis (PCA)
D1 = [ ] D2 = [ ] 4-

8 PCA 40 samples with 2 variables, X1 and X2 Covariance matrix
λ1 = λ2 =36.780 4-

9 Principal component analysis (PCA)
λ1 = λ2 =36.780 D1 = (0.710, 0.703) D2 = (-0.703, 0.710) 4-

10 Principal component analysis (PCA)
Algorithm of PCA Start by coding the variables Y = (Y1, Y2, …YN) to have zero means and unit variances. Calculate the covariance matrix C of the samples. Find the eigenvalues λ1, λ2, …, λN, for C, where λi λi+1, i = 1, 2, …, N-1. Let D1, D2, … DN denote the corresponding eigenvectors. D1 is the first principal component direction, D2 is the second principal component direction, … , DN is the Nth principal component direction . 4-

11 The Encoding Algorithm Using PCA Technique
(A) the codebook processing: For each codeword cwi in codebook matrix B, evaluate projected value pi by pi=D1.cwi. Then, all the codewords in the matrix B are transformed into 256 real numbers. The set of these real numbers can be expressed as P = {p1, p2, …, p256}. Sort the values in P. We obtain the new ordered set P’ = {p’1, p’2, …, p’256} and their corresponding vector cw’1, cw’2 ,… cw’256 form an ordered codebook B’={cw’1, cw’2 ,… cw’256}. 4-

12 The Encoding Algorithm Using PCA Technique
(B) The Encoding Algorithm] For the input vector x, evaluate the projected value px by px = D1.x. Search the set P’ for r values P’i’s which are the r closest ones to Px. Compute their distances from the set {cw’k, cw’k+1 ,… cw’k+r-1} to find a vector cw’j such that (cw’j, x) has a minimum distortion. Here, let the searching range be r and assume that the corresponding codeword of P’j is cw’j. Store or transmit the index j of cw’j 4-

13 The Encoding algorithm using PCA
Codebook The covariance matrix 4-

14 The Encoding algorithm using PCA
From the covariance matrix, we compute D1: (0.5038, , , ), λ1=19552, D2: ( , , , ), λ2=151, D3: ( , , , ), λ3=86 and D4: (0.7098, , , ), λ4=6. D1: (0.5038, , , ) is a coordinate D1 reserves 98.77% information of the variance of the codewords. 4-

15 The Encoding algorithm using PCA
The new sorted codebook and the corresponding projected value of codewords Codebook The sorted codewords The projected values D1: (0.5038, , , ) 4-

16 Encode an input vector v = (150, 145, 121, 130) Transform v to ρ= D1.v
To search and find that is the closest value to 272 For P5’ = , d(v, cw’5)=63.2 For P4’ = , d(v, cw’4)=122.3 For P6’ = , d(v, cw’6)=114.2 So, we choose cw’5 to replace the input vector v. 4-

17 Experimental results The quality of the encoded image is evaluated by the peak signal-to noise ration PSNR, which is defined as For an m*m image, the mean-square error (MSE) is defined as Where xij and denote the original and quantized gray levels, respectively. 4-

18 4-

19 4.3 快速歐幾里德距離演算法 4-

20 Look-up Table (LUT) The content of each pixel belongs to [0, m-1] 4-

21 4.3.1 Truncated Look-up Table (TLUT)

22 Truncated Look-up Table (TLUT)
1 2 4-

23 Truncated Look-up Table (TLUT)
For example, r = 256/32 = 8 (17-34)2= 289 Error = |289 – 576| = 287 4-

24 4.3.2 Reduced Code LUT (RCLUT)
Suppose m = 2t. Express xj (or yij) by Define low nibble L(xj) = the lowest bits of xj= Define high nibble H(xj) = the lowest bits of xj= 4-

25 Reduced Code LUT (RCLUT)

26 Reduced Code LUT (RCLUT)
H(xj), H(yij), L(xj), L(yij) are within the range [0.21/2-1] Look-up Table (LUT) 4-

27 4-

28 Experimental Results 4-

29 4.4 VQ 編碼表的壓縮 4-

30 An example for indices of VQ

31 4.4.1 Search-Order Coding (SOC)

32 4.4.2. Locally Adaptive scheme
An example of segmentation with region size 4*4 for indices of VQ 4-

33 The block diagram of the proposed scheme

34 The compressing steps of our example
10 10 01 31 207 211 8 7 35 10 11 11 100 011 011 4-

35 The decoding steps of our example
10 31 207 211 8 7 35 10 01 10 11 11 100 011 011 4-

36 Experimental results 4-

37 The comparison of two schemes in the unmatched index numbers

38 The comparison of three schemes in compression results

39 The comparison of proposed method and SOC scheme in bit rate (bit/pixel)

40 Discussions 4-

41 Discussion of the VQ scheme
Advantage: The bit rate of the VQ scheme is low. bit rate = bpp. Example: When the codebook is composed of 256 codewords. Each block used is of 4*4 pixels. bit rate = 0.5 bpp VQ has a simple decoding structure. 4-

42 Discussion of the VQ scheme
Disadvantage: The reconstructed image quality highly depends on the codebook performance. Therefore, how to design a representative codebook is an important issue of VQ scheme. The VQ scheme requires a lot of computation cost in codebook generation process and VQ encoding process. 4-

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