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Folsom High School Class: AP Chemistry Grade: 11-12

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1 Folsom High School Class: AP Chemistry Grade: 11-12
Description of Class: This course is equivalent to a first year of college level chemistry. It is a second year of chemistry study at FHS. Curriculum is College Board approved. Students are self- sufficient, independent learners with guidance throughout this course. Hours of Homework/Studying Per Week: depends on personal input in addition to the approximate 5-7 hours per week of assigned work. Prerequisites: B or better in Honors Chemistry Summer Assignments: An outline of summer work is provided on Ms. Robb’s web page found at FHS website. Frequency & Style of Assessments: Unit tests are given at the end of each unit of study, approx. once a month. 70% of student grade is based on unit test scores. Written Work includes: problem solving work, note-taking and lab reports. Amount of Reading Required: Each unit of study has multiple designated chapter reading and note-taking.

2 AP Chemistry (con’t) Lab work includes inquiry approach work. Prior preparation to lab is required and students are responsible for their own set up and break-down of equipment. Students are being prepared for the AP Chemistry exam which takes place in May and are highly encouraged to take the exam.

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