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Heavy metal pollution assessment within EMEP
Oleg Travnikov, Ilia Ilyin, Olga Rozovskaya (MSC-E) Wenche Aas, Katrine Aspmo Pfaffhuber (CCC)
Reports of MSC-E and CCC
Outline EMEP reporting 2018 on heavy metals New challenges for monitoring of heavy metals Status of operational model assessment Cooperation with national experts Country-scale pollution assessment (overview) Evaluation of national emissions City pollution assessment Cooperation with international organizations Contribution to Global Mercury Assessment 2018 Reports of MSC-E and CCC Detailed information: 2
New tasks of pollution assessment require additional data
Monitoring of heavy metals: New challenges New tasks of pollution assessment require additional data Monitoring of heavy metals (Cd) Main task: Background monitoring of HM transboundary pollution (EMEP network, 66 sites) New tasks: Pollution assessment with fine resolution Do we need closer integration of various monitoring data for pollution assessment within EMEP and WGE? Germany (e.g. biomonitoring, ~4000 moss sites) Assessment of city pollution (e.g. AirBase, ~500 sites)
Model assessment of heavy metal pollution on the new EMEP grid
Operational model assessment Model assessment of heavy metal pollution on the new EMEP grid Model assessment of Pb deposition (2016) Hg deposition to different land cover types (inland waters) Output information (on the web): Pollution patterns in all EMEP countries Evaluation vs. measurements Transboundary transport Ecosystem-specific deposition
Country-scale pollution assessment
Co-operation with national experts Country-scale pollution assessment Overview of multiple case studies for the EMEP countries ( ) Objective: Assessment of HM and POP pollution on a country scale involving national experts and variety of national data Countries involved: Czech Republic, Croatia, Netherlands, Belarus, UK, Poland, Spain, France, Germany Main outcomes: Refined information on pollution patterns Detailed source apportionment Evaluation of national emissions Initial study of city pollution and urban increment of heavy metals in PM Main outcomes: Refined information on pollution patterns Detailed source apportionment Evaluation of national emissions Initial study of city pollution and urban increment of heavy metals in PM Participating countries
Evaluation of national emissions
Co-operation with national experts Evaluation of national emissions Use of modelling and measurements for construction of emissions scenario Cd air concentration in Poland 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Air concentration, ng/m 3 PL0505 Cd emissions in Poland Residential combustion Other sectors 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Emission, tonnes/year PL0505 Measurements Modelling (original) Scenario Modelling (scenario)
Annual anthropogenic emissions of Cd in Poland in 2014
Co-operation with national experts Evaluation of national emissions Annual anthropogenic emissions of Cd in Poland in 2014 Original Scenario Total: 13.6 t/y Total: 17.2 t/y (26% increase) Modelling results along with measurements can be used as an independent tool for evaluation of reported emissions Discussed at TFEIP meeting, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 2018
Model assessment of Cd pollution in cities of Poland
City pollution assessment Model assessment of Cd pollution in cities of Poland Cities of Poland involved in study Assessment approach: Model simulations with fine resolution (0.1°×0.1°) Evaluation vs. measurements at urban background sites (AirBase) Source apportionment of Cd concentrations in urban areas Evaluation of the urban increment of city pollution Cd air concentrations averaged over all urban sites 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Concentration in air, ng/m 3 Measurements Model
Evaluation of contribution of city sources to Cd concentration in PM
Co-operation with national experts City pollution assessment Evaluation of contribution of city sources to Cd concentration in PM Cd air concentration in Polish cities 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Warsaw Gdansk Krakow Poznan Szeczin Katowice Wroclav Lyublin Lodz Bydgos Bialostok Cd air concentrations, ng/m3 - city sources - external sources Relative contribution of city sources 20 40 60 80 Warsaw Gdansk Krakow Poznan Szeczin Katowice Wroclav Lyublin Lodz Bydgos Bialostok Contribution of city sources, % - Cd (GLEMOS) - PM2.5 (SHERPA) Emission sources in large industrial cities contribute more Cd to atmospheric aerosol than in smaller towns of the country
Multi-model assessment of Hg pollution
Co-operation with international organizations Multi-model assessment of Hg pollution Co-operation with UN Environment and AMAP for Global Mercury Assessment 2018 Hg wet deposition, 2015 (model ensemble) Modelling groups: Institution Model EMEP/MSC-E GLEMOS Environment Canada (Canada) GEM-MACH-Hg MIT (USA) GEOS-Chem CNR-IIA (Italy) ECHMERIT NOAA (USA) HYSPLIT HZG (Germany) CMAQ-Hg Lamar University (USA) Evaluation against observations 1 10 40 Model, g/km2/y Observed, g/km2/y Environment Canada * MSC-E contribution to GMA 2018 was funded by UN Environment/AMAP
Multi-model assessment of Hg pollution
Co-operation with international organizations Multi-model assessment of Hg pollution Co-operation with UN Environment and AMAP for Global Mercury Assessment 2018 Main results: g/km2/y 1 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 10 12 g/km2/y Hg deposition (2015) Hg anthropogenic deposition to Europe Europe 48% East Asia 18% Africa 8% CIS 6% South Asia 5% Southeast Asia 4% Other 11% Global pattern of Hg pollution levels based on updated emission inventory Estimates of Hg intercontinental transport Assessment of Hg atmospheric loads to aquatic regions Evaluation of Hg deposition from different emission sectors Source regions Europe Africa Middle East North America Central America South America South Asia East Asia Southeast Asia Australia and NZ CIS countries Antarctica Arctic Other regions International cooperation improves pollution assessment within EMEP by possibility to refine the modelling tools and involve variety of input data
Workplan elements for 2019 (science part, according to bi-annual workplan 2018-2019)
Country-scale assessment of HM pollution (Germany) Collection of country-specific information (emission, meteorological and geophysical data) for 2016 National scale simulations of Hg, Pb and Cd concentration and deposition maps with fine resolution (0.1°×0.1°) for 2016 Detailed evaluation of modeling results for Hg, Pb and Cd vs. observations and analysis of discrepancies Evaluation of multi-compartment intercontinental transport of Hg Development of multi-compartment modelling approach for Hg Evaluation of secondary emissions of Hg and their contribution to pollution of the EMEP countries
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