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Eighth Grade Science Mrs.Nelson.

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1 Eighth Grade Science Mrs.Nelson

2 STARTER 8/16- 8/17 Please bring your book.
Compare and contrast transverse and longitudinal waves using at least three characteristics. Evaluate your everyday experience with mechanical waves. With which do you have more daily contact? 8.PS4: Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer 1) Develop and use models to represent the basic properties of waves including frequency, amplitude, wavelength, and speed.

3 Article Analysis with team 4-square
Visit the following link es/Lesson-1/Categories-of-Waves Skim the article. Topic assigned. Complete your section of the 4 square using information from the article. Prepare to share with your team.

4 Information Gathering
Continue to work in pairs or threes. Flip your lab sheet over. Use your text starting on page 96 to complete the graphic organizer.




8 Socrative Check (for assessment points)
1. Open up you computer 2. Go to Socrative Student 3. Use this code__________ When finished sign out, take a post it note, and prepare for summary

9 SWAY vocab Use the text to help you include the following for the terms provided: Definition Examples Everyday encounter Use these terms amplitude wavelength speed

10 SUMMARY In summary box- Look at the following terms. Rewrite them in meaningful pairs. Explain your match-ups. Amplitude Longitudinal Transverse Medium Energy Wavelength Surface Speed Vibration

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