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WITC - Leadership Development Webinar Tuesday, January 8, 2019

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1 WITC - Leadership Development Webinar Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Living our Goals WITC - Leadership Development Webinar Tuesday, January 8, 2019

2 Thank y’all for joining us today
The Leadership Development and Human Resource Management Team at WITC welcomes you to today’s session Our Leadership Development 30 minute webinar objective: To share, develop and reflect on possible ideas and thought processes to generate next iteration Leadership and Supervisory Management practices. Feel free to send any questions or comments that you have at any time during our Webinar using the BlueJeans Chat feature. Today’s webinar session is being recorded and will be posted within 24 hours – “webinars” in the search box from any page and click the first result, Free Webinars.

3 Living our goals...... Quick review of the goal setting principles.
Tying/Linking our goals to the “why” of our organization. Quantifying our goals. Making sure that our goals are adaptable. Scheduling some quality time with our goals!

4 Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective people
Be proactive. Begin with the end in mind. Put first things first. Think win/win. Seek first to understand – then to be understood. Synergize. Sharpen the saw.

5 Please take two minutes to answer these questions:
Write out your top 1 – 2 two professional and personal goals that you have set for yourself. How will (do) you tell that you are making progress with these goals. What can you do to sustain your gains on your 2019 goals.

6 Quick review of the goal setting principles.
Set Clear and Specific Goals: ”The more specific or explicit the goal, the more precisely performance is regulated.” – Edwin Locke, Motivation through conscious goal setting. Set challenging goals: Goals that are both specific and difficult lead to the highest performance.” – Edwin Locke, Motivation through conscious goal setting Build Rational and Emotional Commitment: The goal–performance relationship is strongest when people are committed to their goals. – Edwin Locke and Gary Latham, Building a practically useful theory of goal setting and task motivation: a 35-year odyssey

7 Quick review of the goal setting principles - 2
Schedule Regular Reviews to Stay on Track: “Goal setting is most effective when there is feedback showing progress in relation to the goal.” – Edwin Locke, Motivation through conscious goal setting Manage Task Complexity by Chunking: You can manage task complexity by breaking complex tasks down into smaller chunks of sub-tasks. Then craft a roadmap of smaller sub-tasks that need to be completed on your way to achieving your big goal. This means you will need to develop a plan to guide you on your journey. Plans help prevent you from getting overwhelmed by task complexity. Plans also help you to remain motivated, take action and monitor your progress. 1

8 Tying/Linking our goals to the “why” of our organization.
Provides visibility up, down and across reporting levels. Creates shared accountability between employees by "cascading" goals from one employee to another when relevant. Communicates expectations clearly during every phase of goal completion Understand more clearly all responsibilities associated with specific goals Eliminate redundancies across job titles Focus their staffs on your company's most pertinent goals 2

9 Quantifying our goals. Define what effectiveness means...
Prioritize achieving goals over hours worked. Give continuous feedback. Use peer feedback. Measure team performance.

10 Making sure that our goals are adaptable
Think creativity. Embrace ambiguity. Exercise Emotional Intelligence. Shift focus. Building in agility... 4

11 Scheduling some quality time with our goals!
“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” Steven Covey” Identify our mission – vision – values and demonstrate how they link to our primary goals. Ensure that our employees understand the connections between our MVV and goals. Dedicate sufficient time to our working on achieving our goals.

12 References setting/ site/en/resources/knowledge-hub/educational-articles/company-wide- goal-alignment-organizational-business-goals.html effectiveness/ strategies/2014/03/4-tips-for-being-more-flexible-and-adaptable.html

13 Couple of thoughts to build into our repertoire
People support what they help to create. People want to be included. Vision is a powerful process. Model the way Inspire a shared vision Challenge the process Enable others to act Encourage the heart – Posner and Kouzes

14 Webinar schedule for the next couple.......
January 29, 2019: Respect in our workplace – Harassment issues training review. February 26, 2019: Coaching productivity in our workplace. March 26, 2019: Of course, safety is a priority....

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