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1D Arrays and Lots of Brackets

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1 1D Arrays and Lots of Brackets
Ps Module 7 – Part I 1D Arrays and Lots of Brackets 4/3/2019 CSE 1321 Module 7

2 2. Creating and Initializing Arrays
You must choose: 1) Create an empty arrays and assign initial values with a loop later on: CREATE myArray[5] OR 2) Create and initialize the array in one line. This is helpful when we already know those value (e.g. days of the week, etc.). 4/3/2019 CSE 1321

3 Array Creation Example
1) Create an empty array. By default, 0s are stored in the array. int[] myArray = new int[5]; 2) Creates and initializes in one line. The stored values are show in { }; int[] myArray = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}; 4/3/2019 CSE 1321

4 Horrible, but works… // creates empty array with 5 slots, 0-4 CREATE myArray [5] //Assigns literal values to each index in the array. myArray[0] ← 10 myArray[1] ← 20 myArray[2] ← 30 myArray[3] ← 40 myArray[4] ← 50 Ps 4/3/2019 CSE 1321

5 Accessing and Modifying
//Accessing int secondNumber = myArray[1]; PRINT(secondNumber); //Modifying myArray[3] = 42; PRINT(myArray[3]); 4/3/2019 CSE 1321 Module 4

6 Ps Traversing the Array
You will use a loop to visit every cell of the array Problem: create an array of 5 bytes and fill each slot with the number 42 Solution: CREATE myArray [5] FOR i ← 0 to 4 myArray[i] ← 42 END FOR Ps 4/3/2019 CSE 1321

7 Traversing an Array Use a FOR, WHILE or DO-WHILE starting at index 0 and going thru .Length-1 for (int i=0; i < data_storage.Length; i++) { // do something } OR use a foreach loop foreach (Trophy t in data_storage) { // do something as long as it is not assignment } // We told you it was exciting 4/3/2019 CSE 1321

8 Ps Another Trace CREATE smallestSoFar smallestSoFar ← randomArray[0]
FOR counter ← 1 to 4 IF (smallestSoFar > randomArray[counter]) THEN smallestSoFar ← randomArray[counter] END IF END FOR // Done counter 5 1 2 3 4 smallestSoFar -8 42 17 42 -8 4

9 Finding the Minimum using a Method
private static int FindMin (int[] A) { int temp = A[0]; for (int i = 1; i < A.Length(); i++) { if (temp > A[i]) { temp = A[i];} } return temp; Parameters match in position and type, so the name doesn't matter. Arrays are a reference type in C#. 4/3/2019 CSE 1321

10 Finding the sum or average using a method
METHOD FINDAVERAGE ( parameter: nums[]) BEGIN sum ← 0 FOR i ← 0 to nums.length - 1 // MOST IMPORTANT LINE IS HERE sum = sum + nums[i] ENDFOR average = sum / nums.length return average END FINDAVERAGE Ps 4/3/2019 CSE 1321

11 Finding a sum and or average using a method
private static float FindAverage (int [] B) { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < B.Length; i++) sum += B[i]; } return (float)sum / B.Length; 4/3/2019 CSE 1321

12 Ps Defining a 2D array CREATE array nums [numRows][numColumns]
4/3/2019 CSE 1321

13 C# - Define a 2D Array <type>[ , ]<name> = new <type>[<row_size>,<column_size>]; For example: int[ , ] grid = new int [10,20]; 4/3/2019 CSE 1321

14 Working with 2D arrays Usually involves nested loops, as shown below Problem Statement: Create an array of 4 rows and 5 columns. Populate the array with the numbers 1-20. Create array grid[4][5] count ← 1 FOR each element in a row FOR each element in a column     grid[row][col] = count count ← count + 1 END INNER FOR END FOR 4/3/2019 CSE 1321

15 Working with 2D arrays using System; class MainClass {
public static void Main (string[] args) { int count = 1; //declare a 2D array with 4 rows and 5 columns int[,] grid = new int[4, 5]; //getting the rows in the array for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++) { //populate the values in the array (row) we're currently on from the outer loop for (int column = 0; column < 5; column++) grid[row, column] = count; count++; } //for each array in the grid (represented by rows) foreach(int number in grid) //for each element in the array (row) we're currently on Console.Write(number + ","); if(number % 5 == 0) { Console.WriteLine(" "); } 4/3/2019 CSE 1321

16 Working with Array Lists
using System; using System.Collections; class MainClass { public static void Main (string[] args) { //create list ArrayList colors = new ArrayList(); //add colors colors.Add("purple"); colors.Add("pink"); colors.Add("green"); //contains returns a boolean if list contains argument Console.WriteLine("Does the arraylist contain the color pink?"); if (colors.Contains("pink")) { Console.WriteLine("Yes"); Console.WriteLine("\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("No"); } 4/3/2019 CSE 1321

17 C# - Working with Array Lists
CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE //indexOf returns the position of the argument Console.WriteLine("Which position is pink in?"); Console.WriteLine(colors.IndexOf("pink")); Console.WriteLine("\n"); //remove removes the argument from the list colors.Remove("purple"); //can reference by position in the array Console.WriteLine("The item in index 1 of the list is:"); Console.WriteLine(colors[1]); //items are stored as objects and can be referenced as such Console.WriteLine("The Colors Arraylist:"); foreach (Object o in colors) { Console.WriteLine(o); } 4/3/2019 CSE 1321

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