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PLEASE NOTE Due to copyright reasons, the images in this power point have been removed, leaving only the text left over from the slide show. Also please.

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Presentation on theme: "PLEASE NOTE Due to copyright reasons, the images in this power point have been removed, leaving only the text left over from the slide show. Also please."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLEASE NOTE Due to copyright reasons, the images in this power point have been removed, leaving only the text left over from the slide show. Also please note, other terms and names may have been given verbally by the instructor and were never a part of this slide show. Students are ultimately responsible for taking notes seen in slides, mentioned verbally, images seen in slide shows and in videos. The current 8th edition of Sayre’s A World of Art is the book used in this class for lecture, tests and quizzes. Students may definitely find an older edition of the text is sufficient for them, but please note that images may be numbered differently and appear in different chapters between editions and that older editions may not have 100% all the images the newest 8th edition has. Thank you.

2 Photography Chapter 11

3 “…things are not seen because they are visible,
on the contrary, they are visible because they are seen…” Plato

4 Camera Obscura - dark room

5 3 Ways to Control Light in a camera

6 Aperture Shutter Speed Film Speed

7 Aperture Shutter Speed Film Speed



10 Depth of Field – refers to the range of distance that appears acceptably sharp.
Note when you focus on something, that object is in focus. Depth of is how much in front and behind the focal point is acceptably sharp. There is an inverse relationship between the aperture size and how the Depth of Field that it offers. The smaller the aperture, the more depth of field is produced. And, vice versa.

11 Shallow Depth of Field

12 Depth of Field – refers to the range of distance that appears acceptably sharp.
When you focus on something with the camera lens, that object is in focus. Depth of Field is how much in front and behind the focal point is acceptably sharp. There is an inverse relationship between the aperture size and the Depth of Field that it offers. The smaller the aperture, the more depth of field is produced. And, vice versa.

13 Depth of Field – refers to the range of distance that appears acceptably sharp.
When you focus on something with the camera lens, that object is in focus. Depth of Field is how much in front and behind the focal point is acceptably sharp. There is an inverse relationship between the aperture size and the Depth of Field that it offers. The smaller the aperture, the more depth of field is produced. And, vice versa.

14 Depth of Field – refers to the range of distance that appears acceptably sharp.
When you focus on something with the camera lens, that object is in focus. Depth of Field is how much in front and behind the focal point is acceptably sharp. There is an inverse relationship between the aperture size and the Depth of Field that it offers. The smaller the aperture, the more depth of field is produced. And, vice versa.

15 Deep Depth of Field Shallow Depth of Field

16 Aperture Shutter Speed Film Speed


18 Short Shutter Long Shutter Speed Speed


20 Shutter Speed – refers to how long the image capture is, how long it takes for the photograph to be taken. This is how long the shutter opens for the image exposure. Shutter speeds are measured in seconds or fractions of a second. Having a long shutter speed, the longer it is, the more a sense of motion will be captured in the image.

21 Shutter Speed – refers to how long the image capture is, how long it takes for the photograph to be taken. This is how long the shutter opens for the image exposure. Shutter speeds are measured in seconds or fractions of a second. Having a long shutter speed, the longer it is, the more a sense of motion will be captured in the image.

22 Long Shutter Speed

23 Aperture Shutter Speed Film Speed

24 Before digital cameras, photographs were captured on analog film

25 Film Speed – the origin of film speed come from before digital cameras when images were captured on photographic film. But, today, it is still incorporated into the nomenclature for digital cameras. Film speed measured how sensitive a particular film was to light. The less sensitive to light the film was, a larger combination of aperture and shutter speed needed to be used. Low speed films gave you finer grain (resolution) and high speed films gave you more grainy images. Film speed were rated in ISO units, for example, 400 ISO film was the film most widely sold to the general public, amateurs, because it was down the middle, the most versatile for general photographs.

26 Film Speed – the origin of film speed come from before digital cameras when images were captured on photographic film. But, today, it is still incorporated into the nomenclature for digital cameras. Film speed measured how sensitive a particular film was to light. The less sensitive to light the film was, a larger combination of aperture and shutter speed needed to be used. Low speed films gave you finer grain (resolution) and high speed films gave you more grainy images. Film speed were rated in ISO units, for example, 400 ISO film was the film most widely sold to the general public, amateurs, because it was down the middle, the most versatile for general photographs.

27 Film Speed – the origin of film speed come from before digital cameras when images were captured on photographic film. But, today, it is still incorporated into the nomenclature for digital cameras. Film speed measured how sensitive a particular film was to light. The less sensitive to light the film was, a larger combination of aperture and shutter speed needed to be used. Low speed films gave you finer grain (resolution) and high speed films gave you more grainy images. Film speed were rated in ISO units, for example, 400 ISO film was the film most widely sold to the general public, amateurs, because it was down the middle, the most versatile for general photographs.

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