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2nd Semester Vocabulary

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1 2nd Semester Vocabulary
7th Grade

2 Copious Abundant

3 Scathing Bitterly harsh; overly severe

4 Ribald Vulgar or indecent language or behavior

5 Bland Mild (as in taste or color)

6 Altruism An unselfish devotion to others

7 Reticent Quiet

8 Insipid Dull and boring

9 Sapient Wise

10 Palatable Tasty; pleasant tasting

11 Careen To swerve

12 Agrarian Pertaining to farming or agriculture

13 Zealot Fanatic

14 Prognosticate To forecast or predict

15 Cower To cringe or back down in fear

16 Ascendant Someone who’s power is rising

17 Overt Not concealed; obvious

18 Supersede To replace or come after

19 Perspective Point of View

20 Tribulation Time of great trouble

21 Pragmatic Practical

22 Surveillance Supervision

23 Turbid Muddy

24 Soliloquy *Talking while alone; a speech to nobody performed in a play or drama

25 Abstruse Hard to understand

26 Adamant Immovable; unyielding; refusing to be persuaded

27 Captivate To fascinate

28 Disseminate To spread widely

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