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8th grade Course selection

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1 8th grade Course selection 2019-2020

2 Tex Hill Leadership Team
Dr. Charles Reininger Principal Jonathan Campbell Asst. Principal th grade A-L and 7th grade Christina Pelletier-Rotto Asst. Principal th grade M-Z and 8th grade Joana Richards Academic Dean Tiffany Johnson Counselor th grade A-L and 8th grade Lesley Reichert Counselor 6th grade M-Z and 7th grade Jenna Ross Special Education Coordinator As questions arise regarding the selection of courses for next year, please contact the Tex Hill Counselors. Students who do not complete the registration process will have a schedule created for them by their assigned counselor. Please call or us, we will be glad to assist you in making these important decisions. Tex Hill Middle School Counseling Office: Mrs. Choni Carranza - Counseling Clerk Mrs. Jane Murray- Data Processor

3 College & Career Readiness
NEISD has an initiative to ensure that after high school, all students are prepared to enter: A four-year college or university A junior or community college A trade or technical school The military The workforce

4 Academic Courses

5 Success In High School Requires Planning
Preparation for high school success and rigor requires students to Take rigorous middle school courses Develop meaningful goals Learn and utilize strong study habits Plan for the future

6 8th grade student will take the following courses:
STUDENT SCHEDULE 8th grade student will take the following courses: 1../2. English/Reading Block Regular grade level, PreAP or GT 3. Math Regular or Algebra I (ONLY if you were in PreAP math in 7th)/ or GT 4. Science Regular or Science Pre-AP 5. History Regular or History Pre-AP 6. P.E. or Athletics or P.E./Dance or P.E./High School Health 7. Elective 8. Elective

7 PRE-AP COURSES English/Reading Pre-AP, and Math Pre-AP are offered to all 6th,7th, and 8th grade students. Science Pre-AP and History Pre-AP are only offered to 8th grade students. **Important for all students registering for a Pre-AP course: the exit point for a Pre-AP course is either at the end of the first three weeks or the end of the nine-week grading period. If these exit points are missed then the student will remain in the course for the remainder of the semester. Documentation for these level change requests will be found with the Tex Hill Counselors. The form must be turned in to the student’s counselor the week prior to the exit point. ** A parent/guardian and student signature will be required on the Advanced Program Expectation and Course Agreement form that will be given out on the first day of class.

English Pre-AP is a challenging course that requires a parent and student signature on the Advanced Program Expectation and Course Agreement form Any student may enroll in this course, but it is strongly advised that you scored well in the subject area Level III on STAAR 80 or above in previous Reading course A parent signature is required on the Advanced Program Expectation and Course Agreement form. 8

9 MATH Pre-AP In 8th grade, Math Pre-AP is Algebra I
Students must have be in Pre-Algebra in 7th grade to be in 8th grade Algebra I. Students enrolled in Algebra I will take the state mandated Algebra I end of course (EOC). A parent signature is required on the Advanced Program Expectation and Course Agreement form. **Students who successfully complete Algebra I will receive one unit of math credit on their high school transcript. 9

In 8th grade, any student can take Science Pre-AP and/or History Pre-AP. --A parent signature is required on the Advanced Program Expectation and Course Agreement form 10


12 Middle School Fine Arts Requirement
All students are required to take two semesters or one year of a Fine Arts course or courses throughout middle school. This could include: Art Band Choir Dance Orchestra Theatre Arts

13 Academic Individual Motivation (A.I.M.)
The focus of AIM is to enhance the curriculum by providing enrichment and/or support to the core academic subjects. AIM may also provide students with critical skills such as study habits, note-taking, test taking strategies, organizational skills, time management, goal setting, and character education. If time allows, students may also receive study hall support.

14 ART Art is offered in both 7th and 8th grade as a full year elective.
Art is designed for the student to learn the fundamentals of art. 14

15 BAND All Band courses are only offered as a year long elective
Students must be willing to commit to outside of school practice sessions/performances and to remain in the program for the entire year. The Band teacher’s recommendation is necessary for Band II, Band III, Symphonic, and Honors Band.

16 CHOIR Choir is offered as a year long course.
Students must be willing to commit to outside of school practice sessions/performances. 16

17 DEBATE In this course, the topics covered are: logic, persuasion, and speaking and debate formats. Competitive events covered in the course include impromptu speaking, modern oratory, Student Congress, Public Forum debate, and Lincoln Douglas debate. Students will research, write, and present original works as well as critically evaluate works from others. Excellent reading and writing skills are necessary. Debate is offered as a year long course. 17

18 PALS-Peer Assistance Leaders
The Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAL) program is a year long course that trains selected 8th grade students to work as peer helpers, peer mediators, and community service learners with students either on their own campus or from feeder elementary schools. Sign up for another elective now and, if chosen, your schedule will be changed. An application is required 18

19 OFFICE AIDES/Teacher Aides
Offered only to 8th grade students Office Aide is a year long course The areas students will serve are Main Office, Counseling Office, Nurse’s Office, and Library. Teacher Aide is a year long course You will use the same course number as Office aide and be assigned to a teacher. 19

20 STRING ORCHESTRA All Orchestra courses are only offered as a year long elective. Students must be willing to commit to outside of school practice sessions/performances and to remain in the program for the entire year. Teacher recommendation is necessary for Orchestra II and Orchestra III.

21 YEARBOOK Students will hold editorial positions and gain laboratory experience, along with interpersonal communication skills. Instruction in magazine production procedures. Students in 7th and 8th grade may enroll in this course. An application is required from Ms. Semik.

22 THEATER ARTS Theater Arts is for the student learning the fundamentals of theater performance. Theater Arts I , Theater Arts II and Theater Arts III are offered as full year courses. Theater Arts I is a pre-requisite for Theater Arts II. Theater Arts II is a pre-requisite for Theater Arts III. Theater Arts II and III need teacher recommendation. 22

23 Dance This introductory/intermediate course is designed to focus on various mediums of dance, including ballet, modern ja and folk/ethnic. Emphasis is on training the student to coordinate elements of dance and to enhance student confidence, poise and collaborative skills. Aerobic activities and fitness activities will be incorporated. 23

24 SSI Courses If you don’t meet the minimum passing requirements for STAAR test, electives courses will be substituted with enrichment courses. 24


26 PHYSICAL EDUCATION All 8th grade students must take either a semester of P.E., a full year of P.E., P.E./Dance or a full year of Athletics. **4 semesters of PE/Athletics are required throughout middle school and, at least, one semester per school year.**

27 ATHLETICS All students who participate in the Athletics course must play a minimum of two sports. The options are football, basketball, or track (boys) or must be volleyball, basketball, or track(girls). This course can be taken in place of Physical Education and is a year-long commitment. After school participation is required A physical is required PRIOR to try- outs and participation 27

28 High School Credit Electives

29 HEALTH EDUCATION Only 8th grade students may enroll in this course
1 semester (.5) of High School Health Credit will be earned. This course must be taken with a semester of P.E.. Or a semester of AIM 29

30 Principles of Art/AV/Communication
This course develops a strong background in computer and technology applications, a strong academic foundation, and a proficiency in oral and written communication. The student applies information technology applications when completing Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications projects. The student is expected to use information management, , Internet, writing and publishing, presentation and spreadsheet or database applications. This course is offered for the entire year and 1.0 Career and Technology High School Credit will be earned. 30

31 Principles of Information Technology
Students develop computer literacy skills to adapt to emerging technologies used in the global marketplace. Students implement personal and interpersonal skills to prepare for a rapidly evolving workplace environment. Students enhance reading, writing, computing, communication and reasoning skills and apply them to the information technology environment. This course is 1.0 high school credit.

32 Principles of Applied Engineering
This course provides an overview of the various fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematic and their interrelationships. Students will use a variety of computer hardware and software applications to complete assignments and projects. Upon completing this course, students will have an understanding of the various fields and will be able to make informed decisions regarding a coherent sequence of subsequent courses. This course is 1.0 high school credit. . 32

33 Computer Science Fundamentals of Computer Science is intended as a first course for those students just beginning the study of computer science. Students will learn about the computing tools that are used every day. Students will foster their creativity and innovation through opportunities to design, implement, and present solutions to real-world computer programming problems. This course is 1.0 high school credit and for 8th grade only. . 33

34 SPANISH IB Spanish 1B is the second part of the middle school two-year language program where a student will receive high school credit. This course is offered to 8th graders only. Spanish 1A must be taken and completed in the 7th grade PRIOR to enrolling in Spanish 1B. Students who successfully complete both Spanish 1A and Spanish 1B will receive one unit of a language credit on their high school transcript. 34

35 SPANISH I A one year accelerated course designed for those 8th grade students who have the interest, motivation, and study skills to take Spanish I. The development of oral language skills will be emphasized along with pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. The culture of the Spanish-speaking world will be integrated into the learning of the language. Pre-requisite: Successful Completion of 6th/7th grade Pre- AP classes, Regular Attendance, and Good Study Skills 1 High School Language Credit will be earned 35

36 Choose your electives wisely…
Students and parents will have opportunities to carefully examine course offerings and course descriptions. All Electives are a full year commitment. Fill out your course card and use it to reference while you register your classes on line. Then turn your course cards in to your science teachers. The deadline to submit your course selection sheet is Friday, February 8, 2018. 36

37 Things to Remember Students can switch into a Pre-AP class within the first two weeks of school Course cards and Course Descriptions are posted on the Tex Hill Website All Electives are a full year commitment. Elective changes will not be made after June 6, 2019 *** NEW this year - students will return a course card AND enter course selection online through Skyward ***

38 Course Card Directions
Be sure to write your name & ID number Place an “X” by your selection of either Regular or Pre AP for your Core Classes Number your top 5 choices for electives This will help when you are registering online. Choices 1 and 2 will be with your requested classes. Choices 3-5 will be your alternates. Be sure to have required signatures Return to your School Counselors by Friday, February 8th

39 Skyward Course Selection

40 Students will have: 4 core classes, 1 PE/health or athletics or PE/Dance and their top two elective choices.



43 Tex Hill Counselors are here to help:
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your Tex Hill Counselor by or phone. Mrs. Johnson (6th A-L/8th grade) (210) Mrs. Reichert (6th M-Z/7th grade) 210) Please refer to the Tex Hill MS course catalog for course descriptions on the Tex Hill Guidance and Counseling website at

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