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Nease High School Track & Field 2019

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1 Nease High School Track & Field 2019
January 17, 2019

2 *Setting the course for success*
ResponsAble  *Setting the course for success*

3 Is Track & Field right for me?
I have 2.5 hours every day after school for practice. I can attend a TF Meet that lasts 3-6 hours. I understand that TF Meets are SIGNIFICANTLY longer than any other sporting event offered in High School. I am self-disciplined. I am willing to support my teammates. I am willing to keep up with weekly s.

4 Is Track & Field right for me?
I am willing to spend 4 Saturdays doing TF activities. I can maintain my GPA while participating in the season. I can get all of my required paperwork in by the deadline. My other activities do not conflict with the season’s schedule. I want to be here. (Track is not a means for another interest.)

5 2019 Coaching Staff Head Coach/Sprints Coach Bernie Blue
Horizontal Jumps/Relays Coach Bernie Blue Distance Coach Ted Devos Distance Assistant Coach Curran Sprints/Hurdles/Vertical Jumps Coach Adrian Wilson Short Sprints Shakia Ro’che Throws Coach Tim Dennis Volunteer Throws Coach Darner

6 Winter Sports, take note…
We realize you have a current obligation to a Winter sport but we need you to be aware that if you intend to participate in 2019 Track & Field, you are responsible for our deadlines, even while representing your Winter sport. When your Winter coach releases you to Track & Field, you will be expected to complete 2 weeks of conditioning before competing.


8 Required Paperwork All paperwork must be on file prior to the first day of try-outs, January 21, 2019 from 9 – 11 a.m. Forms from the Nease Athletics Web site Only print out the following: Uniform contract, enrollment form, sponsor form (optional) & graduation signs (Seniors) All others are submitted/uploaded online.

9 It will guide you to complete the following:
The following FHSAA forms below must be complete, including all signatures, before trying out for sports teams. Please register at It will guide you to complete the following: EL2 Preparticipation Physical EL3 Consent and Release Code of Conduct For Students: Students -Concussion In Sports course (this requires students to watch a video and print cerficate of completion.)

10 Concussion In Sports course Course 1: NFHS “Concussion in Sports”
 For Students: Concussion In Sports course Course 1: NFHS “Concussion in Sports” Course Ordering Step 1: Go to Step 2: “Sign In” If you do not have an account, “Register” for an account. Step 3: Click “Courses” at the top of the page. Step 4: Scroll down to “Concussions in Sports” from the list of courses. Step 5: Click “View Course”. Step 6: Click “Order Course.” Step 7: Select “Myself” if the course will be completed by you. Step 8: Click “Continue” and follow the on-screen prompts to finish the checkout process. (Note: There is no fee for this course.) Once you complete the course please print out the certificate and get it to your coach or to the Athletics Department.

11 All necessary forms are under
the heading “Sign-up & Forms”



14 Please include student’s full name & your phone # if paying by check.
Fees $125 Individual Player Fee (IPF) $ 75 Athletic Fee Make checks payable to “GPBC Track & Field” Please include student’s full name & your phone # if paying by check.

15 Athletic Fee The $75 Athletic Fee is money that goes to the Athletic Department to Fund their budget, which includes Athletic Letters and certificates, Security, Field Maintenance , etc. Payment of this fee will be made to “GPBC Track and Field” and then the Track team will write one bulk check to the Athletic Department. This is a once a year per player fee, regardless of whether you play 1, 2 or 3 sports. If you participated in a Fall or Winter sport, you should have already paid this fee.

16 Individual Player Fee The $125 Individual Player Fee is money that goes into the “GPBC Track & Field” account and funds the operations of the team. Payment of this fee is made payable to “GPBC Track and Field” and is due February 4, 2019, unless you are raising money via the Run-A-Thon on 2/2. Everyone will receive an confirming financial obligations have been met. If you bring in a Sponsorship, your fees are reduced. You will receive an notifying you of the amount owed or a refund check will be issued to you. ALL fees are due no later than February 4, 2019.

17 Envelope System We utilize an envelope system for ALL payments. Next Tuesday and Thursday Coach Blue will be available to collect Nease during the students’ lunch hours. Envelopes are marked by category. Please be certain to put payments in the corresponding envelope. When making payments to Track & Field, the preferred method is via a check. Checks are made payable to “GPBC Track & Field” Write your child’s full name and the reason for the check in the memo. Include your phone # as well.

18 Apparel Order Each athlete is required to purchase the official team t-shirt ($15). Additional items are available for purchase. Web link for ordering will be send out in an . Ordering window – Now until January 27, 2019 We plan to have only ONE round of apparel orders this year. Distribution will be announced via . PLEASE SAVE YOUR ORDER. YOU WILL NEED TO BRING IT TO DISTRIBUTION TO VERIFY YOUR ORDER IS CORRECT.

19 Uniform Contract Please print, complete and return to the appropriate envelope. Uniform(s) will be distributed AFTER all fees (AF+IPF) have been paid and the Uniform Contract has been signed. DO NOT put uniform(s) in the DRYER. The screen printing does not take the heat and will crack and flake off, ruining the uniform. Hang your uniform(s) up to dry.

20 Graduation Yard Signs Goal = 75 signs
We are marketing these 22” X 22” custom signs to the Senior class The more we sell, the more money we make for the T & F General Fund Encourage every senior (300+) to buy one The earlier they are purchased, the better the price Order forms can be downloaded from the website Return order form and payment to the envelope system

21 Go to and print the form $20

22 # 5 ~ Graduation Yard Signs
Swap out 2 photos for 2015 kids

23 Sponsorships Track & Field designed a sponsorship structure, which includes incentives for our athletes, to help bring money into our team program. $ 25 $ 50 $ 100 $ 250 $ 500 Tax Deductible Donation * X Listing on Link to the business on Business announced at Home meets Business on “Order of Event” handouts Business listed outside Concessions 18” X 24” Full color Field Sign 4’ X 3’ Banner on Stadium fencing *Please consult your tax professional to determine the maximum tax deduction for which you qualify.

24 Sponsorship IPF Benefits
A significant portion of what you secure in a sponsorship will be applied to your individual player fee (IPF). You have from NOW until January 30, 2019 to secure sponsorships. Businesses often take time to decide they’ll sponsor. Why January 30th? It coincides with the IPF due date and it allows us to get all the printed materials in time for the first HOME meet. $ 25 $ 50 $ 100 $ 250 $ 500 IPF $ 15 $ 30 $ 65 PIF

25 How do I approach a business?
Please go to and print the documents Page 1 - Customize the letter with your name, up to 4 track events and a goal. Be sure to sign this page. Page 2 - Write your name in the space that identifies who you are. This is important for crediting the sponsorship to YOU. Page 3 – This is artwork information to pass along to the business. It includes instructions on submitting artwork. Print all 3 pages and take it to the business.

26 Crash Course in Track & Field
are two helpful sites for understanding Track & Field Field (first events of a meet) – Pole Vault, High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put, & Discus Relays –4 X 100m, 4 X 400m, 4 X 800m Running – 100m, 100/110m Hurdles, 200m, 300m Hurdles, 400m, 800m, 1600m, 3200m

27 Crash Course in Track & Field
When points are scored/Ribbons awarded to top 8 competitors in each category 1st = 10, 2nd = 8, 3rd = 6, 4th = 5, 5th = 4, 6th = 3, 7th = 2, 8th = 1 Our JV meets will have a condensed offering, except Fresh/Sophomore Invitational V meets are limited to 2 or 4 competitors per field/running events and 1-2 Relays Some meets offer B races, others have unlimited entries, and some do FAT times An athlete is limited to a total of 4 events per meet

28 Admission to a meet is $5 per person.
HOME MEETS Admission to a meet is $5 per person. We do not do snacks for HOME meets. Hand out schedule/ budget/volunteer needs/expectations

29 Away Meets Participation at an AWAY meet is dependant on several factors. Some meets are open – meaning we can have as many entries in an event as we have athletes (aka – lots of heats to run). If the meet title has “Invitational” in it, we are limited to the number of entries we can have. Other meets, like FSU, UF or UNF have minimum standard requirements for participation. The schedule has been designed to provide a variety of opportunities for maximizing competition. We are part of the East Coast JV league. The coaches will let the athletes know their status for meets, usually by the Monday’s practice. MONDAY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PRACTICE DAY!!!

30 Away Meets When your athlete does attends a meet, she/he should always have with him/her: Backpack with complete uniform(s) and footwear Change of clothes for changes in weather conditions Sunscreen Personal snacks/spending money for concessions Water Homework A plastic trash bag Some snacks and Gatorade will be provided, but we will need volunteers to help pack the snacks the night before. Please advise us of any allergies.

31 Green & Gold Meet Friday, February 1st 5p.m. – 9:30p.m.-ish.
Team members are divided into 2 groups for friendly competition. Admission to this event is FREE. Afterwards, the athletes will enjoy an Italian potluck meal provided by their loving parents. A Sign-up Genius notification will go out along with a recap of this meeting. 2529&owner= &successpage=w.create7 Parents can drop off their potluck donations at the concession stand when they arrive. We will need a handful of parent volunteers on this night. 

32 Let’s have a great year in Track & Field!
Go Panthers!

33 Fees $125 Individual Player Fee (IPF) $ 75 Athletic Fee
Make checks payable to “GPBC Track & Field”

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