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You guys have made it through more than 250 years of American history!

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2 You guys have made it through more than 250 years of American history!

3 Let’s review what we have studied!

4 A Quick Review of U.S. History:

5 1607: Jamestown, VA - First English settlement - Out of 900, 60 survived the first winter

6 1617: Tobacco planted - cash crop - plantation system develops - indentured servants

7 1619: First slaves arrive - replace indentured servants - racial caste system develops

8 1620: Pilgrims land at Plymouth, MA
- Mayflower Compact - Education important: Harvard established 1636

9 Salem Witch Trial 1630: Puritans immigrate to New England
- Religious freedom for themselves, not others Salem Witch Trial

10 Census Year Population 1630 4,600 1650 50,400 1670 111,900 1690
: Period of Colonial Growth - Economic and Social Development of Colonies - Population Growth - Conflict with Native Americans Census Year Population 1630 4,600 1650 50,400 1670 111,900 1690 210,400 1700 250,900 1720 466,200 1740 905,600 1750 1,170,800 1770 2,148,100

11 1763: Proclamation of 1763 - First British attempt to limit colonies - England tired of fighting Native Americans on behalf of colonists

12 1776: Declaration of Independence
- Official break from England

13 1776 - 1783: American Revolution
- War to uphold Declaration of Independence

14 1781 - 1789: Articles of Confederation
- First U.S. Government - Failure

15 1787: Constitution Written
- Fixed problems of Articles of Confederation - Established our current government

16 1803: Louisiana Purchase - Doubled the size of the U.S.

17 : Period of Expansion : War of 1812 - “2nd Revolution” - Capitol burned - Battle of New Orleans fought two weeks after peace treaty : Sectionalism Over Slavery - North/South in conflict over the expansion of slavery - Will new states/territories be free or slave? : Mexican-American War - Conflict over Texas

18 : Civil War - War between North and South - Issues include economics, states’ rights, social system - Ultimately, war is about slavery

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