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Social Studies Quarter 2
Culture & population Social Studies Quarter 2
Culture, what is it? Culture: A group of peoples ideas, beliefs, customs and overall way of doing things. These customs have developed into a learned pattern of social behavior. Culture is LEARNED -Based on where you live -Your religion -Your family and their traditions It is collective human behavior. It is not one persons way of life, it is a groups.
What makes up culture? Culture is made up of 4 main components:
1. Language (how I speak) 2. Cognition (how I think) 3. Behavior (how I act) 4. Materials (what I own) Everyone is part of a culture. It shapes how we see the world, ourselves, and others.
Language shapes culture
Core of culture Language Different cultures have different symbols that are easily recognizable. Symbol- anything that represents something else. It can be either a material object (a flag) or a non-material element (a sound or gesture). carry shared meanings among people and they can be used to produce loyalty or hostility. As members of a culture, we are constantly bombarded with symbols:
My views are shaped by Culture
Cognition- Our ideas, knowledge, beliefs and values help to shape our culture. Values are general abstract moral principles that define: Right Vs. Wrong Good vs. Evil We use values to evaluate our own and other people’s views or actions. Values often come in pairs of both positive and negative terms: -We value equality and dislike inequality -We value loyalty and dislike treachery -We value freedom and dislike oppression
Culture tells us how to behave
Society tells us how to behave. Norms are rules or guidelines specifying what is expected from us in different situations. Norms and Values go hand in hand. The value of ____ implies the norm that____. For example -The value of kindness implies the norm that you should treat others as you would want to be treated. Think normal- what is a normal social expectation?
My materials reflect my culture
Cultural artifacts -physical things created by humans that are symbolic of a specific culture. - Flowers - Art work - Clothing - Prizes won in grueling challenges Artifacts can be recovered from archaeological sites or newer more modern objects. Archaeology- This is the study of the past by examining artifacts and ancient ruins.
Whose culture is being identified in the following images???:
writing Architecture/ religion Art Art/mythology clothing food What elements of culture do we see in these images?
Whose culture is identified in these images?
Make a T chart: Can See V. Can’t See Facial expressions Religious beliefs Foods Eating habits Paintings Concept of self Work ethic Styles of dress Literature Concept of fairness Childraising beliefs CULTURE IS LIKE AN ICEBERG? YOU CAN SEE YOU CAN’T SEE
Culture shapes who we are
WHO ARE YOU???? Who we are has a lot to do with the culture we associate with. Our family traditions, religious beliefs, expectations, etc. all help to define who we are. Everything that you have grown up around helps to influence who you are. The way people view themselves and their beliefs is known as cultural relativism!
1. How does my culture shape me?
EXIT SLIP: ANSWER #1-3 ON A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. (TO BE COLLECTED LATER) Everyone has a culture. It shapes how we see the world, ourselves, and others. 1. How does my culture shape me? 2. How does culture shape the way we see ourselves, others, and the world? 3. Why is it important to understand culture?
Tell me about your Culture
Answer in complete sentences What holidays do you celebrate, and how do you celebrate them? (Two sentences for each major holiday mentioned) What languages do you speak? How would you describe the clothes you wear? What do you read? What do you listen to? What do you watch? What symbols exist in your culture and what do they mean? (At Least three) How would you describe yourself honestly and positively? (at least five)
Culture & the world Culture is present all over the world. Wherever people are present, there is also culture. Culture can change over time due to the movement of ideas, knowledge and products. Cultural Diffusion is the exchanging of ideas from one culture to another. -Wearing jeans was a custom brought to the U.S. from a different country. Cultural Assimilation- Taking elements of one’s culture and making it your own (absorbing into a new culture) based on shared ideas
Cultural Landscape Cultural Landscape -specific geographic area based on the culture that is present there. When physical landscapes (bodies of land, landforms, etc.) merge with culture (forms, artifacts, traditions) Humans have used and adapted natural resources over time. -Through agriculture -Ranching - Mining -Settlements Cultural Landscape provides a sense of place and identity by mapping out our relationship with the land over time.
Activity Define “cultural landscape” Study the photograph to the left.
1. Describe 2 natural features 2. Describe 3 cultural features 3. Why doe the image represent cultural landscape?
Globalization Globalization: process by which the world is becoming interconnected through trade and cultural exchange. Globalization has been influenced by: 1. Improvements in transportation (larger cargo ships, quicker travel time) 2. Freedom of Trade (WTO is an organization that helps free trade between countries) 3. Improvements in Communication (the internet) 4. Labor Availability (Lower labor cost. Ex: outsourcing jobs to different countries).
Pro’s & con’s of Globalization
New Jobs & Skills for local people. Spending money increases a countries economic standing. Leads to better infrastructure & schooling People can experience different lifestyles and cultures. Sharing of ideas, food, products Increased awareness of worldwide events Natural disasters Increased awareness of global issues (affect the entire world) Deforestation and Global Warming Cons: Occurs (mostly) in the wealthiest of countries. Dominate world trade No guarantee that investments will benefit the local community. Large company gets money, surrounds may not Larger companies may cause damage to: Pollution and Low Wages/ Bad Work Environment Jobs may be outsourced (sent away) to other countries that are cheaper. Work sent to cheaper countries Many view Globalization as a threat to the world's cultural diversity.
Migration Migration: to move from one country or place to live or work in another Examples: Birds flying south Moving from Mexico to the U.S. Older people moving south
Push/ Pull factors Push Factors: The force or reason that acts to drive people away from a location. Pull Factors: The reason(s) a person is drawn them to a new location.
What might Push? What might pull?
Refugee: People who leave their home to move to another location due to war, persecution, or damage caused by a natural disaster. Push Factors: The loss of a job Feeling unsafe (ex: there is a war) A natural disaster (ex: hurricane) caused damage Pull Factors: A job opening and better opportunities Freedom (ex: people from other countries move to the U.S.) and Safety Currently, people are fleeing Syria due to war. Read the following article and determine what the pull factors were that led to this mass exodus.
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