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Reducing teenage pregnancies and their negative effects in the UK Gerard Lemos Lemos&Crane 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Reducing teenage pregnancies and their negative effects in the UK Gerard Lemos Lemos&Crane 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reducing teenage pregnancies and their negative effects in the UK Gerard Lemos Lemos&Crane

2 Changing social attitudes
More sex Sexually transmitted infections More partners Termination Younger Family planning Contraception 2

3 Negative consequences
Health Housing Baby wellbeing Education & employment 3

4 Lack of alternative aspirations
Attractions Parents as role models Lack of alternative aspirations Boyfriends/ fathers Peer influences 4

5 Causes Risky behaviour Family and background Education 5

6 International comparison
Liberal values ‘Sexualised’ societies Structural inequality and the absence of aspirations Prevention and relationship education Cash incentives for positive parenting 6

7 Circle of support Extended family Jobs Benefits Schools Childcare
Healthcare Youth service 7

8 Priorities Relationship education in primary schools Young fathers
Extended family mediation and support, including Supporting People funds Positive cash incentives for parenting and child development 8

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