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GOOD SHEPHERD’S Profoundly Practical Counseling Principles

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1 GOOD SHEPHERD’S Profoundly Practical Counseling Principles
PSALM 23 “The LORD is my Shepherd … I shall not want (or That’s ALL I want) He leads me beside quiet waters He restores my soul (Greek = psyche) …” ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

2 The BIG Questions of Life, Relationships, & Fulfilment
ORIGINS - Where’d it/we come from? PURPOSE - Why are we here? SUFFERING - Human & Animal? DEATH - Eternity & Existence? ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

3 Everyone seems to agree (every religion, philosophy, & person) that “LOVE” is what we & the world need! But what KIND of “love”? I love ice cream? I love my dog? I love my children? ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

4 World’s Way is to draw from others to feel loved and secure.
Desire to GET Desire to GET for Self for Self “There’s a way that seems right to a man, but it ends in death.” ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

5 Even if the other person won’t draw from God, YOU can still be filled.
Christ’s Way is to draw from God’s love and give the overflow to others Choose to give Love Choose to give Love Even if the other person won’t draw from God, YOU can still be filled. ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

6 World’s Way vs. Good Shepherd’s Way
Creator Creator World’s RELIGIONS “Good” Works are not enough Romans 3:23; 6:23 Christ’s RESCUE His Perfect Work for the World – John 3:16 ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

7 Christ’s WAY (A.B.C.’s) for J.O.Y.
Countenance = Feelings The face of CHRIST or self. Behaviors = Actions Our walk (stoichea) is a symptom. Attitude of J.O.Y. = Beliefs Jesus 1st, Others 2nd, Yourself Last The Question: Who do you love & serve? Self or Others Fruit of His Spirit or of your Flesh ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

Good Shepherd’s Way World’s Way Spiritual VS. Physical Social Social Physical Spiritual Strong & Stable to Withstand Life’s Storms Unstable Easily Falls over ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

9 Solving “People-Problems” (for God’s honor & the benefit of others)
People - Socialization in relationships Purpose - Teaching right and wrong Problem - Conviction of dysfunction * 3-Dimensions (Symptoms, Temptations, Causes) Plan - Correction /new direction Practice - Training new habits ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

10 People Problems in 3-D 1. Symptoms (fruit) Gal 5:16-25; Jam 1:13ff
Fruit of Holy Spirit or the Flesh Joy/Depression, peace/anxiety ... 2. Temptations (influences) Your spouse, kids, PMS, etc.... Providential Pressures, NOT excuses 3. Causes (roots) Holy Spirit or Flesh (John 15) Body, Toys, Esteem (1 John 2:16) Painful Pursuit of Pleasure (James 1:1-18; 4:1-9) ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

11 Seeking to FULFILL the DESIRES of SELF
Unsaved: SELF-directed Life * Christ is outside – Self is Boss Seeking to FULFILL the DESIRES of SELF GET Esteem S GET Power GET Pleasure GET Toys ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

12 Seeking to FULFILL the DESIRES of SELF
Saved: yet SELF-directed Life * Christ is INSIDE but NOT as LORD GET Esteem AGAIN Seeking to FULFILL the DESIRES of SELF S GET Power GET Pleasure GET Toys ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

13 Self submits to Christ LAW of Love seeking to
Saved: CHRIST-directed Life * CHRIST is INSIDE as LORD of LOVE GIVE Esteem to others Self submits to Christ LAW of Love seeking to FULFILL the real NEEDS of OTHERS GIVE Power to others RESCUE others Self PROTECT others ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

14 CROSS-LIFE “SPIRIT-FILLED” = Full-Filled as a life Filled-Full & Overflowing with Good Shepherd’s Agape-Love Christ ruling & living HIS unselfish, Self-Giving, Self-sacrificing LOVE, even for enemies! John 7:37-39; Rom 5:5-8 ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

15 Rank, Role, & Responsibilities
SERVANT-LEADER: (Good Shepherd) Jesus the Good Shepherd (John 10) Commanded to love and to L.E.A.D. Gen 1:26-31; Gen. 2:15; Matt 20:20-28 Serve & Protect as Parents, Police, etc. SUPPORTIVE-FOLLOWER: Jesus to his mother (Luke 2) Jesus to his Heavenly Father (John 17) Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.DIV.

16 © L.E.A.D. to restoration & maturity in Christ’s Character
Four Dimensions of Family Discipleship Loving (John 13:34-35; 15:1-13) Equipping (Eph 4:11-13) Accountability (Mat 18:15-20) Discipline (1 Cor 5:9-13) ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

17 Parenting: Blessing or Burden?
L.E.A.D. as a Parent (God’s Way – Eph 6:4) Show Them ( You model Christ’s Character) Know Them (Build personal intimacy) Grow Them (Train beyond mere teaching) ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

18 Train Up Child don’t just Teach (Seven Principles that flow one to another)
1. Rules - Gen 1-2; Gal 3:24 (Law = Tutor) 2. Consequences - Gen 2; Gal 6:7 3. Command - Gen 1-2; Pro 6:23 4. Apply - Gen 3; Rom 6:23 5. Overcome - Gen 3; Pro 19:19 6. Praise/Bless - Gen 1-3:Rom 12:21; Eph 4:29 7. Rest/Trust God - Gen 2; Heb 4:9-10; 12:1-12 ® Good Shepherd Initiative © Sid Galloway BS, M.Div.

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