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Who or what are you interdependent with?

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Presentation on theme: "Who or what are you interdependent with?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who or what are you interdependent with?
Do Now! Who or what are you interdependent with?

2 Key question / Learning outcomes
Section B: The living world Who is interdependent in the rainforest? Key idea Specification content Tropical rainforest ecosystems have a range of distinctive characteristics. The interdependence of climate, water, soils, plants, animals and people LEARNING OUTCOME… Explain how rainforest species are interdependent. Explain the challenges that threaten interdependence. Analyse challenges and suggest possible solutions.

3 You will be given the role of a species living in a TRF.
New Information Think back to when we first learned about components of ecosystems. You will be given the role of a species living in a TRF. Your task is to figure out your role in the ecosystem and how you are interdependent with other species

4 Fill out your rainforest role sheet
Activity Good Fill out your rainforest role sheet Better Best Challenge: What could possibly threaten your way of life and your interdependent relationships in the rainforest

5 Put on your name tag and make a circle around the room.
Activity Put on your name tag and make a circle around the room.

6 Activity RULES If your species is a CONSUMER or DECOMPOSER, you may pass to anyone even if they have already had the wool. If your species is a PRODUCER, you may only pass to someone who has NOT had the wool. HOLD ON TO THE WOOL BEFORE YOU PASS THE BALL ON! When you get the wool you will have to say who you are interdependent with and explain the relationship.

7 Reflection Reflection THE SITUATION
You live in a section of rainforest owned by a small village. The village knows that they can make more money from ranching cattle than from selling the crops from the forest. In order to make the ranch they have to clear cut the section of forest that you live in. Good: Describe how the change in environment affects you in your role (same role as the activity earlier). Better: Explain how the change in environment affects the rainforest as a whole. Best: The impact on the rainforest is worth it for the benefit to the village. How far do you agree with this. Explain. If the forest that I live in was clear cut then I would be affected because… (insert what would happen to you/your home) Along with the immediate effects on my life, this change would affect the entire rainforest because… I (agree/disagree) with this statement because… However, I can see how others would (agree/disagree) because…

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