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Presentation on theme: "«UKRAINIAN STATE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR CARBOCHEMISTRY (UKHIN)»"— Presentation transcript:

Founded 1930 SE «UKHIN» State Enterprise «UKRAINIAN STATE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR CARBOCHEMISTRY (UKHIN)» ___________________________________________ 61023, Kharkiv, st. Vesnina, 7 tel.: ( ) , fax: ) ; Kharkiv, 2018

2 General information “UKHIN” was founded on July 4, 1930.
Now the total number of employees is one hundred and thirty-three, among them there are eighty-three scholars, including 26 doctors and candidates of sciences. Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (Prof. Y.T.Kovalev) and Honored Worker of Industry of Ukraine (Ph.D., I.D.Drozdnik) work in the Institute Since 1932 in State Enterprise “UKHIN” there has been postgraduate study, and since 1976 the Specialized Academic Council for the awarding scientific degree of the doctor and the candidate of technical sciences has been in operation, and since 2015 the doctorate school has been opened, and since 1993 the professional journal "Coal Chemistry" has been published. The Institute is certified according to the standard ISO 9001: 2015. According to the Order of the State Committee of Ukraine on Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy No. 93 dated March 14, 2011, State Enterprise “UKHIN” carries out the functions of the secretariat of the Technical Committee for Standardization 12 "Cox" (TK 12), the scope of which (objects of standardization) are products (solid fuels) and chemical products of coking (including liquid fuel and road construction materials).

3 Founded 1930 MAJOR RESEARCH AREA the study of solid fuels for the purpose of their use in various fields; enrichment of coal; coke production; production of carbon materials; coal gasification; obtaining of chemical products on the basis of refining of combustible fossils; control and analytical studies of coke and other types of coal processing; working out of technological processes in experimental industrial and industrial conditions. assessment of the impact on the environment, protection of natural resources, atmosphere, water objects and soils from pollution; development of documents substantiating emission volumes, waste generation.

4 The structure of the institute
The structure of the State Enterprise "UKHIN" includes the following scientific and technological subdivisions: coal department; coke department; chemical department; department of Analytical Studies, Standardization, Metrology and Ecology. scientific and technical department On the basis of scientific subdivisions there are: Accredited Research Center "Hartsis" (Kharkiv research and certification centre); Technical Committee for Standardization - TC-12 "Cox“

5 COAL DEPARTMENT Investigation of genetic and technological coal properties and alternative fuel. The research of coal is carried out on modern testing equipment in accordance with all international methods, the research includes: Technical analysis; Petrographic analysis; Plastometric indices; Elemental warehouse; Heat of burning; Hardgrom Hardiness (HGI); Free Swing Index (FSI); Coagulation on the method of Horn (RI); Chemical composition of ash; Dilatometric indicators for Odibur-Arnus; Gizeler fluidity; Gray King Cohesiveness; Oxidation of coal; Maximum moisture content.

6 State Enterprise “UKHIN” data bank on the properties of foreign coal includes 237 names as well as 13 countries США – the USA Россия – Russia Австралия – Australia Канада – Canada Польша – Poland Казахстан – Kazakhstan Прочие ( Индонезия, Чехия, Абхазия, Мозамбик, Колумбия, Монголия) – Others (Indonesia, Czech Republic, Abkhazia, Mozambique, Colombia, Mongolia)

7 State Enterprise “UKHIN” data bank on the properties of foreign coal includes 237 names as well as 13 countries and is constantly updated. Foreign coal has been studied. The USA ГЖ – 10 углей, Ж – 42, КЖ – 3, К – 24, КО – 7, ОС – 9 Russia ДГ/Г – 2/17, ГЖО – 9, ГЖ – 18, Ж – 12, К – 7,КО – 4, КС – 7, ОС – 9 Australia Ж – 2, КЖ – 4, К – 13, ОС – 11 Canada Ж – 4, К – 3, КО – 1 Poland К – 4 Kazakhstan КЖ – 1, К – 2 Others Г – 1, Ж – 2, К – 3, КО – 1

8 Furnace charge for coke production
Preparation of coal charges for coking The preparation of coal batches for coking is carried out in accordance with the Client’s requirements which are imposed on the quality of coke. The development of warehouses of charges includes the recommended brand and component warehouses and check their laboratory coking. SE "UKHIN" develops batches and provides scientific support for coking to produce coke of different levels quality and type of consumption: Furnace charge for coke production Blast high quality Blast average quality Casting Kharkiv КZ Metinvest Holding Ltd. АМКР (stamping) АКХZ ZКХZ DКХZ МК «Azovstal»

9 Development of schemes for preparing coal for coking
Preparation of coal for coking is an important technological operation that affects the quality of coke and the energy costs of coal mines. SE "UKHIN" developed optimal charts for the preparation of coal, depending on their petrographic composition and technological properties. They are based on the principle "Do not split anything superfluous". This principle involves the removal of small classes (3-0 mm or 6-0 mm) before crushing and their additive to the crushed part of the charge. This allows you to save from 10 to 25% of electricity to the crushing operation and increase the inter-repair mileage of crushing aggregates. The choice of the scheme of preparation and the size of the drop-out of the class is determined on the basis of the study of coal, which is part of the charge. The determination of the chemical potential of coal In the process of coking, in addition to the main product - coke, important products such as coal tar, benzene, coke oven gas, etc. are obtained. The output of these products determines the chemical potential of coking coal. The Institute has a method for determining the output of chemical coking products.

10 SE «UKHIN» conducts research of alternative types of fuel.
such as: charcoal, peat, coal-wood briquettes, agricultural waste, solid household waste, as well as pellets and briquettes based on these materials and their compounds. SE «UKHIN» carries out training of specialists of enterprises from the most complicated methods- petrography, plastometry, etc.

11 Founded 1930 Coke department The development of the principles of creating a rational coking technology - adjusting the temperature regime when changing the conditions of coking (composition and properties of the charge, the conditions of its preparation and the specified period of coking. - reduction of coking rates to a level not exceeding 27 mm / h; - directional influence on the physical and chemical processes of thermal destruction to obtain the required quality coke, as well as the issuance of technological tasks for the design of coke oven batteries (new construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment).

12 Founded 1930 SE «UKHIN» carries out the determination of the pressure burst which occurs during coking In order to prevent the destruction of coke ovens, the Institute developed a method for assessing the pressure of the disintegration of coal tar. The design calculation of the spaces of existing coke ovens for durability and stability is made for a pressure of 7 kPa For coal mixtures, the burst pressure value is NOT an additive. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically monitor this indicator for charges and its components. Also, the following techniques are used to assess the quality of coke: - Reactive ability of SRI and after reactive strength of the SS according to DSTU 4703: 2006 (ISO 18894: 2006); including carrying out works on interlaboratory reproducibility in accordance with DSTU EN ISO / IEC 17043: 2014 and the production of standard samples. - Pitomy electric resistance according to DSTU GOST 4668: Development of an improved method. Density and porosity of coke according to DSTU 7668 to: 2015. Coke burning by method GIAP .

13 Energy efficiency Guidance papers
Founded 1930 Energy efficiency The development of technically justified standards for coke oven gas consumption for heating furnaces and other technological needs, as well as energy resources of all types, raw materials and materials. Guidance papers Methodology for drawing up a carbon balance for the processing of coal charges into final products due to the need to implement the EU Directive EU 2003/87 on emission reductions.

14 Interlaboratory control of determing the quality indices of coal, coke and chemical coking products
SE “UKHIN” is the Coordinator of the interlaboratory control of the determination of the quality indices of coal, coke and chemical products of coking in the laboratories of enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex (metallurgical and coal enterprises), as well as enterprises of other industries: Coordinator SE«UKHIN» Coal enterprises FE "Svyato-Varvarinskaya" ChL "DTEK" ChL "Gosuglepostvoda" Metallurgical enterprises AKXZ ZAPORIZHKOKS DKHZ YUZHOKOKS DMZ MK "AZOVSTAL" MK "AMKR" Ukrgrafit Other industries Pridneprovskaya TPP Inkolabservice Celite factory Ar Cs Inspectorate Ukraine

-- primary cooling of coke oven gas; - defending and disinfecting resin, - capturing benzene hydrocarbons; - ammonium sulfate production; - purification of gas from hydrogen sulfide; - processing of hydrogen sulfide gas; - rectification of resin and crude benzene; - obtaining a pitch of coal product; - circulating water supply; - decrease in the intensity of equipment corrosion; - recommendations for replacement of metal equipment with foreign analogues;

16 CHEMICAL DEPARTMENT The improvement of capturing of chemical products of coking -obtaining resin with the content of normative moisture (≤ 4%) in a limited fleet of tanks without capital investments: by selecting effective demulsifier; -the development of a dehumidification scheme and participation in the development of tricanters for reducing moisture ≤ 2% and ash ≤ 0,08-0,1; the development of models - "advisers" for operational adjustment of the technological process; -the development of distillation scheme of crude benzene; -recommendations for choosing a cap for a benzene scrubber; -determination of oil absorption capacity; -determination of catalyst activity of the working solution of arsenic-soda sulfur purification.

17 Conditioning of recycled water
Founded 1930 CHEMICAL DEPARTMENT Conditioning of recycled water - treatment with inhibitory and anticorrosive compositions - development of filtration systems - replacement of part of the technical water with biochemically purified

18 Department of analytical research, standardization, metrology and ecology
1. In compliance with the requirements of the EU directives, “UKHIN” conducts work on international standardization within the largest international standardization organization in the world - ISO within the Technical Committee ISO / TC 27. 2. To control and distribute the products in full compliance with the legislation of Ukraine, the following works are carried out: - development and testing of national standards (DSTU) for coke production, classification, sampling rules and quality control methods. - development and verification of technical specifications for coke production; - development of toxicological and hygienic passports for coke-chemical products; - security passports.

19 Department of analytical research, standardization, metrology and ecology
1. Methods for controlling technological processes, concentrations of pollutants in the air of the working zone, sewage and technological waters, atmospheric air, industrial emissions, soils. Validation of methods is carried out with the establishment of their metrological characteristics. 2. Development of standard samples that are necessary to control the correctness of the measurements. 3. SE"UKHIN" as a metrological service of the enterprises' associations in the field of coke production produces a confirmation of competence about the measuring capabilities of laboratories.


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