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2 Phylum Chordata Contains ALL fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals ALL chordates have a notochord; - a flexible rod that supports a chordates back (all embryonic, some retain, some change)

3 CHARACTERISTICS Cold blooded Paired Fins Gills, Scales
EVOLUTION OF FISHES Agnathans – jawless, 1st vertebrae, round mouth for sucking or filter feeding Jaws (from gill arches) & Paired fins improved swimming and feeding Cartilage Skeletons (Sharks, Rays, Skates – still considered vertebrates) Bony Skeletons (Modern Fish)

Everything you can imagine – carnivores (“big teeth”), herbivores (pharyngeal bone – small “teeth” on jaw, omnivores (random), detritivores (mouth on bottom), parasitic (“suckers”) Respiration Hard bony flap covering the gills - operculum Air breathers Obligate – must breathe air or will die (African Lungfish) Facultative – whatever is convenient (some Catfish) Usually found in tropical waters – because… Circulation Closed Circulatory System, Single Loop Atrium --Ventricle -- Gills -- Body -- Back to Atrium


6 Osmoregulation – balance of water levels in body
- Salt water fish tend to lose water & gain salt - Fresh water fish tend to gain water & lose salt - Homeostasis maintained by the kidneys Brain Responses - Cerebrum - thinking, voluntary activities - Cerebellum - coordination - Medulla Oblongata - functions of internal organs - Lateral Line System - senses vibrations Movement - Very muscular – make great swimmers and good food - Swim Bladder - buoyancy

7 Reproduction Ovoviviparous (eggs stay in mom)
Oviparous (lays eggs) Ovoviviparous (eggs stay in mom) Viviparous (babies get nourishment from mom. Ex. Humans, cats, some fish)

8 Classes of Fish Class Myxini: “Jawless Fish”
EX: hagfish and lampreys Class Chondreichthyes: “Cartilaginous fish” EX: sharks, rays, chimaeras Class Osteichthyes: “Bony Fish”

9 Class Myxini Hagfish and Lampreys
Slow enough metabolism that they can eat once every 6 months! They are scavengers (eat dead organisms) Tie themselves into a knot to A) clean themselves, B) escape prey, C) pull on food Hagfish Lamprey’s oral disk Lamprey Hagfish knot

10 Class: Chondrichthyes
Means “Cartilage fish” Skeleton composed entirely of cartilage – still considered a vertebrate Contains ALL sharks, stingrays, skates, and chimaeras Characteristics: jaws, paired fins, skin covered w/ placoid scales (armor) Denticles: teeth-like scales, feels like sandpaper

11 2 Subclasses Elasmobranchs: Sharks and rays
Holocephalans: chimaeras (ratfish) Whale shark World’s Largest Fish Sandtiger Tiger Manta Ray Blue Spotted Stingray Chimaera

12 Class Osteichthyes Means “bony fish” About 25,000 spp. of bony fish
Characteristics: swim bladder, bony scales, and fin rays 2 sub-classes of fish Sarcopterygii: Lobefin fish Actinopterygii: Ray-finned fish

13 Sub-class: Sarcopterygii
Lobefin Fish; have round fleshy-lobes EX: Coelacanth and Lungfish Coelacanth: is over 400 million years old Thought to be extinct; found in 1938 Lungfish: Lives in Africa & South America Facultative air breathers Lungfish gave rise to land vertebrates Can live out of water for short time periods Coelacanth Lungfish

14 Sub-class: Actinopterygii
Ray-finned fish; most numerous group Fusiform body shape: stream-lined allows fish to move through watch w/ great efficiency Scale types Ganoid: Thick bony scales that don’t overlap Cycloid: Thin, smooth overlapping scales Ctenoid: Thin, spiny overlapping scales Perch Lookdown



17 Fins ___________: on the top of fish used for stability
_________: tail fin used for locomotion & stability ____________: bottom of fish used for stability ___________: used for steering (anterior) ____________: used for steering (posterior)

18 Functions Bony fish are Oviparious: (reproduce by laying eggs)
Air Bladder: gas-filled sac used to maintain buoyancy Fish have a closed cardiovascular system Lateral line system: canals on the side of the fish used to detect movement in the water

19 Coloration *Chromatophore: specialized cells that contain pigments
Countershading Iridophore *Chromatophore: specialized cells that contain pigments *Iridophore: crystals that produces a mirror-like silver color *Countershading: camouflage where top of fish is dark, and bottom of fish is light, used to blend into the ocean

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