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The past present and the future

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1 The past present and the future
Y gorffennol, presennol a’r dyfodol The past present and the future Y PRESENNOL….. The Present…..

2 The Present: what do we need to consider?
Y Presennol: beth sydd rhaid ystyried? The Present: what do we need to consider? Yr “Agenda Trawsnewid” Llwybrau Cyllid Cyfeiriad Polisi Proffil Demograffig Bwrwch ‘mlaen!!! The “Transformation Agenda” Funding Paths Policy Direction Demographic Profile Just get on with it!!!

3 The Transformation Agenda
Yr Agenda Trawsnewid The Transformation Agenda Yr Adolygiad Webb 2007 Argymhelliad 129 Cyllido addysg drwy’r consortia, un mecanwaith cyllido i bawb Argymhelliad 80 ac 81: Ad-drefnu Sefydliadau Addysg Bellach o fewn 2 flynedd er mwyn sicrhau bod dim un sefydliad annibynnol yn cael trosiant o llai na £15m A fewn 5 mlynedd, sicrhau bod gan pob Consortiwm un FEI gan proses uno neu ffederasiwn, pob un ohonynt yn cael trosiant sylweddol mwy na £15m The Webb Review 2007 Recommendation 129 Fund all learning through consortia via a single funding mechanism Recommendation 80 and 81: Within 2 years, reconfigure Further Education Institutions to ensure that no stand-alone institution has a turnover of below £15m Within 5 years, ensure that each Consortium has a single FEI by process of merger or federation, each of which has a turnover of substantially more than £15m

4 Further Education Colleges in Wales 2009
Colegau Addysg Bellach yng Nghymru 2009 Further Education Colleges in Wales 2009 Coleg Glannau Dyfrdwy Coleg Iâl Welsh College of Horticulture Coleg Llysfasi Coleg Menai Coleg Llandrillo Coleg Meirion Dwyfor Coleg Ceredigion Coleg Sir Gâr Coleg Sir Benfro Coleg Gorseinon Coleg Abertawe Coleg Castell-nedd Port Talbot Coleg Powys Coleg y Bari Coleg Glan Hafren Coleg Gwent Coleg Pen y Bont Coleg Ystrad Mynach Coleg Morgannwg Coleg Merthyr Coleg Harlech Coleg Cymunedol WEA YMCA Coleg Catholig Dewi Sant Deeside College Yale College Welsh College of Horticulture Coleg Llysfasi Coleg Menai Coleg Llandrillo Coleg Meirion Dwyfor Coleg Ceredigion Coleg Sir Gâr Pembrokeshire College Gorseinon College Swansea College Neath Port Talbot College Coleg Powys Barry College Coleg Glan Hafren Coleg Gwent Bridgend College Ystrad Mynach College Coleg Morgannwg Merthyr College Coleg Harlech WEA YMCA Community College St David’s Catholic Sixth Form College

5 Further Education Colleges in Wales (post 2015)
Colegau Addysg Bellach yng Nghymru (ol-2015) Further Education Colleges in Wales (post 2015) Coleg Gwent Coleg Caerdydd a’r Fro Coleg y Cymoedd Coleg Pen y Bont Grwp NPTC Coleg Gwyr Abertawe Coleg Sir Benfro Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Coleg Cambria Addysg Oedolion Cymru UWTSD (Coleg Sir Gar) USW (Y Coleg Merthyr Tydfil) Coleg Gwent Cardiff and Vale College Coleg y Cymoedd Bridgend College NPTC Group of Colleges Gower College Swansea Pembrokeshire College Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Coleg Cambria Adult Learning Wales UWTSD (Coleg Sir Gar) USW (Merthyr College) Position in England: Local Area Reviews Institutions which are financially viable, sustainable, resilient and efficient, and deliver maximum value for public investment. An offer which meets each area’s education and economic needs Providers will strong reputation and greater specializations. 1st August mergers the biggest ever

6 Funding paths: Core revenue funding allocations to the FE sector
Llwybrau cyllid: Dyraniadau refeniw cyllid craidd i’r sector AB Funding paths: Core revenue funding allocations to the FE sector The Welsh Government reduced overall grant funding for the sector by 13% in real terms between 2011/12 and 2016/17, with core funding for full-time provision increasing by 2.9% but with funding for part-time provision and for specific programmes and initiatives decreasing significantly 1.2 Welsh Government grants are the main source of funding for colleges, accounting for over two-thirds of the sector’s income. Welsh Government revenue grant funding has reduced from £303 million in 2011/12 to £281 million in 2016/17, a decline of £22 million, or 7% in cash terms and 13% in real terms. 1.3 The Welsh Government provides grant funding mainly through a general revenue grant - -core funding. Since 2011, core funding in cash terms increased by 0.6% but dropped in real terms by 6.1%. The Welsh Government has sought to protect full-time provision for young people in the 16 to 19 age group, and has targeted core-funding reductions on part-time provision. Most (89%) part-time learners are over 19 years of age. As a result between 2011/12 and 2016/17: • Core funding for full-time provision has risen by 2.9% in real terms; and • Funding for part-time provision has dropped by 70.8% in real terms, with the main cuts falling in 2014/15 and 2015/16 (37.5% and 50% in cash terms respectively). Part-time provision has accounted for a relatively small proportion of core funding, falling from 12% in 2011/12 to 4% in 2016/17.

7 Change in sources of income between 2011/12 and 2015/16
Newid mewn ffynonellau incwm rhwng 2011/12 a 2015/16 Change in sources of income between 2011/12 and 2015/16

8 Dysgu yn y gweithle Work Based Learning
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cynnal cyllid ar gyfer contractau dysgu yn y gweithle, gyda chyfanswm cyllid yn codi 7.5% mewn termau ariannol a 0.4% yn nhermau go iawn rhwng 2011/12 a 2016/17. Adroddodd y sector incwm net o £35 miliwn o gontractau dysgu yn y gweithle yn 2015/16 ar ôl is-gontractio £15 miliwn i ddarparwyr y tu allan i'r sector. Mae ‘Rhaglen ar gyfer Llywodraeth’ presennol yn ymrwymo i greu o leiaf 100,000 o brentisiaethau safon-uwch pob-oed yn ystod tymor presennol y Cynulliad, ac fel canlyniad efallai bydd gwariant ar ddysgu yn y gweithle yn creu cyfle ariannol. The Welsh Government has maintained funding for work-based learning contracts, with total funding rising by 7.5% in cash terms and 0.4% in real terms between 2011/12 and 2016/17. The sector reported net income of £35 million from work-based learning contracts in 2015/16 after sub- contracting £15 million to providers outside the sector. The Welsh Government’s current ‘Programme for Government’12 commits to creating at least 100,000 high-quality all-age apprenticeships over the current Assembly term, and as a result expenditure on work-based learning may provide a financial opportunity.

9 Welsh Government Policy
Polisi Llywodraeth Cymru Welsh Government Policy Ffyniant i Bawb Uchelgeisiol a’n Datblygu Budd y Cyhoedd a Chymru Ffyniannus Strategaeth ar gyfer addysg ac hyfforddiant ôl-16 yng Nghymru ‘Corff hyd y braich’ i cymryd dros cynllunio, cyllido a gwella ansawdd Tair opsiwn Cofrestriad Cytundeb Canlyniad Compact Rhanbarthol Datganoli cyfrifoldeb i'r rhanbarthau Diwygio Llywodraeth Leol: Gwydn ac Adnewyddol Prosperity for All Ambitious and Learning Public Good and Prosperous Wales Strategy for post compulsory education and training in Wales ‘Arms length body’ to assume planning, funding and quality enhancement Three options Registration Outcome Agreement Regional Compact Regionalisation Reforming Local Government: Resilient and Renewed r, the third element in my statement today focuses on the reform of our principal councils, including a new approach to systematic and mandatory regional working to ensure that they are resilient, both financially and in terms of the services they provide. I intend to proceed with proposals that would see regional working becoming, over time, the norm in many areas of local government activity. This will build on the city and growth deals and will require economic development, strategic transport and strategic land-use planning to be undertaken on these footprints. These arrangements will operate under the direction of a joint governance committee for the area, comprising elected members of the constituent local authorities. Sufficient flexibility will allow the Swansea city bay region and Growing Mid Wales areas to operate with distinctive identities, but with a requirement for them to come together to consider the coherence of their plans across the south-west region as a whole. For other services, mandated regional working, such as on education improvement, will be for regional joint governance committees to determine and to decide upon the most suitable collaborative footprint, within a statutory framework. There will also be scope for authorities to work across regions, for example, in developing the linguistic economic strategy for west Wales, as recommended by the report of the task and finish group on the Welsh language and local government. For other services, mandated regional working, such as on education improvement, will be for regional joint governance committees to determine and to decide upon the most suitable collaborative footprint, within a statutory framework. There will also be scope for authorities to work across regions, for example, in developing the linguistic economic strategy for west Wales, as recommended by the report of the task and finish group on the Welsh language and local government.” This resonates with the way in which the skills agenda has been developing for some years. Regional Learning and Skills Partnership have been established with a brief to produce Regional Employment and Skills Plans, which analyse and influence the provision of skills based on regional economic need, to support growth and key infrastructure projects in each region. The Regional Employment and Skills Plans build on and support priorities identified by Enterprise Zones, City Deal, City Regions and cross border collaborations.

10 Demograffeg: Rhifau amcanol o’r rhai 16 i 18 oed yng Nghymru, 2014 - 2026
Demographics: Projected numbers of 16 to 18 year olds in Wales,

11 Newid amcanol yn rhifau y rhai 16 i 18 oed gan awdurdod lleol, 2014-2020
Projected change in the number of 16 to 18 year olds by local authority,

12 Dysgu yn y Gweithle Work Based Learning Tendr Newydd Arfaethedig
Cymru wedi rhannu mewn i 3 rhanbarth, yn gyson gydag ardaloedd RLSP Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystyried uchafswm o 2 ddarparwr i bob rhanbarth Cyfystyr â 13 darparwr yn colli eu contractau Comisiynu? Darpariaeth gyfredol: 19 darparwr yng Nghymru Consortiwm B-wbl yn darparu £13m mewn 2 rhanbarth £8m yn Ne-orllewin Cymru £5m yn Ne-ddwyrain Cymru Proposed New Tender Wales divided into 3 regions, largely consistent with RLSP areas WG considering a maximum 2 providers per region That means 13 providers will lose their contracts Commissioning? Current provision: 19 providers in Wales B-wbl Consortium delivers £13m in 2 regions £8m in SW Wales £5m in SE Wales:

13 So what do we need to consider?
Felly beth sydd rhaid ystyried? So what do we need to consider? Cyfeiriad Polisi Cydweithio, cydweithio a chydweithio Datganoli cyfrifoldeb i'r rhanbarthau Deheurwydd Proffil Demograffeg Yn sefydlog dros 10 blynedd Rhagolygon ariannol Dibyniaethau Tendr Dysgu yn y Gweithle Policy Direction Collaborate, collaborate and collaborate Regionalisation Dexterity Demographic Profile At best stabilised over 10 years Financial Forecasts Dependencies Work Based Learning Tender

14 Y tri gofyniad The three imperatives Ansawdd Cyllid
Iechyd, diogelwch a diogelu Quality Finance Health, safety and safeguarding

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